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    Freie Themenwahl - mit Malte Völz
    April 25, 2024 (duration 1h53m)
    [from description] Freie Themenwahl hieß es heute mal wieder im Blue Moon. Was beschäftigt euch? Wofür wollt ihr Werbung machen? Welches Thema hat mehr Au...
    [from HREF]
    Abschweifen - mit Claudia Kamieth
    April 23, 2024 (duration 2h0m)
    [from description] Von A wie Außerirdische bis Z wie Zweite Chance. Im Blue Moon mit Claudia Kamieth war wieder Zeit zum Abschweifen. Claudi wollte mit euch darüber s...
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    Bücher, Mangas, Comics und Hörbücher - mit Mik & Kostas Kind
    April 22, 2024 (duration 1h50m)
    [from description] Unser (Hör)Bücher-, Manga- und Comic-Blue Moon ging in die zweite Runde! Was habt ihr in letzter Zeit gelesen, was euch voll begeistert o...
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    Die größten drei Probleme in meinem Leben sind... - mit Ingmar Stadelmann
    April 17, 2024 (duration 1h59m)
    [from description] ...rei Probleme oder Herausforderungen, die sein Leben bestimmen. Ingmar Stadelmann wollte im Blue Moon wissen: Welche sind es bei euch? Unser Podcast-Tipp:
    [from HREF]
    Die größten drei Probleme in meinem Leben sind... - mit Ingmar Stadelmann
    April 17, 2024 (duration 1h59m)
    [from description] ...rei Probleme oder Herausforderungen, die sein Leben bestimmen. Ingmar Stadelmann wollte im Blue Moon wissen: Welche sind es bei euch? Unser Podcast-Tipp:
    [from HREF]
    Freie Themenwahl - mit Malte Völz
    April 11, 2024 (duration 1h25m)
    [from description] Freie Themenwahl im Blue Moon. Malte Völz wollte von euch wissen: Was beschäftigt euch? Wofür wollt ihr W...
    [from HREF]
    Was ist euch schon unterwegs passiert? - mit Claudia Kamieth
    April 9, 2024 (duration 2h1m)
    [from description] war? Musste das Flugzeug mal notlanden, in dem ihr saßt? Erzählt es heute im Blue Moon, unter: 0331 70 97 110. Ab 22 Uhr im Radio auf YouFM und Fritz und heute auch im rbb Fernsehen.
    [from HREF]
    Körperbehaarung - mit Meret Reh
    April 5, 2024 (duration 1h53m)
    [from description] ...einflussen unsere Vorstellungen davon, was attraktiv ist - und was nicht. Für diesen Blue Moon hat sich Meret Reh die Autorin Franziska Setare Koohestani eingeladen, die das Buch "Hairy...
    [from HREF]
    Euer Cashflow - mit Raya Petke
    April 3, 2024 (duration 1h43m)
    [from description] Para, Flouz oder einfach: Geld. Darum ging's im heutigen Blue Moon. Raya Petke wollte von euch wissen: Wie steht's mit euren Finanzen? Seid ihr zufrieden...
    [from HREF]
    Eure Themen - mit Claudia Kamieth
    March 26, 2024 (duration 2h1m)
    [from description] Normalerweise bringt Claudia Kamieth das Thema für den Blue Moon mit. Für die Sendung hatte sie euch gefragt, was ihr spannend zum Talken finden w...
    [from HREF]
    Musical Blue Moon - mit Mik & Kostas Kind
    February 26, 2024 (duration 1h47m)
    [from title] Musical Blue Moon - mit Mik & Kostas Kind
    [from HREF]
    Musical Blue Moon - mit Mik & Kostas Kind
    February 26, 2024 (duration 1h47m)
    [from title] Musical Blue Moon - mit Mik & Kostas Kind
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    Film-Blue Moon - mit Anna Wollner & Selin Güngör
    February 23, 2024 (duration 1h46m)
    [from title] Film-Blue Moon - mit Anna Wollner & Selin Güngör
    [from HREF]
    Wie datet ihr? - mit Meret Reh
    February 14, 2024 (duration 1h40m)
    [from description] ...ten fernab von Monogamie und Heteronormativität? Meret Reh möchte heute Abend im Blue Moon von euch wissen: Wie verlieben wir uns heute? Dafür hat sie auch mit der Comic-Zeichn...
    [from HREF]
    Freie Themenwahl - mit Claudia Kamieth
    February 13, 2024 (duration 2h0m)
    [from description] ...chtet ihr? Was macht euch glücklich? Welche Gedanken schwirren euch im Kopf herum? Im Blue Moon könnt ihr heute über alles reden, was euch auf der Seele brennt, denn es ist Zei...
    [from HREF]
    Games-Blue Moon - mit Bene Wenck und Daniel Hirsch
    February 1, 2024 (duration 1h46m)
    [from title] Games-Blue Moon - mit Bene Wenck und Daniel Hirsch
    [from description] ...en - oder wovon weniger? Lasst uns gemeinsam einen Gaming-Wunschzettel schreiben! Im Games Blue Moon mit Daniel Hirsch und Bene Wenck.
    [from HREF]
    Zeitreisen - mit Claudia Kamieth
    January 30, 2024 (duration 2h0m)
    [from description] Wir gehen im Blue Moon heute auf Zeitreise. Claudia Kamieth möchte von euch wissen: Welchen Tag in der Verga...
    [from HREF]
    Freie Themenwahl - mit Malte Völz
    January 16, 2024 (duration 1h58m)
    [from description] Heute hat der Blue Moon ein Update bekommen! Malte Völz war nicht nur auf Fritz und YouFM im Radio drinne zu ...
    [from HREF]
    Musik-Blue Moon - mit Jan Katona
    January 12, 2024 (duration 1h24m)
    [from title] Musik-Blue Moon - mit Jan Katona
    [from description] Findet ihr auch, dass es mal wieder Zeit wird für einen Musik-Blue Moon? Wir auch! Also lasst die Leitungen glühen und klingelt durch mit euren Musikwün...
    [from HREF]
    Liebe - mit Claudia Kamieth
    January 10, 2024 (duration 1h54m)
    [from description] Im Blue Moon mit Claudia Kamieth geht es heute um die Liebe in allen Facetten: glückliche Liebe, t...
    [from HREF]
    Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024 - mit Jan Katona
    December 29, 2023 (duration 1h41m)
    [from description] Kommt rum, kommt ran – zum letzten Blue Moon im Jahr 2023. Was ging bei euch ab dieses Jahr? Erfolge, Niederlagen, spannende Erlebnisse...
    [from HREF]
    Seid ihr in Weihnachtsstimmung? - mit Christoph Schrag
    December 22, 2023 (duration 49m)
    [from description] Im letzten Blue Moon vor Weihnachten will Christoph Schrag wissen: Wie geht's euch mit Blick auf die kommen...
    [from HREF]
    Themenroulette mit Ingmar Stadelmann
    December 19, 2023 (duration 1h57m)
    [from description] ... persönlich werden, politisch, lustig oder ernst. Probiert es aus, heute ab 22 Uhr im Blue Moon unter 0331 70 97 110 oder über die StudioMessage in der FritzApp.
