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Im Juli werden 7 Gialli geguckt, ein weitgehend italienisches Subgenre des Thrillers das Anfang der 70er seinen Höhepunkt hatte. Inspiriert von Krimi und Hitchcock stehen beim Giallo Stimmung, tolle Musik und Bilder im Vordergrund. Schöne Frauen gibt’s immer, genauso wie toll in Szene gesetzte Mordsequenzen und natürlich die Frage: Wer ist eigentlich der Mörder? Der Einfluss ist weitreichend: Von John Carpenters Halloween und dem Slasher bis zu Brian De Palmas Thrillern kann man klar erkennen wo die Einflüsse herkommen. Die Regeln sind ähnlich wie beim #japanuary oder #horrorctober: Liste machen, 7 Filme gucken, drüber schreiben , twittern und podcasten. Alles unter dem Hashtag #Settegialli (Sieben Gialli)
BEE45: Ein schwarzer Tag für den Widder (The Fifth Cord, 1971) mit André Wentzel
July 30, 2019 (duration 1h11m)
Patrick und einer seiner liebsten Gäste, der ehrenwerte André Wentzel, genießen einen erstklassigen Giallo aus der der zweiten Reihe, der vor allem auf ästhetischer Ebene zu begeistern weiß.

Patrick und einer seiner liebsten Gäste, der ehrenwerte André Wentzel, genießen einen erstklassigen Giallo aus der der zweiten Reihe, der vor allem auf ästhetischer Ebene zu begeistern weiß. Zudem gibt Franco Nero vor der Kamera von Vittorio Storaro (Apocalypse Now) sein Bestes als bärbeißiger, saufender Journalist auf der Suche nach dem obligatorischen Mörder mit den schwarzen Handschuhen. Vor und nach dem sehr launigen Filmgespräch zu Ein schwarzer Tag für den Widder (Giornata nera per l'ariete AKA The Fifth Cord, 1971) von Luigi Bazzoni gibt es noch eindeutige Meinungen zu Christoph Waltz, schlechtem Schnaps und blöden Filmen von smarten Filmemachern. Folgt André bei Twitter, Letterboxd und hört ihn im Glotzcast Episoden an der Seite seines Co-Hosts Frank. Bitte unterstützt Bahnhofskino und die Bahnhofskino Extended Edition bei Patreon oder Steady. Weitere Möglichkeiten, uns zu fördern, findet ihr auf der Hilf mit!-Seite.

Ein schwarzer Tag für den Widder (Giornata nera per l’ariete / The Fifth Cord), IT 1971
July 28, 2019 (duration 58m)

Von Bazzonis GIORANTA NERA wird gerne mal behauptet, dass es ein Giallo aus der zweiten Reihe ist: klar, verhältnismäßig teuer produziert, Kamera von Vittorio Storaro, Musik von Morricone. Aber eben ein Wiedergänger von Argentos BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL PLUMAGE, ästhetisch überragend, aber ansonsten ein Epigone. Ein Filmarchiv wagt eine steile These: stimmt gar nicht, das mit der zweiten Reihe. Im Gegenteil, GIORANTA NERA gehört in die Top Ten der besten klassischen Gialli. Weil er ein ganz anderes soziales Bewusstsein als viele andere Filme der Gelben Welle hat. Weil er ungeheuer sorgfältig Räume inszeniert und sie politisch auflädt. Weil er sich nur bedingt um die Genre-typischen Set Pieces schert, und wenn sie dann kommen, dann kann sich hier niemand an ästhetisierter Gewalt aufgeilen: hier tut alles beim Zuschauen sehr, sehr weh.

Daten & Verfügbarkeit

Giornata nera per l’ariete (de.: Ein schwarzer Tag für den Widder; en.: The Fifth Cord), IT 1971, Regie: Luigi Bazzoni

Wir haben die Blu-ray von Arrow gesehen: wunderbares Remaster und Extras, an denen man sich reiben kann (weil hier auch wieder die These vertreten wird, GIORANTA NERA sei nicht bemerkenswert).


