Awakened Conscious Conversations

To Help You Grow And Discover Who You Are! If you are looking to let go of stress and develop yourself via mindfulness, meditations and inspiring conversations, then this might just be the most important podcast out there! Healing the world one episode at a time by offering realistic solutions and connecting some of the most inspirational guests on the planet.Many of our guests have overcome significant obstacles and transformed their lives, overcoming pain and setbacks. A dark night of the soul followed by a significant turning point and, hence, a changed outlook on life. Rich with deep talks and joy we offer tips on living a more conscious life. Each episode ends with a bonus recorded meditation inspired by that days show.


episode 9: How To Turn Everyday Activities Into Stress-Busting Meditations

In this week's episode, 'The Gentle Yoga Warrior' shares her top tips on how to turn everyday activities into stress-busting meditations.Meditation is a noun often shrouded in a cloak of mystery by those who misguidedly believe that meditating is just for the select few who have the time to sit under a tree all day and be one with their soul. Yet, what if you day is full to bursting, and you don’t have any time left to squeeze, what can you do?! Start by listening to this Podcast ...


 July 29, 2020  13m

episode 10: How To Cool Down This Summer Via A Breathing Meditation

In this week's episode, 'The Gentle Yoga Warrior' shares her top tips on how to cool down during summer!This refreshing breathing meditation is great for stress, anger, irritation and those times when things just get too hot to handle...


 August 12, 2020  6m

episode 11: How To Improve Your Communicate Skills For Better Understanding

In this week's episode, 'The Gentle Yoga Warrior' shares her top tips on how to communicate better!Being able to communicate our needs and being understood is something that many of us battle with from a young age. When people don’t get each other, it can lead to crossed-wires and hence arguments, leaving many of us feeling misunderstood, upset, shut down, angry and frustrated. Let's change that!Taking inspiration from my own life I think that with a little work and patienc....


 August 20, 2020  6m