    [from HREF]
    Einfach schnacken - mit Malte Völz
    December 14, 2023 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] ... vielleicht zu einer Silvesterparty einladen? Dann habt ihr die Möglichkeit dazu, Iim Blue Moon mit Malte - in seiner letzten Sendung des Jahres - einfach 'ne Runde schnacken.
    [from HREF]
    Weihnachtszeit – over- oder underrated? - mit Jan Katona
    December 6, 2023 (duration 1h56m)
    [from description] ...euch kuschelig, packt die Plätzchen raus oder werft sie aus dem Fenster - im heutigen Blue Moon klärt Jan Katona, ob der Weihnachtsmann, seine Rentiere und Elfen auf eurer Gäst...
    [from HREF]
    Zeit - mit Meret Reh
    December 1, 2023 (duration 1h56m)
    [from description] Und schon wieder ein Jahr fast vorbei! Im Blue Moon spricht Meret Reh mit euch heute über das Gefühl, dass die Zeit scheinbar nie au...
    [from HREF]
    Film-Blue Moon - mit Anna Wollner & Selin Güngör
    November 24, 2023 (duration 1h21m)
    [from title] Film-Blue Moon - mit Anna Wollner & Selin Güngör
    [from HREF]
    Eure Berliner Party Storys - mit Malte Völz
    November 23, 2023 (duration 1h20m)
    [from description] It's Party Time im Blue Moon! Ihr konntet uns eure Storys aus dem Berliner Party-Life erzählen. Mit uns meinen wir...
    [from HREF]
    Was findet ihr richtig scheiße? - mit Malte Völz
    November 9, 2023 (duration 1h26m)
    [from description] Heute könnt ihr euch richtig auskotzen im Blue Moon. Was findet ihr richtig scheiße? Erzählt es Malte Völz und einem Gast, der ...
    [from HREF]
    Eure Wochen-Highlights - mit Raya Petke
    November 3, 2023 (duration 1h38m)
    [from description] ...infach der entspannte Abend im Jogger auf dem Sofa? Ruft an und erzählt Raya Petke im Blue Moon, was euch diese Woche glücklich gemacht hat.
    [from HREF]
    Film-Blue Moon - mit Anna Wollner und Jan Katona
    October 27, 2023 (duration 1h43m)
    [from title] Film-Blue Moon - mit Anna Wollner und Jan Katona
    [from HREF]
    Eure Beichten - mit Malte Völz
    October 26, 2023 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] Ihr könnt heute im Blue Moon beichten! Habt ihr mal als Teenie geklaut? Heimlich mit dem Bruder der besten Freundin was...
    [from HREF]
    Väter und Mütter - mit Claudia Kamieth
    October 18, 2023 (duration 1h59m)
    [from description] ...abt ihr zu eurem Vater den Kontakt abgebrochen? Ruft an, ab 22 Uhr unter 0331 70 97 110 im Blue Moon.
    [from HREF]
    Abschweifen - mit Malte Völz und Kevin Kühnert
    October 12, 2023 (duration 1h45m)
    [from description] Heute schaut Kevin Kühnert im Blue Moon vorbei und kann euch erklären, wie Politik funktioniert. Wolltet ihr schon immer mal ...
    [from HREF]
    Hamas-Überfall auf Israel - Eure Gedanken zum Krieg - mit Bruno Dietel
    October 9, 2023 (duration 1h45m)
    [from description] ...s aber auch zivile Opfer - mehr als 600 bisher nach Angaben der Hamas. Wir klären im "Blue Moon", warum dieser Angriff Israel so überrascht hat und wir hatten den jungen jüdisc...
    [from HREF]
    Games Blue Moon - mit Daniel Hirsch und Bene Wenck
    September 28, 2023 (duration 1h37m)
    [from title] Games Blue Moon - mit Daniel Hirsch und Bene Wenck
    [from description] ...gangen sind? Erzählt es uns, Daniel Hirsch und Fritz-Gamechecker Bene Wenck, im Games Blue Moon!
    [from HREF]
    Ask me anything about Fritz - mit Selin Güngör und Tom Kölm
    September 14, 2023 (duration 1h52m)
    [from description] Beim "Ask me anything about Fritz"-Blue Moon sind heute Selin Güngör und Tom Kölm im Studio und beantworten eure Fragen ...
    [from HREF]
    Lebensberatung - mit Malte Völz und Thilo Mischke
    September 7, 2023 (duration 1h33m)
    [from description] ...chen Alltagsprobleme, die nun wirklich niemand braucht! Deshalb öffnet heute Abend im Blue Moon die Lebensberatung Völz & Mischke. Ruft an und lasst euch von Blue Moon-Moderator...
    [from HREF]
    Kinderkriegen - yay or nay? - mit Meret Reh
    September 1, 2023 (duration 1h42m)
    [from description] Großfamilie, bewusst kinderlos oder unfruchtbar: Im Blue Moon möchte Meret Reh heute Abend mit euch übers Kinderkriegen sprechen. Wollt ihr Ki...
    [from HREF]
    Eure Festivalstorys - mit Malte Völz und Alle Farben
    August 31, 2023 (duration 1h23m)
    [from description] Der Festivalsommer ist fast vorbei. Aber nur fast. Heute sprechen wir im Blue Moon über eure besten Festivalstorys ever! Freunde verloren, Auto im Schlamm versunken ode...
    [from HREF]
    Persönliche Grenzen - mit Helena Sigal und Daniel Claus
    August 24, 2023 (duration 1h39m)
    [from description] Helena geht heute an eine Grenze. Oder vielleicht auch nicht? In diesem Blue Moon sprechen Helena und Daniel darüber, wann sie zum letzten Mal an ihre Grenzen gegangen...
    [from HREF]
    Spiele-Blue Moon - mit Claudia Kamieth
    August 18, 2023 (duration 1h49m)
    [from title] Spiele-Blue Moon - mit Claudia Kamieth
    [from description] Lasst uns spielen! Es ist Freitag und passend dazu, will Claudia Kamieth mit euch einen Spiele-Blue-Moon-Abend verbringen. Ruft an und schlagt sie im "Wer-bin-Ich?" oder in einer abgewandelten Va...
    [from HREF]
    Bringt mich zum Lachen! - mit Malte Völz
    August 17, 2023 (duration 1h13m)
    [from description] ...hen gebracht werden möchte! So wird es heute (hoffentlich) endlich auch mal lustig im Blue Moon. Habt ihr gute Gags, lustige Geschichten, worüber ihr euch bis heute totlachen kö...
    [from HREF]
    Romantik-Blue Moon - mit Julian Heun
    August 14, 2023 (duration 1h37m)
    [from title] Romantik-Blue Moon - mit Julian Heun
    [from description] ...te Pommes, denn Romantik ist Ansichtssache. Freut euch auf einen hoffnungslos romantischen Blue Moon-Podcast voller herzenslieber Feelgoodstories.
    [from HREF]
    Die Fritz Aftershow-Show Party - mit Jan Katona
    August 4, 2023 (duration 41m)
    [from description] Von KRAFTKLUB live aus der Wuhlheide geht's direkt rüber zur Blue Moon Aftershow-Show Party. Wie ihr dabei sein könnt? Einfach anrufen, die Schlange skippen...
    [from HREF]
    Dein bestes Party-Erlebnis - mit Malte Völz
    August 3, 2023 (duration 1h11m)
    [from description] Malte Völz sucht heute Abend ab 22 Uhr im Blue Moon euer bestes Party Erlebnis. Mit dem Taxi nach Paris gefahren? Im Suff aus Versehen der ode...