Für den Podcast wurden Soundeffekte von der Seite verwendet (Beschreibungen in Englisch):

  • Film Projector Countdown.flac by qubodup, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution, the original file was edited (shortend) and is part of a mix of several sound layers.
  • zeissIkon_4ton.mp3 by al_sub, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 Attribution, the file was not changed, but is part of a mix of several sound layers.
  • film_static_03.wav by joedeshon, licensed under Creative Commons 1.0 Universal (public domain)
  • Old Film optical track Surface Noise by JohnsonBrandEditing, licensed under Creative Commons 1.0 Universal (public domain)
  • sonVidage2.WAV by gouvradou, licensed under Creative Commons 1.0 Universal (public domain)

Thanks to all creators and the community of!

Special Thanks

Ein besonderer Dank geht an Florian Hoffmann, der unseren bescheidenen Intro-Text wie ein Ereignis hat klingen lassen. Alle unsere Versuche, ihn mit Nachbearbeitung auf unser Niveau herabzuziehen, sind zum Glück fehlgeschlagen.

Der Beitrag Episode 096: Ein schwarzer Tag für den Widder (Giornata nera per l’ariete / The Fifth Cord), IT 1971 erschien zuerst auf Ein Filmarchiv.

ET051 - Der selbe Film mit anderem Titel (Feat. Niels)
July 27, 2019 (duration 1h14m)
  • Arne (Folgt der Blutspur im Park...)
    • Arne\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s blog
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    • Arne\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Musik-Wishlist
    • Arne\\\\\\\'s Lese-Wishlist
    • Arne\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Film-Wishlist
  • Niels Owesen (Folgt Indizien im Gericht...)
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    • Niels auf Twitter
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Titelbild © by Arrow Video

Zum dritten Mal befinden wir uns im #settegialli, in der Folge widmen sich Arne und Niels von der Cinecouch zum siebten Mal im Rahmen der Reihe Basta Divano dem italienischen Genrekino vergangener Tage. Um dem Monatsmotto gerecht zu werden, wurde zunächst drüben bei der Cinecouch in Ausgabe #255 (AKA Basta Divano #6) der unerwartet logisch konstruierte WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO SOLANGE? besprochen, nun geht es hier mit Ducio Tessari’s DAS MESSER, auch bekannt als BLUTSPUR IM PARK, besser bekannt als THE BLOODSTAINED BUTTERFLY von 1971 weiter.

Schnell kommen wir zu der Erkenntnis, dass der sorgsam konstruierte Plot des vorherigen Films wohl leider eine Ausnahme darstellte, denn bereits an der Zusammenfassung des Inhalts scheitern wir kläglich und kommen nach einer ratlosen Diskussion mit einigem Gemecker zu dem Schluss, dass wir uns den reinrassigen Giallo wohl wirklich mal von Kenner_Innen erklären lassen müssen.

Direktlink – © by Arrow Video

Timecodes der Sendung

00:00:00 Willkommen zum #settegialli und Basta Divano
00:02:30 Exkurs: SUSPIRIA (2018) und Tilda Swinton
00:12:30 Wir sprechen über THE BLOODSTAINED BUTTERFLY von 1971
00:18:00 Kläglicher Versuch den wirren Plot zu erklären… (+ Exkurs: Gerichtsfilme)
00:27:00 …und rätseln an Motiven und Sinn herum
00:32:00 Wie spannend ist die Gerichtsverhandlung?
00:38:30 Die Kulissen im schönen Bergamo
00:42:00 Look und Kamera
00:48:00 Schlechter Ruf und eklige Männer des Films
00:53:00 Niels sagt auch mal was Positives (über den Anfang)…
00:57:30 …und dann wieder Negatives (über das Ende)
01:03:00 Wieso sind Giallo-Enden immer random?
01:08:00 Wir brauchen Hilfe mit diesem Genre!
01:10:00 Weitere Pläne und Bella Ciao!