    [from HREF]
    Was würdet ihr gern rückgängig machen? - mit Daniel Claus
    July 28, 2023 (duration 1h22m)
    [from description] ...nstellungen von euch denkt ihr heute noch nach? Darüber will Daniel Claus mit euch im Blue Moon diskutieren.
    [from HREF]
    Wir meckern über Games - mit Daniel Hirsch und Bene Wenck
    July 27, 2023 (duration 1h44m)
    [from description] ...sten Spielereihe? Erzählt es Daniel Hirsch und Fritz-Gamechecker Bene Wenck im Games Blue Moon: 0331 70 97 110
    [from HREF]
    Freie Themenwahl - mit Claudia Kamieth
    July 19, 2023 (duration 2h0m)
    [from description] Es ist Tradition: Jeden dritten Mittwoch im Monat bestimmt ihr, worum es im Blue Moon geht, denn heute ist freie Themenwahl. Wir können über den Vorschlag reden, auch...
    [from HREF]
    Eure WG-Storys - mit Malte Völz
    June 29, 2023 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] In den WGs dieser Welt passieren die lustigsten Dinge! Deshalb geht es genau darum heute im Blue Moon. Malte Völz will von euch wissen: Was war euer bestes WG-Erlebnis? Und: Wer musste di...
    [from HREF]
    Entweder Oder mit Ingmar Stadelmann
    June 28, 2023 (duration 1h56m)
    [from description] ...n bis ernst. Von banal bis politisch. Alles dabei in der großen Entweder Oder Show im Blue Moon.
    [from HREF]
    Entweder Oder - mit Ingmar Stadelmann
    June 27, 2023 (duration 1h57m)
    [from description] ...n bis ernst. Von banal bis politisch. Alles dabei in der großen Entweder Oder Show im Blue Moon.
    [from HREF]
    Film Blue Moon: Eure High- und Lowlights - mit Anna Wollner und Selin Güngör
    June 23, 2023 (duration 1h46m)
    [from title] Film Blue Moon: Eure High- und Lowlights - mit Anna Wollner und Selin Güngör
    [from HREF]
    Games Blue Moon: Sind Videospiele zu groß? - mit Bene Wenck und Daniel Hirsch
    June 22, 2023 (duration 1h36m)
    [from title] Games Blue Moon: Sind Videospiele zu groß? - mit Bene Wenck und Daniel Hirsch
    [from description] ...n Videospiel? Erzählt es Daniel Hirsch und Fritz-Gamechecker Bene Wenck heute m Games Blue Moon!
    [from HREF]
    Freie Themenwahl - mit Claudia Kamieth
    June 21, 2023 (duration 1h58m)
    [from description] ...#252;ber Rammstein, das Titanic-Tauchboot, Serienempfehlungen oder euren Liebeskummer - im Blue Moon könnt ihr heute alles ansprechen und mit Claudia Kamieth drüber reden.
    [from HREF]
    Woher kommt die Wut? - mit Ingmar Stadelmann
    June 13, 2023 (duration 1h58m)
    [from description] ...auf Inflation, wütend auf Miete… Worauf seid ihr wütend? Lasst Dampf ab im Blue Moon. Aber lasst uns konstruktiv bleiben! Woher kommt deine Wut und was können wir dagegen tun?
    [from HREF]
    Eure FritzFragen an unsere FritzChef:innen - mit Bruno Dietel, Tom Kölm und Selin Güngör
    June 12, 2023 (duration 1h49m)
    [from description] ...rennen euch unter den Nägeln? Hier konntet ihr sie loswerden. Die Antworten gab es im Blue Moon. Und zwar von unseren FritzChef:innen höchstpersönlich: Selin Güngör u...
    [from HREF]
    China-Blue Moon - mit Tom Kölm und Peking-Korrespondent Benjamin Eyssel
    June 8, 2023 (duration 1h39m)
    [from title] China-Blue Moon - mit Tom Kölm und Peking-Korrespondent Benjamin Eyssel
    [from HREF]
    Welchen Tag würdet ihr gerne noch mal erleben? - mit Claudia Kamieth
    May 31, 2023 (duration 1h58m)
    [from description] ...;hl einzutauchen oder um etwas zu verändern? Das möchte Claudia Kamieth heute im Blue Moon von euch erfahren.
    [from HREF]
    Eure Vorbilder - mit Daniel Claus
    May 29, 2023 (duration 1h25m)
    [from description] Wer war als Kind euer Vorbild, wer ist es heute? Daniel Claus möchte heute im Blue Moon wissen, wer eure Vorbilder sind und was euch an ihnen beeindruckt. Sind das Menschen aus e...
    [from HREF]
    Eure Vorbilder - mit Daniel Claus
    May 29, 2023 (duration 1h25m)
    [from description] Wer war als Kind euer Vorbild, wer ist es heute? Daniel Claus möchte heute im Blue Moon wissen, wer eure Vorbilder sind und was euch an ihnen beeindruckt. Sind das Menschen aus e...
    [from HREF]
    Film-Blue Moon - mit Anna Wollner und Selin Güngör
    May 26, 2023 (duration 1h39m)
    [from title] Film-Blue Moon - mit Anna Wollner und Selin Güngör
    [from HREF]
    Eure Promi Storys - mit Malte Völz
    May 25, 2023 (duration 1h24m)
    [from description] ...estimmt auch schon mal eine Begegnung mit einem Promi? Und genau darum geht's heute im Blue Moon: Ein bisschen Fame abstauben. Was habt ihr mal mit einem Promi erlebt?
    [from HREF]
    Beziehungen - mit Claudia Kamieth
    May 24, 2023 (duration 1h59m)
    [from description] Um eure Beziehungen kreist heute der Blue Moon. Claudia Kamieth hat vier Fragen mitgebracht, zu denen sie eure Meinung hören will. I...
    [from HREF]
    Vampire la Mascarade : Blue Moon s01e05
    April 26, 2024 (duration 2h0m)
    [from title] Vampire la Mascarade : Blue Moon s01e05
    [from comments]
    Vampire la Mascarade : Blue Moon s01e04
    March 11, 2024 (duration 1h34m)
    [from title] Vampire la Mascarade : Blue Moon s01e04
    [from comments]
    Vampire la Mascarade : Blue Moon s01e03
    February 12, 2024 (duration 1h39m)
    [from title] Vampire la Mascarade : Blue Moon s01e03
    [from comments]
    Vampire la Mascarade : Blue Moon s01e02
    February 2, 2024 (duration 1h59m)
    [from title] Vampire la Mascarade : Blue Moon s01e02
    [from comments]
    Vampire la Mascarade : Blue Moon s01e01
    December 22, 2023 (duration 2h10m)
    [from title] Vampire la Mascarade : Blue Moon s01e01
    [from comments]
    Ep. 771 - Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver
    April 23, 2024 (duration 2h7m)
    [from title] Ep. 771 - Rebel Moon - Part Two: The Scargiver
    [from description] ...w us on Twitter @thefilmcastpod. Credits: Our theme song is by Varsity Blue, the newest project byTim McEwan from The Midnight. This episode was edited by Noah Ross who also created our week...
    Ep. 765 - The Promised Land
    March 12, 2024 (duration 1h31m)
    [from description] ...lso, follow us on Twitter @thefilmcastpod. Credits: Our theme song is by Varsity Blue, the newest project byTim McEwan from The Midnight. This episode was edited by Noah Ross who also create...
    Ep. 756 - The Top 10 Films of 2023
    January 9, 2024 (duration 1h47m)
    [from description] ...n Twitter @thefilmcastpod. Credits: Our theme song is by Varsity Blue, the newest project byTim McEwan from The Midnight. This episode was edited by Noah Ross who also created our weekly plu...
    Ep. 755 - Rebel Moon: Part One - A Child of Fire
    January 2, 2024 (duration 2h3m)
    [from title] Ep. 755 - Rebel Moon: Part One - A Child of Fire
    [from description] ...ollow us on Twitter @thefilmcastpod. Credits: Our theme song is by Varsity Blue, the newest project byTim McEwan from The Midnight. This episode was edited by Noah Ross who also created our ...
    Ep. 745 - Killers of the Flower Moon
    October 24, 2023 (duration 1h49m)
    [from title] Ep. 745 - Killers of the Flower Moon
    [from description] ..., follow us on Twitter @thefilmcastpod. Credits: Our theme song is by Varsity Blue, the newest project byTim McEwan from The Midnight. Our weekly plugs and spoiler bumper music comes from No...
    Ep. 710 - Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania
    February 22, 2023 (duration 1h47m)
    [from description] ...lso, follow us on Twitter @thefilmcastpod. Credits: Our theme song is by Varsity Blue, the newest project by Tim McEwan from The Midnight. Our weekly plugs music comes from Noah Ross. Our s...
    Ep. 669 - Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (GUEST: Dan Gvozden from The Amazing Spider-Talk)
    May 10, 2022 (duration 2h18m)
    [from description], follow us on Twitter @thefilmcastpod. Credits: Our theme song is by Varsity Blue, the newest project by Tim McEwan from The Midnight. Our Slashfilmcourt music comes from Ou...
    Ep. 665 - Everything Everywhere All at Once (GUEST: Walter Chaw from Film Freak Central)
    April 12, 2022 (duration 2h4m)
    [from description] ...low us on Twitter @thefilmcastpod. Credits: Our theme song is by Varsity Blue, the newest project by Tim McEwan from The Midnight. Our Slashfilmcourt music comes from Our wee...
    Ep. 663 - The Lost City (GUEST: Caroline Siede from Role Calling)
    March 29, 2022 (duration 1h44m)
    [from description] ...w us on Twitter @thefilmcastpod. Credits: Our theme song is by Varsity Blue, the newest project by Tim McEwan from The Midnight. Our Slashfilmcourt music comes from Our weekl...
    MAGA is morphing beyond a political identity into a sexual fetish
    April 22, 2024 (duration 1h1m)
    [from description] ...hat it's because her Husband is the son of the jet blue founder not because they make a ton of money on their little farm project.Many Mormon social media influencers clearly do not live Morm...
    214: IWC Neuheiten 2024 & Interview mit Christian Knoop
    April 21, 2024 (duration 1h46m)
    [from description] ... der Folge:  - Neue IWC Portugieser Automatic 40 und 42 in Obsidian Black, Horizon Blue, Dune und Silver Moon - Neue IWC Portugieser Chronograph - Neue IWC Portugieser Perpetual Calendar - Ne...
    [from itunes:summary] ... der Folge:  - Neue IWC Portugieser Automatic 40 und 42 in Obsidian Black, Horizon Blue, Dune und Silver Moon - Neue IWC Portugieser Chronograph - Neue IWC Portugieser Perpetual Calendar - Ne...
    Bandana Blues #1046 - Blues With Horns Vol. 5
    April 20, 2024 (duration 1h35m)
    [from description] Show #1046 Blues With Horns Vol. 5 01. Deanna Bogart - Collarbone (4:32) (Just A Wish Away, Blind Pig Records, ...
    [from content:encoded] Show #1046 Blues With Horns Vol. 5 01. Deanna Bogart - Collarbone (4:32) (Just A Wish Away, Blind Pig Records, ...
    Bandana Blues #1045 - Wrapped In Plastic
    April 15, 2024 (duration 1h35m)
    [from description] Show #1045 Wrapped In Plastic 01. Bernard Allison - Bad Love (5:23) (Luther's Blues, Ruf Records, 2024) 02. Sean Riley & The Water - Jump The Line (4:30) (Stone Cold Hands, Pugna...
    [from content:encoded] Show #1045 Wrapped In Plastic 01. Bernard Allison - Bad Love (5:23) (Luther's Blues, Ruf Records, 2024) 02. Sean Riley & The Water - Jump The Line (4:30) (Stone Cold Hands, Pugna...
    Bandana Blues #1042 - Still Got The Digital Blues
    March 16, 2024 (duration 1h34m)
    [from description] Show #1042 Still Got The Digital Blues 01. Buddy Guy - Damn Right I Got The Blues (6:25) (Live At Legends, RCA Records, 2012) 02. Bob...
    [from content:encoded] Show #1042 Still Got The Digital Blues 01. Buddy Guy - Damn Right I Got The Blues (6:25) (Live At Legends, RCA Records, 2012) 02. Bob...
    Bandana Blues #1040 - The Cork
    March 3, 2024 (duration 1h39m)
    [from description] Show #1040 The Cork An episode dedicated to the loyal friends of Bandana Blues who keep the labor of love afloat. 01. JW Jones - Thank You (3:58) (Belmont Boulevard, Blind P...
    [from content:encoded] Show #1040 The Cork An episode dedicated to the loyal friends of Bandana Blues who keep the labor of love afloat. 01. JW Jones - Thank You (3:58) (Belmont Boulevard, Blind P...
    Bandana Blues #1037 - Sad & Blues
    February 10, 2024 (duration 1h39m)
    [from description] Show #1037 Sad & Blues 01. Jimmy Dawkins - Sad And Blues (4:55) (Fast Fingers, Delmark Records, 1969) 02. Lone Star M...
    [from content:encoded] Show #1037 Sad & Blues 01. Jimmy Dawkins - Sad And Blues (4:55) (Fast Fingers, Delmark Records, 1969) 02. Lone Star M...
    Bandana Blues #1034 - Deranged Economics
    January 21, 2024 (duration 1h39m)
    [from description] 01. Bernard Allison - Move From The Hood (6:13) (Luther's Blues, Ruf Records, 2024) 02. Mitch Ryder - Red Scar Eyes (5:07) (The Roof Is On Fire, Ruf Records, ...
    [from content:encoded] 01. Bernard Allison - Move From The Hood (6:13) (Luther's Blues, Ruf Records, 2024) 02. Mitch Ryder - Red Scar Eyes (5:07) (The Roof Is On Fire, Ruf Records, ...
    Bandana Blues #1009 - Leisure Pleasure
    July 29, 2023 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] Show #1009 Leisure Pleasure 01. Watermelon Slim - He Went to Paris (3:53) (Ringers, Northern Blues Records, 2010) 02. Chris Daniels & the Kings - Azur-Te (Paris Blues) (3:16) (Louie Louie, Moon...