Mehr Basta Divano bei Enough Talk! und Cinecouch

  • #01: Blutige Seide (Mario Bava)
  • #02: DellaMorte DellaMore (Michele Soavi)
  • #03: Die Sieben Schwarzen Noten (Lucio Fulci)
  • #04: Inferno (Dario Argento)
  • #05: Demoni (Lamberto Bava)
  • #06: Das Geheimnis der grünen Stecknadel (Massimo Dallamano)

Zeugs aus der Sendung (Partner Links):

Und über diesen Amazon-Partnerlink (*) kommt ihr zur Amazon Startseite, wo ihr alle weiteren Filme, über die im Podcast gesprochen wurde (und natürlich auch jegliches weitere Produkt, das ihr haben wollt) suchen und kaufen könnt. Ihr zahlt nicht mehr als den regulären Amazon-Preis, aber für alles was ihr in den Warenkorb packt, nachdem ihr über unseren Link auf Amazon gelandet seid, bekommen wir einen kleinen Teil des Kaufpreises zur Refinanzierung unseres Podcasts ausgeschüttet. Win/Win, oder?!

Zusätzliche Info: Natürlich trackt Amazon über Cookies wo ihr her kommt, um den Kauf zuzuweisen. Mehr dazu in unserer Datenschutzerklärung.

#109 – Settegialli 2019 – Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key (Gäste: Jochen Ecke & Knut Brockmann)
July 21, 2019 (duration 2h10m)
Der Settegialli macht Halt in einem heruntergekommenem Landhaus in Italien: Zusammen mit Jochen Ecke und Knut Brockmann besprechen wir Your Vice Is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key (1972, Il tuo vizio è una stanza chiusa e solo io ne ho la chiave), Sergio Martinos zynischsten und vielleicht auch besten Giallo. 

Mit seinen Gothic Themen, ländlichen Setting und den komplexen Figurenkonstellationen sticht Sergio Martinos vierter Giallo ordentlich raus. Gut dass wir zwei der besten Analysten der deutschen Filmpodcastszene zur Gast haben: Knut Brockmann und Jochen Ecke von Ein Filmarchiv sprechen mit René und Alexander über die nicht klar identifizierbare Hauptfigur, über die eher enttäuschend Mordszenen, eine richtig toll spielende Edwige Fenech und natürlich die Gothic Einflüsse inklusive Edgar Allen Poe’s Schwarzer Katze.

Natürlich packen wir auch die Giallo Beats aus, nach denen wir den Film Stück für Stück durchgehen:
  1. La trama e scandalo: Der Plot, der Protagonist und das Skandalöse
  2. Belle ragazze: Die Frauen
  3. Grande stile: Regie, Stil, Musik
  4. L’Assassinio: Der Mörder und die Morde
  5. Sospetto e polizia: Die Verdächtigen und die Polizei
  6. Sciocchezze! Die Italoquatsch Momente
  7. I momenti miglori: Der Bava Farbmoment und andere Highlights
Settegialli: Wir gucken sieben Gialli im Juli (gerne vier wenn die Zeit etwas knapp ist), Hashtag #settegialli