    [from content:encoded] Show #1009 Leisure Pleasure 01. Watermelon Slim - He Went to Paris (3:53) (Ringers, Northern Blues Records, 2010) 02. Chris Daniels & the Kings - Azur-Te (Paris Blues) (3:16) (Louie Louie, Moon...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Show #1009 Leisure Pleasure 01. Watermelon Slim - He Went to Paris (3:53) (Ringers, Northern Blues Records, 2010) 02. Chris Daniels & the Kings - Azur-Te (Paris Blues) (3:16) (Louie Louie, Moon...
    Bandana Blues #1002 - All Pretty Damn Good
    June 10, 2023 (duration 1h36m)
    [from description] ...02. Lil' Jimmy Reed with Ben Levin - Back To Baton Rouge (3:04) (Back To Baton Rouge, Nola Blue Records, 2023) 03. Pat McDougall - Holding Back The Tears (5:59) (In The Key Of Sorry, self-rel...
    [from content:encoded] ...02. Lil' Jimmy Reed with Ben Levin - Back To Baton Rouge (3:04) (Back To Baton Rouge, Nola Blue Records, 2023) 03. Pat McDougall - Holding Back The Tears (5:59) (In The Key Of Sorry, self-rel...
    Bandana Blues #1001 - Is Going On
    June 3, 2023 (duration 1h39m)
    [from description] Show #1001 Bandana Blues Is Going On 01. Nic Andrea & the Verdict - Fist To The Sky (4:25) (A Night At The Wrecking Yar...
    [from content:encoded] Show #1001 Bandana Blues Is Going On 01. Nic Andrea & the Verdict - Fist To The Sky (4:25) (A Night At The Wrecking Yar...
    Bandana Blues #999 - Number Nine Nine Nine
    May 20, 2023 (duration 1h37m)
    [from description] ...a Records, 2023) 02. Wily Bo Walker & E D Brayshaw - Live With Me (8:09) (Letters From The Blue Moon Motel, Mescal Canyon Records, 2023) 03. Jeff Pitchell - Playing With My Friends (4:44) (Pl...
    [from content:encoded] ...a Records, 2023) 02. Wily Bo Walker & E D Brayshaw - Live With Me (8:09) (Letters From The Blue Moon Motel, Mescal Canyon Records, 2023) 03. Jeff Pitchell - Playing With My Friends (4:44) (Pl...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...a Records, 2023) 02. Wily Bo Walker & E D Brayshaw - Live With Me (8:09) (Letters From The Blue Moon Motel, Mescal Canyon Records, 2023)...
    Bandana Blues #973 - Turkey Day Blues
    November 21, 2022 (duration 1h33m)
    [from description] Show #973 Turkey Day Blues 01. Willie Kent - Check It Out (5:03) (Ain't It Nice, Delmark Records, 1991) 02. Joe Zaklan - ...
    [from content:encoded] Show #973 Turkey Day Blues 01. Willie Kent - Check It Out (5:03) (Ain't It Nice, Delmark Records, 1991) 02. Joe Zaklan - ...
    Bandana Blues #967 - The Originals
    October 10, 2022 (duration 2h1m)
    [from description] ...ay Charles - Hard Times (No One Knows Better Than I) [1955] (2:55) (The Genius Sings The Blues, Atlantic Records, 1961) 03a. Ray Charles - Mess Around (2:39) (45 RPM Single, Atlantic Records,...
    [from content:encoded] ...ay Charles - Hard Times (No One Knows Better Than I) [1955] (2:55) (The Genius Sings The Blues, Atlantic Records, 1961) 03a. Ray Charles - Mess Around (2:39) (45 RPM Single, Atlantic Records,...
    Bandana Blues #966 - Covers
    October 2, 2022 (duration 1h57m)
    [from description] Show #966 Covers 01. David Lumsden - Everything Is Broken (3:06) (Rooted In The Blues, self-release, 2022) 02. Pat Fulgoni - Hard Times (5:20) (Dark Side of the Blues, Chocolate Fi...
    [from content:encoded] Show #966 Covers 01. David Lumsden - Everything Is Broken (3:06) (Rooted In The Blues, self-release, 2022) 02. Pat Fulgoni - Hard Times (5:20) (Dark Side of the Blues, Chocolate Fi...
    Bandana Blues #965 - One Track Leads To Another
    September 26, 2022 (duration 1h34m)
    [from description] ...Black Man's Justice (4:02) (Single, Catfood Records, 2020) 04. Jyri Kannisto - Rusty Crown Blues (2:31) (Single, self-release, 2022) 05. Reid Jamieson - Summer Boy (2:45) (Single, self-releas...
    [from content:encoded] ...Black Man's Justice (4:02) (Single, Catfood Records, 2020) 04. Jyri Kannisto - Rusty Crown Blues (2:31) (Single, self-release, 2022) 05. Reid Jamieson - Summer Boy (2:45) (Single, self-releas...
    Bandana Blues #961 - Late For Good Reasons
    August 30, 2022 (duration 1h43m)
    [from description] ... Streeter - Bring It Home (3:50) (Single, self-release, 2022) 06. The Jujubes - High Fever Blues (5:39) (Raging Moon, self-release, 2022) 07. Josh Hoyer & Soul Colossal - Beautiful People (4:...
    [from content:encoded] ... Streeter - Bring It Home (3:50) (Single, self-release, 2022) 06. The Jujubes - High Fever Blues (5:39) (Raging Moon, self-release, 2022) 07. Josh Hoyer & Soul Colossal - Beautiful People (4:...
    Bandana Blues #960 - This Century Blues
    August 21, 2022 (duration 1h39m)
    [from description] Show #960 This Century Blues 01. Dan Doiron - Can't Leave Me Like This (3:32) (Livin' Centre Stage, Earwig Music, 2018) 02....
    [from content:encoded] Show #960 This Century Blues 01. Dan Doiron - Can't Leave Me Like This (3:32) (Livin' Centre Stage, Earwig Music, 2018) 02....
    Bandana Blues #934 - Brand New
    February 15, 2022 (duration 1h35m)
    [from description] ...rand New Late but great, with an abundance of new music. 01. Mike Zito - Dying Day (8:20) (Blues For The Southside, Gulf Coast Records, 2022) 02. Bob Corritore & Friends - Still A Fool (ft. R...
    [from content:encoded] ...rand New Late but great, with an abundance of new music. 01. Mike Zito - Dying Day (8:20) (Blues For The Southside, Gulf Coast Records, 2022) 02. Bob Corritore & Friends - Still A Fool (ft. R...
    Bandana Blues #926 - Beardo's Birthday Bash 2021
    December 19, 2021 (duration 2h2m)
    [from description] ...dedicated to Beardo with a nice variety of tunes selected by a couple of friend of Bandana Blues. It is a great show, so start listening! 01. Gwendolyn Sanford & Brandon Jay - Happy Birthday ...
    [from content:encoded] ...dedicated to Beardo with a nice variety of tunes selected by a couple of friend of Bandana Blues. It is a great show, so start listening! 01. Gwendolyn Sanford & Brandon Jay - Happy Birthday ...
    Bandana Blues #922 - Twins
    November 21, 2021 (duration 1h31m)
    [from description] ... Dream, Rip Cat Records, 2012) 04. Magic Dick & Jay Geils - Temperature (3:07) (Little Car Blues, Rounder Records, 1996) 05. Bonnie Lee - Next Time You See Me (4:03) (Sweetheart Of The Blues,...