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search results

    The Homecoming
    April 30, 2024 (duration 1h22m)
    [from description] ...ce Fiction Magazine, Courtney Lucas, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompson...
    [from content:encoded] ...ce Fiction Magazine, Courtney Lucas, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompson...
    In The Hands Of The Prophets
    April 23, 2024 (duration 1h28m)
    [from description] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Courtney Lucas, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Courtney Lucas, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    April 16, 2024 (duration 1h40m)
    [from description] ...e Fiction Magazine, Courtney Lucas, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompson,...
    [from content:encoded] ...e Fiction Magazine, Courtney Lucas, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompson,...
    Dramatis Personae
    April 8, 2024 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Courtney Lucas, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Courtney Lucas, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    The Forsaken
    March 25, 2024 (duration 1h27m)
    [from description] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Courtney Lucas, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Courtney Lucas, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    If Wishes Were Horses
    March 18, 2024 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    March 11, 2024 (duration 1h11m)
    [from description] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompson, Holly Smith, ...
    [from content:encoded] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompson, Holly Smith, ...
    The Storyteller
    March 5, 2024 (duration 1h13m)
    [from description] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    Battle Lines
    February 26, 2024 (duration 1h25m)
    [from description] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    February 19, 2024 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    The Nagus
    February 12, 2024 (duration 1h20m)
    [from description] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    Move Along Home
    February 5, 2024 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    The Passenger
    January 29, 2024 (duration 1h44m)
    [from description] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    January 22, 2024 (duration 1h25m)
    [from description] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    January 15, 2024 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...Courtney Lucas,  Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    Captive Pursuit
    January 8, 2024 (duration 1h26m)
    [from description] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    December 26, 2023 (duration 1h48m)
    [from description] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    A Man Alone
    December 18, 2023 (duration 1h14m)
    [from description] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    Past Prologue
    December 11, 2023 (duration 1h21m)
    [from description] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    [from content:encoded] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Tom Paynter, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompso...
    December 4, 2023 (duration 2h28m)
    [from description] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompson, Holly Smit...
    [from content:encoded] ...nce Fiction Magazine, Matthew Gravens, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Mary Jac Greer, E & John, Deike Hoffmann, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Jenna Appleton, Lee Lisle, Sarah Thompson, Holly Smit...
    John Billingsley - Tissue of Lies
    November 27, 2023 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ... by Garrett Wang & Robert Duncan McNeill. This week’s episode is an interview with John Billingsley.For more information, or to donate to the Hollywood Food Coalition organization, visi...
    [from content:encoded] ... by Garrett Wang & Robert Duncan McNeill. This week’s episode is an interview with John Billingsley.For more information, or to donate to the Hollywood Food Coalition organization, visi...
    Kristanna Loken
    November 20, 2023 (duration 38m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Ex...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Ex...
    Mike McMahan
    November 13, 2023 (duration 39m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    PANCAN with Armin, Kitty, Frakes, Billingsley, and Juan Carlos
    November 6, 2023 (duration 43m)
    [from description] ...k’s episode is a special interview with Kitty Swink, Armin Shimerman, Jonathan Frakes, John Billingsley, and Juan Carlos Coto as they discuss their connections to pancreatic cancer and panc...
    [from content:encoded] ...k’s episode is a special interview with Kitty Swink, Armin Shimerman, Jonathan Frakes, John Billingsley, and Juan Carlos Coto as they discuss their connections to pancreatic cancer and panc...
    Jeffrey Combs
    October 30, 2023 (duration 56m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Jonathan Frakes
    October 23, 2023 (duration 40m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Armin Shimerman
    October 16, 2023 (duration 57m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Lisa Klink
    October 9, 2023 (duration 43m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Terry Farrell
    October 2, 2023 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Martha Hackett
    September 25, 2023 (duration 50m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Ethan Phillips
    September 18, 2023 (duration 57m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Tim Russ
    September 11, 2023 (duration 34m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    September 4, 2023 (duration 28m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Season 8
    August 28, 2023 (duration 45m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Looking Back
    August 21, 2023 (duration 58m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    End Game Part II
    August 14, 2023 (duration 1h19m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Endgame Part I
    August 7, 2023 (duration 1h24m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Renaissance Man
    July 31, 2023 (duration 1h28m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    July 24, 2023 (duration 1h27m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Natural Law
    July 17, 2023 (duration 1h28m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Friendship One
    July 10, 2023 (duration 1h29m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    Author Author
    July 3, 2023 (duration 2h7m)
    [from description] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    [from content:encoded] ...s, Robert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, John Espinosa, & Ariana DelbarAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co...
    June 26, 2023 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    Human Error
    June 19, 2023 (duration 1h20m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    Workforce Part II
    June 12, 2023 (duration 1h35m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    Workforce Part I
    June 5, 2023 (duration 1h24m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    The Void
    May 29, 2023 (duration 1h23m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    May 22, 2023 (duration 1h29m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    May 15, 2023 (duration 1h9m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    May 8, 2023 (duration 1h38m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    May 1, 2023 (duration 1h31m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    Flesh and Blood
    April 24, 2023 (duration 1h51m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    April 17, 2023 (duration 1h22m)
    [from description] In loving memory of John EspinosaYour light shines bright throughout the infinite cosmos.The Delta Flyers is a weekly St...
    [from content:encoded] In loving memory of John EspinosaYour light shines bright throughout the infinite cosmos.The Delta Flyers is a weekly St...
    Body and Soul
    April 10, 2023 (duration 1h15m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    Inside Man
    April 3, 2023 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    Critical Care
    March 27, 2023 (duration 1h18m)
    [from description] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    [from content:encoded] ...ert Beltran, Tim Russ, Roxann Dawson, Kate Mulgrew, Brannon Braga, Bryan Fuller, & John EspinosaAdditionally we could not make this podcast available without our Co-Executive Producers:...
    March 20, 2023 (duration 1h17m)
    [from description] ...n, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Lisl...
    [from content:encoded] ...n, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Lisl...
    March 13, 2023 (duration 1h26m)
    [from description] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    [from content:encoded] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    March 6, 2023 (duration 1h11m)
    [from description] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    [from content:encoded] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    Unimatrix Zero Part II
    February 27, 2023 (duration 1h16m)
    [from description] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    [from content:encoded] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    Unimatrix Zero Part I
    February 20, 2023 (duration 1h24m)
    [from description] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    [from content:encoded] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    The Haunting of Deck Twelve
    February 13, 2023 (duration 1h20m)
    [from description] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    [from content:encoded] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    Life Line
    February 6, 2023 (duration 1h13m)
    [from description] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    [from content:encoded] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    January 30, 2023 (duration 1h19m)
    [from description] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    [from content:encoded] ...son, Brian Barrow, Captain Jeremiah Brown, Heidi Mclellan, Rich Gross, Mary Jac Greer, John Espinosa, Deike Hoffmann, Mike Gu, Anna Post, Shannyn Bourke, Vikki Williams, Kelly Brown, Lee Li...