    [from content:encoded] ... Dream, Rip Cat Records, 2012) 04. Magic Dick & Jay Geils - Temperature (3:07) (Little Car Blues, Rounder Records, 1996) 05. Bonnie Lee - Next Time You See Me (4:03) (Sweetheart Of The Blues,...
    Bandana Blues #921 - Time For Action
    November 15, 2021 (duration 1h31m)
    [from description] Show #921 Time For Action 01. Climax Blues Band - Running Out Of Time (5:18) (Stamp Album, Sire Records, 1975) 02. Corey Harris - That Wi...
    [from content:encoded] Show #921 Time For Action 01. Climax Blues Band - Running Out Of Time (5:18) (Stamp Album, Sire Records, 1975) 02. Corey Harris - That Wi...
    Bandana Blues #920 - Glasgow Blues
    November 7, 2021 (duration 1h32m)
    [from description] Show #920 Glasgow Blues Is the climate change conference going to bring us hope or will it give us the Glasgow blues? ...
    [from content:encoded] Show #920 Glasgow Blues Is the climate change conference going to bring us hope or will it give us the Glasgow blues? ...
    Bandana Blues #906 - Come And Get It
    August 1, 2021 (duration 1h28m)
    [from description] ...trange Way Of Showing Love (5:44) (50, self-release, 2021) 02. Blind Lemon Pledge - Detour Blues (3:12) (A Satchel Full Of Blues, Ofeh Records, 2021) 03. Johnny Ray Jones - L.A. Fog (4:29) (W...
    [from content:encoded] ...trange Way Of Showing Love (5:44) (50, self-release, 2021) 02. Blind Lemon Pledge - Detour Blues (3:12) (A Satchel Full Of Blues, Ofeh Records, 2021) 03. Johnny Ray Jones - L.A. Fog (4:29) (W...
    Bandana Blues #898 - Quickly Regular
    June 7, 2021 (duration 1h34m)
    [from description] ...:03) (Dark Angel, self-release, 2016) 04. Fiona Boyes - Waiting For Some Good News (3:04) (Blues Woman, Yellow Dog Records, 2009) 05. Ray Wylie Hubbard - Old Guitar (3:58) (Snake Farm, Sustai...
    [from content:encoded] ...:03) (Dark Angel, self-release, 2016) 04. Fiona Boyes - Waiting For Some Good News (3:04) (Blues Woman, Yellow Dog Records, 2009) 05. Ray Wylie Hubbard - Old Guitar (3:58) (Snake Farm, Sustai...
    Bandana Blues #897 - Bad News Blues
    May 30, 2021 (duration 1h30m)
    [from description] Show #897 Bad News Blues 01. Tommy Z - Plug In & Play (4:41) (Plug In & Play, South Blossom Records, 2021) 02. Eddie 9V...
    [from content:encoded] Show #897 Bad News Blues 01. Tommy Z - Plug In & Play (4:41) (Plug In & Play, South Blossom Records, 2021) 02. Eddie 9V...
    Bandana Blues #894 - Blues In The Night
    May 10, 2021 (duration 1h18m)
    [from description] Show #894 Blues In The Night 01. Zechariah Lloyd - Down To The River (3:15) (Single, self-release, 2020) 02. F...
    [from content:encoded] Show #894 Blues In The Night 01. Zechariah Lloyd - Down To The River (3:15) (Single, self-release, 2020) 02. F...
    Bandana Blues #893 - More New Music
    May 2, 2021 (duration 1h26m)
    [from description] Show #893 More New Music 01. Kyle Culkin - So Damn Old (3:45) (Pork Chops & Blues, Tonebucker Records, 2021) 02. Donna Herula - Pass The Biscuit (3:58) (Bang At The Door, self-...
    [from content:encoded] Show #893 More New Music 01. Kyle Culkin - So Damn Old (3:45) (Pork Chops & Blues, Tonebucker Records, 2021) 02. Donna Herula - Pass The Biscuit (3:58) (Bang At The Door, self-...
    Bandana Blues #886 - Change The Game
    March 15, 2021 (duration 1h27m)
    [from description] ...1. Atomic 44's - My '49 (4:15) (Single, Bird Dog Records, 2021) 02. Andy Cohen - Bad Dream Blues (4:44) (Tryin' To Get Home, Earwig Music, 2020) 03. The Hungry Williams - Where's My Baby? (5:...
    [from content:encoded] ...1. Atomic 44's - My '49 (4:15) (Single, Bird Dog Records, 2021) 02. Andy Cohen - Bad Dream Blues (4:44) (Tryin' To Get Home, Earwig Music, 2020) 03. The Hungry Williams - Where's My Baby? (5:...
    Bandana Blues #885 - Adultery
    March 7, 2021 (duration 1h23m)
    [from description] - Another Mans Cologne (3:51) (Little Jimmy King & The Memphis Soul Survivors, Bullseye Blues, 1991) 05. Janiva Magness - Eat The Lunch You Brought (5:19) (Bury Him At The Crossroads, Nort...
    [from content:encoded] - Another Mans Cologne (3:51) (Little Jimmy King & The Memphis Soul Survivors, Bullseye Blues, 1991) 05. Janiva Magness - Eat The Lunch You Brought (5:19) (Bury Him At The Crossroads, Nort...
    Bandana Blues #882 - Valentine Blues
    February 14, 2021 (duration 1h39m)
    [from description] Show #882 Valentine Blues 01. Shemekia Copeland - Happy Valentine's Day (5:37) (Talking To Strangers, Alligator Records,...
    [from content:encoded] Show #882 Valentine Blues 01. Shemekia Copeland - Happy Valentine's Day (5:37) (Talking To Strangers, Alligator Records,...
    Bandana Blues #880 - That's Old
    January 31, 2021 (duration 1h35m)
    [from description] ...ed Artists Records, 1979) 04. Sonny Jones - Love Me With A Feeling [1939] (2:51) (Carolina Blues Guitar 1936-1939, Old Tramp Records, 1994) 05. Memphis Slim & Canned Heat - Trouble Everywhere...
    [from content:encoded] ...ed Artists Records, 1979) 04. Sonny Jones - Love Me With A Feeling [1939] (2:51) (Carolina Blues Guitar 1936-1939, Old Tramp Records, 1994) 05. Memphis Slim & Canned Heat - Trouble Everywhere...
    Bandana Blues #864 - Blues On The Fly
    October 12, 2020 (duration 1h37m)
    [from description] Show #864 Blues On The Fly 01. Bluesiana Triangle - Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me (10:14) (Bluesiana Triangle, Win...
    [from content:encoded] Show #864 Blues On The Fly 01. Bluesiana Triangle - Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me (10:14) (Bluesiana Triangle, Win...
    Bandana Blues #859 - Another Covers Show
    September 6, 2020 (duration 1h29m)
    [from description] ...e, Rampat Records, 1996) 03. Steve Howell, Dan Sumner & Jason Weinheimer - Nothin' But The Blues (4:09) (Long Ago, Out Of The Past Music, 2020) 04. Koko Taylor - Bad Case Of Loving You (4:24)...
    [from content:encoded] ...e, Rampat Records, 1996) 03. Steve Howell, Dan Sumner & Jason Weinheimer - Nothin' But The Blues (4:09) (Long Ago, Out Of The Past Music, 2020) 04. Koko Taylor - Bad Case Of Loving You (4:24)...