    Saturday Night Nr. 64-Teil 2-48 Std.S.(2)-DJ Doris,Mike u. Schochna-5.9.mittags-7.9.2014-mittags-Dauer 1 Std. 11 Min. 48 Sek.
    April 7, 2024 (duration 1h11m)
    [from content:encoded] ...1; Stay With Me 31-CAROLE KING – Hardrock Café 32-FRANKIE VALLI – Grease 33-JOHN TRAVOLTA & OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN – You’re The One That I Want 34-STATUS QUO –...
    Saturday Night Nr. 64-Teil 2-48 Std.S.(2)-DJ Doris,Mike u. Schochna-5.9.mittags-7.9.2014-mittags-Dauer 1 Std. 11 Min. 48 Sek.
    April 7, 2024 (duration 1h11m)
    [from description] ...1; Stay With Me 31-CAROLE KING – Hardrock Café 32-FRANKIE VALLI – Grease 33-JOHN TRAVOLTA & OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN – You’re The One That I Want 34-STATUS QUO –...
    [from content:encoded] ...1; Stay With Me 31-CAROLE KING – Hardrock Café 32-FRANKIE VALLI – Grease 33-JOHN TRAVOLTA & OLIVIA NEWTON-JOHN – You’re The One That I Want 34-STATUS QUO –...
    From The 55 Yard Line, Madden Surfs For Porn
    December 29, 2023 (duration 1h39m)
    [from title] From The 55 Yard Line, Madden Surfs For Porn
    [from description] ... reads in football books. Additionally, on the anniversary of his death, they talk about John Madden and Greg tells Dave how Frank Caliendo once imitated the Coach surfing the web for porn.
    From the 55 Yard Line, Madden Surfs For Porn
    December 29, 2023 (duration 1h39m)
    [from title] From the 55 Yard Line, Madden Surfs For Porn
    [from description] ... reads in football books. Additionally, on the anniversary of his death, they talk about John Madden and Greg tells Dave how Frank Caliendo once imitated the Coach surfing the web for porn.
    All Madden
    February 10, 2022 (duration 1h20m)
    [from title] All Madden
    [from description] ...30 years after his Hall of Fame coaching career, this documentary explores football icon John Madden’s extraordinary impact on America’s most popular sport, the indelible mark he made on br...
    John Madden: A Name Synonymous with Football
    January 17, 2022 (duration 43m)
    [from title] John Madden: A Name Synonymous with Football
    [from description] Madden's passion and excitement for the game was infectious. His legacy  will live forever. He ...
    In Tribute, Conversations With the Ghost of John Madden
    December 29, 2021 (duration 1h24m)
    [from title] In Tribute, Conversations With the Ghost of John Madden
    The 1976 Oakland Raiders
    October 26, 2021 (duration 45m)
    [from description] ...ers suffered some early setbacks, losing several defensive linemen to injury. Head coach John Madden found a quick solution, dropping his 4-3 scheme in favor of a 3-4. Offensively, the Raid...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ers suffered some early setbacks, losing several defensive linemen to injury. Head coach John Madden found a quick solution, dropping his 4-3 scheme in favor of a 3-4. Offensively, the Raid...
    The Story of the 1976 Oakland Raiders
    June 5, 2021 (duration 27m)
    [from description] .... No team struck quite as much fear into opposing teams on the field.  Al Davis and John Madden had a great philosophy for running their team: You can be who you are off the field as l...
    [from itunes:summary] .... No team struck quite as much fear into opposing teams on the field.  Al Davis and John Madden had a great philosophy for running their team: You can be who you are off the field as l...
    The Sea of Hands Game
    May 16, 2021 (duration 2h22m)
    [from description] ...Raiders, meanwhile, had plenty of success in that same time span under the legendary John Madden. But defeating the greatest team of the early ‘70s was quite a task. Though the Raiders were...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Raiders, meanwhile, had plenty of success in that same time span under the legendary John Madden. But defeating the greatest team of the early ‘70s was quite a task. Though the Raiders were...
    Week 13 – Lawrence Taylor
    December 5, 2023 (duration 31m)
    [from description] student, playing golf with each other, and the utmost respect Lawrence has for John Madden.
    [from content:encoded] student, playing golf with each other, and the utmost respect Lawrence has for John Madden.
    [from itunes:summary] student, playing golf with each other, and the utmost respect Lawrence has for John Madden.
    Larry Fitzgerald - Antonio Brown & Playoff push
    January 4, 2022 (duration 33m)
    [from description] ...d still can make the playoffs. Larry and Jim both pay respects to the legend John Madden. Larry had a great relationship with Madden and admired him growing up. Jim worked closely with Madd...
    [from itunes:summary] ...d still can make the playoffs. Larry and Jim both pay respects to the legend John Madden. Larry had a great relationship with Madden and admired him growing up. Jim worked closely with Madd...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...d still can make the playoffs. Larry and Jim both pay respects to the legend John Madden. Larry had a great relationship with Madden and admired him growing up. Jim worked closely with Madd...
    Tom Brady - Comeback win & Antonio Brown. Tom remembers John Madden
    January 4, 2022 (duration 30m)
    [from title] Tom Brady - Comeback win & Antonio Brown. Tom remembers John Madden
    [from description] ... such an incredible run. Tom goes down memory lane remembering the legend that was John Madden. Tom has always admired Madden long before actually meeting and getting to know him.
    [from itunes:title] Tom Brady - Comeback win & Antonio Brown. Tom remembers John Madden
    SpreadShotNews Podcast 572: Burnout Rampadise - La maldición del fantasma de John Madden Edition
    August 14, 2023 (duration 2h29m)
    [from title] SpreadShotNews Podcast 572: Burnout Rampadise - La maldición del fantasma de John Madden Edition
    [from media:title] SpreadShotNews Podcast 572: Burnout Rampadise - La maldición del fantasma de John Madden Edition
    SpreadShotNews Podcast 572: Burnout Rampadise - La maldición del fantasma de John Madden Edition
    August 14, 2023 (duration 2h29m)
    [from title] SpreadShotNews Podcast 572: Burnout Rampadise - La maldición del fantasma de John Madden Edition
    [from media:title] SpreadShotNews Podcast 572: Burnout Rampadise - La maldición del fantasma de John Madden Edition
    Very Old Animals
    August 7, 2023 (duration 36m)
    [from description] ...ed Animal.” National Geographic. October 29, 2007. “Winston’s Obscene Parrot Lives On.” BBC...
    [from content:encoded] ...ed Animal.” National Geographic. October 29, 2007. “Winston’s Obscene Parrot Lives On.” BBC...
    Sir Humphry Davy and Nitrous Oxide (Part 1)
    April 29, 2024 (duration 37m)
    00:26 Andrew Cross, John Cleves Simms, and Peter Mark Roget and 00:41 electricity to extract metals from ores, and John Cleves Sims 04:16 by his godfather, John Tonkin, who Humphrey also boarded with
    SYMHC Classics: S.S. Sultana
    April 27, 2024 (duration 21m)
    02:21 at Ford's Theater. On April twenty sixth, John Wilkes Booth, 02:36 after all of the John Wilkes Booth stuff happened, didn't 02:43 The Sultana was built at the John Lithebury Shipyard in Cincinnati, Ohio.
    Dr. Rachel Lance and 'Chamber Divers'
    April 24, 2024 (duration 1h0m)
    29:35 Haldane's father, John Scott Haldane, which is how JBS kind
    Bradley Martin Ball
    April 22, 2024 (duration 35m)
    13:00 Brownick was to be attired as George Washington. Missus John
    Behind the Scenes Minis: Piggy Banks and Ruby Slippers
    April 19, 2024 (duration 19m)
    05:34 One of my other notes is about John Shakespeare. Okay, 05:37 just because every time I have ever encountered John Shakespeare, 05:51 For it to be John and Joan also cracks me
    Unearthed! in Spring 2024, Part 2
    April 17, 2024 (duration 43m)
    11:22 have belonged to William Shakespeare's father John. It's a translation 11:43 John Shakespeare died. The only other J. Shakespeare it could 37:52 John Martin, who pleaded guilty to stealing the slippers, news
    SYMHC Classics: Croquet History
    April 13, 2024 (duration 27m)
    20:17 it is not especially physically demanding. Caricaturist John Leech made
    Vinnie Ream, Part 1
    April 1, 2024 (duration 40m)
    09:15 John Wilkes Booth, and while Vinnie Reim described reeling from 09:44 House Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, John H. Rice, 12:40 a landslide. California Senator John Conness had agreed to introduce
    Henry Martyn Robert’s Rules of Order
    March 27, 2024 (duration 42m)
    12:47 first lieutenant and assigned to work under Major John G. 29:35 colleague John M. Wilson were the same age, with birthdays 20:14 also got a copy of the Congressional Manual and John M.
    SYMHC Classics: James G. Fair
    March 23, 2024 (duration 31m)
    05:51 with John W. McKay. His work at Hale and Norcross 16:37 he led another Nevada Senator, John P. Jones, take the
    From EA to Midway: Mortal Kombat, Madden & More With Michael Rubinelli
    August 4, 2023 (duration 1h31m)
    [from title] From EA to Midway: Mortal Kombat, Madden & More With Michael Rubinelli
    [from itunes:title] From EA to Midway: Mortal Kombat, Madden & More With Michael Rubinelli
    [from description] THQ, Midway Games, and Capcom, working on classics like Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, the John Madden series and GTA III.  Wave Game Studios: Please visit ...
    EA Sports Games with Happy Keller - The Retro Hour EP353
    November 18, 2022 (duration 1h22m)
    [from description] We go inside the world of classics like Skate or Die, John Madden Football and PGA Tour Golf with former EA game director, Happy Keller. Back The Retro H...
    [from itunes:summary] We go inside the world of classics like Skate or Die, John Madden Football and PGA Tour Golf with former EA game director, Happy Keller.
    Best of: Back to the Future - The rise and fall of John DeLorean
    July 23, 2023 (duration 24m)
    [from description] John DeLorean was an eccentric but brilliant engineer and inventor. His DeLorean car gained iconic s...
    [from content:encoded] John DeLorean was an eccentric but brilliant engineer and inventor. His DeLorean car gained iconic s...
    Back to the Future: The rise and fall of John DeLorean
    March 19, 2023 (duration 24m)
    [from description] John DeLorean was an eccentric but brilliant engineer who decided to manufacture a futuristic sports...
    [from content:encoded] John DeLorean was an eccentric but brilliant engineer who decided to manufacture a futuristic sports...
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