    Bandana Blues #858 - Late!
    August 31, 2020 (duration 1h23m)
    [from description] Show #858 Late! 01. Adam Sweet - Trouble (3:44) (Single, self-release, 2020) 02. Malaya Blue - Kiss My Troubles Away (3:46) (Still, Blue Heart Records, 2020) 03. Old Ramblers - Slow Down (...
    [from content:encoded] Show #858 Late! 01. Adam Sweet - Trouble (3:44) (Single, self-release, 2020) 02. Malaya Blue - Kiss My Troubles Away (3:46) (Still, Blue Heart Records, 2020) 03. Old Ramblers - Slow Down (...
    Bandana Blues #854 - Blues With Horns Vol. 2
    August 2, 2020 (duration 1h24m)
    [from description] Show #854 Blues With Horns Vol. 2 Get ready for some soulful, horn drenched blues music. 01. Wily Bo Walker & ...
    [from content:encoded] Show #854 Blues With Horns Vol. 2 Get ready for some soulful, horn drenched blues music. 01. Wily Bo Walker & ...
    Bandana Blues #840 - King Thing Again
    April 26, 2020 (duration 1h39m)
    [from description] ...hing. 01. ZZ Top - Nasty Dogs And Funky Kings (2:46) (Fandango!, London Records, 1975) 02. Bluesix - King Of The New York Streets (5:37) (Ready, Tramp Records, 2008) 03. Muddy Waters - I'm A ...
    [from content:encoded] ...hing. 01. ZZ Top - Nasty Dogs And Funky Kings (2:46) (Fandango!, London Records, 1975) 02. Bluesix - King Of The New York Streets (5:37) (Ready, Tramp Records, 2008) 03. Muddy Waters - I'm A ...
    Bandana Blues #838 - Easter Blues
    April 13, 2020 (duration 1h33m)
    [from description] Show #838 Easter Blues An episode full of good music to chase away the Easter blues. 01. TopJaw - Queen's Crown (Digi...
    [from content:encoded] Show #838 Easter Blues An episode full of good music to chase away the Easter blues. 01. TopJaw - Queen's Crown (Digi...
    Bandana Blues #836 - Trying Times
    March 29, 2020 (duration 1h32m)
    [from description] ...mes An episode dedicated to the hard times caused by the corona pandemic. 01. Metropolitan Blues Allstars - Trying Times (3:38) (Trying Times, June Appal Records, 1988) 02. Bobby Bradford - H...
    [from content:encoded] ...mes An episode dedicated to the hard times caused by the corona pandemic. 01. Metropolitan Blues Allstars - Trying Times (3:38) (Trying Times, June Appal Records, 1988) 02. Bobby Bradford - H...
    Bandana Blues #835 - Keep Calm And Blues On
    March 22, 2020 (duration 1h21m)
    [from description] Show #835 Keep Calm And Blues On With the corona virus all around us, we gotta wait for better times. And in the meantime le...
    [from content:encoded] Show #835 Keep Calm And Blues On With the corona virus all around us, we gotta wait for better times. And in the meantime le...
    Bandana Blues #828 - The Way It Is Blue
    February 2, 2020 (duration 1h27m)
    [from description] Show #828 The Way It Is Blue Spinner put a show together of music he likes for the way it is blue. 01. Mike Zito - Down Boun...
    [from content:encoded] Show #828 The Way It Is Blue Spinner put a show together of music he likes for the way it is blue. 01. Mike Zito - Down Boun...
    Bandana Blues #822 - Some Sort Of Xmas Show
    December 22, 2019 (duration 56m)
    [from description] Show #822 Some Sort Of Xmas Show 01. Val Starr & The Blues Rocket - Spending Christmas With The Blues (4:03) (Woman On A Mission, self-release, 2016) 02....
    [from content:encoded] Show #822 Some Sort Of Xmas Show 01. Val Starr & The Blues Rocket - Spending Christmas With The Blues (4:03) (Woman On A Mission, self-release, 2016) 02....
    Bandana Blues #820 - Travelling Blues
    December 8, 2019 (duration 1h29m)
    [from description] Show #820 Travelling Blues Spinner did some travelling and decided to make it the theme of this episode. So travel along ...
    [from content:encoded] Show #820 Travelling Blues Spinner did some travelling and decided to make it the theme of this episode. So travel along ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Show #820 Travelling Blues Spinner did some travelling and decided to make it the theme of this episode. So travel along ...
    Bandana Blues #803 - Covered
    August 13, 2019 (duration 1h34m)
    [from description] ... enough reason, right? 01. Hubert Sumlin - Letter To My Girlfriend (2:16) (Hubert Sumlin's Blues Part, Black Top/Demon Records, 1987) 02. Crystal Shawanda - Ball And Chain (4:42) (Voodoo Woma...
    [from content:encoded] ... enough reason, right? 01. Hubert Sumlin - Letter To My Girlfriend (2:16) (Hubert Sumlin's Blues Part, Black Top/Demon Records, 1987) 02. Crystal Shawanda - Ball And Chain (4:42) (Voodoo Woma...
    Bandana Blues #801 - And Then There Is The Moon
    July 28, 2019 (duration 1h55m)
    [from title] Bandana Blues #801 - And Then There Is The Moon
    [from description] ...he Moon On July 20 it was the 50st anniversary of the first moon landing. But then Bandana Blues celebrated its milestone of show #800. So now, only a week later, Spinner decided to pay atten...
    Bandana Blues #799 - Enjoy The Music
    July 13, 2019 (duration 1h36m)
    [from description] Show #799 Enjoy The Music Just a usual Bandana Blues episode filled with great music, new and old. So enjoy the music. 01. Dennis Jones - Enjoy The...
    [from content:encoded] Show #799 Enjoy The Music Just a usual Bandana Blues episode filled with great music, new and old. So enjoy the music. 01. Dennis Jones - Enjoy The...
    Bandana Blues #796 - Blues & Oddities
    June 23, 2019 (duration 1h22m)
    [from description] Show #796 Blues & Oddities Spinner might surprise you with a few odd songs in this episode. But there's always...
    [from content:encoded] Show #796 Blues & Oddities Spinner might surprise you with a few odd songs in this episode. But there's always...
    Bandana Blues #794 - The Doctor Is Gone
    June 9, 2019 (duration 1h26m)
    [from description] Show #794 The Doctor Is Gone This episode of Bandana Blues is Spinner's In Memoriam for Dr. John who passed away last week on june 6, 2019. 01. Dr. John ...
    [from content:encoded] Show #794 The Doctor Is Gone This episode of Bandana Blues is Spinner's In Memoriam for Dr. John who passed away last week on june 6, 2019. 01. Dr. John ...
    Bandana Blues #782 - Blues As Usual
    March 17, 2019 (duration 1h26m)
    [from description] Show #782 Blues As Usual There is lots of new music in this episode. And ofcourse it's blues as usual. 01. AG ...
    [from content:encoded] Show #782 Blues As Usual There is lots of new music in this episode. And ofcourse it's blues as usual. 01. AG ...
    Bandana Blues #763 - Another Kick-Ass Show
    November 4, 2018 (duration 1h43m)
    [from description] Show #763 Another Kick-Ass Show All recent music, some of it brand new in this Bandana Blues episode. Spinner thinks it's another Kick-Ass show, but ofcourse it is up to you to judge if h...
    [from content:encoded] Show #763 Another Kick-Ass Show All recent music, some of it brand new in this Bandana Blues episode. Spinner thinks it's another Kick-Ass show, but ofcourse it is up to you to judge if h...
    Bandana Blues #757 - A Real Kick-Ass Show
    September 23, 2018 (duration 1h26m)
    [from description] ...much great material to choose from. So it was difficult to pick the tunes for this Bandana Blues episode. But after he had made his choices it turned out to be a kick-ass show. 01. Billy Hect...
    [from content:encoded] ...much great material to choose from. So it was difficult to pick the tunes for this Bandana Blues episode. But after he had made his choices it turned out to be a kick-ass show. 01. Billy Hect...
    Bandana Blues #747 - Covered In Covers
    July 15, 2018 (duration 1h20m)
    [from description] ... was visiting Beardo in the summer of 2017, they celebrated their 700th episode of Bandana Blues by playing all covers. And although #747 is not such a milestone, Spinner decided to do anothe...
    [from content:encoded] ... was visiting Beardo in the summer of 2017, they celebrated their 700th episode of Bandana Blues by playing all covers. And although #747 is not such a milestone, Spinner decided to do anothe...
    Bandana Blues #740 - New Music & Some More
    May 27, 2018 (duration 1h29m)
    [from description] ...4. David Philips - Nowhere Demo (3242) (Get Along, Black & Tan, 2018) 05. Jon Spear Band - Blues For A Soldier (5:02) (Hot Sauce, self-release, 2017) 06. Buddy Guy - Nine Below Zero (6:19) (T...
    [from content:encoded] ...4. David Philips - Nowhere Demo (3242) (Get Along, Black & Tan, 2018) 05. Jon Spear Band - Blues For A Soldier (5:02) (Hot Sauce, self-release, 2017) 06. Buddy Guy - Nine Below Zero (6:19) (T...
    Bandana Blues #735 - Blues Mixture
    April 22, 2018 (duration 1h26m)
    [from description] Show #735 Blues Mixture Spinner blended some good music into another classy Bandana Blues show. It's a mixture...
    [from content:encoded] Show #735 Blues Mixture Spinner blended some good music into another classy Bandana Blues show. It's a mixture...
    Bandana Blues #727 - Blues & Lots of Tears
    February 25, 2018 (duration 2h3m)
    [from description] Show #727 Blues & Lots of Tears In this show Spinner raises some questions, the same questions that many other...
    [from content:encoded] Show #727 Blues & Lots of Tears In this show Spinner raises some questions, the same questions that many other...
    Bandana Blues #711 - Brand New Music
    November 4, 2017 (duration 1h31m)
    [from description] ... it out and download it. 01. Dudley Taft - Don't Let It Fade (5:19) (Summer Rain, American Blues Artists Group, 2017) 02. Bobby Junior - You Got Soul (4:38) (Warm Winds, self-release, 2017) 0...
    [from content:encoded] ... it out and download it. 01. Dudley Taft - Don't Let It Fade (5:19) (Summer Rain, American Blues Artists Group, 2017) 02. Bobby Junior - You Got Soul (4:38) (Warm Winds, self-release, 2017) 0...
    Bandana Blues #701 Picture This!
    July 22, 2017 (duration 1h52m)
    [from description] Party 2005 Dirty Cat (3:09) 2. Eddie Boyd - Picture In The Frame from Third Degree (The Blues Collection Vol.58) (2:59) 3. Rory Block - Pictures Of You from Tornado 1996 Rounder Records (3...
    [from content:encoded] Party 2005 Dirty Cat (3:09) 2. Eddie Boyd - Picture In The Frame from Third Degree (The Blues Collection Vol.58) (2:59) 3. Rory Block - Pictures Of You from Tornado 1996 Rounder Records (3...
    Bandana Blues #697 Together Again!!
    June 26, 2017 (duration 1h54m)
    [from description] ...Red Rudy Too Tunes (2:36) 11. Jimmy Bowskill & Carlos Del Junco - Beale St. Toodle-oo from Blues Etc... 2016 Indie (4:49) 12. Samantha Fish - It's Your Voodoo Working from Chills & Fever 2017...
    [from content:encoded] ...Red Rudy Too Tunes (2:36) 11. Jimmy Bowskill & Carlos Del Junco - Beale St. Toodle-oo from Blues Etc... 2016 Indie (4:49) 12. Samantha Fish - It's Your Voodoo Working from Chills & Fever 2017...
    Bandana Blues #696 Fathers Day
    June 18, 2017 (duration 2h18m)
    [from description] ...from Moon Turn Red 2015 Stoney Plain (4:37) 5. Hard Garden - Papa's In The Juke Joint from Blue Yonder 2013 self-release (4:14) 6. Vince and the Sun Boppers - Real Gone Papa from Spinnin´ Aro...
    [from content:encoded] ...from Moon Turn Red 2015 Stoney Plain (4:37) 5. Hard Garden - Papa's In The Juke Joint from Blue Yonder 2013 self-release (4:14) 6. Vince and the Sun Boppers - Real Gone Papa from Spinnin´ Aro...
    Bandana Blues #690 Spinner Gets all R&'B'd Up!!
    May 7, 2017 (duration 2h0m)
    [from description] Palace from Ian Moore's Got The Green Grass 1999 Hablador (4:56) 22. Keri Leigh and the Blue Devils - I Be's Troubled from Blue Devil Blues 1993 Amazing (2:44) 23. Lonnie Mack - Plain Jane...
    [from content:encoded] Palace from Ian Moore's Got The Green Grass 1999 Hablador (4:56) 22. Keri Leigh and the Blue Devils - I Be's Troubled from Blue Devil Blues 1993 Amazing (2:44) 23. Lonnie Mack - Plain Jane...
    Bandana Blues #683 R.I.P. Some Joyful Lives...
    March 19, 2017 (duration 1h59m)
    [from description] ...Roll Over Beethoven from Chuck Berry Is On Top 1959 Geffen / Universal (2:23) James Cotton Blues Band - Tonight I Wanna Love Me A Stranger from Taking Care of Business LP 1971 Capitol (3:08) ...
    [from content:encoded] ...Roll Over Beethoven from Chuck Berry Is On Top 1959 Geffen / Universal (2:23) James Cotton Blues Band - Tonight I Wanna Love Me A Stranger from Taking Care of Business LP 1971 Capitol (3:08) ...
    Bandana Blues #681 "Regular" Show... uh-huh....
    March 5, 2017 (duration 2h6m)
    [from description] ...rk-O-Matic (4:52) Jimmy Bowskill & Carlos Del Junco - Heaven’s Where You’ll Dwell from Blues Etc... 2016 Indie (7:05) Matthew Stubbs - Sittin' on a Fence from Medford and Main 2010 Blue Bella...
    [from content:encoded] ...rk-O-Matic (4:52) Jimmy Bowskill & Carlos Del Junco - Heaven’s Where You’ll Dwell from Blues Etc... 2016 Indie (7:05) Matthew Stubbs - Sittin' on a Fence from Medford and Main 2010 Blue Bella...
    Bandana Blues #680 Amazing Cover Tunes Show!!
    February 26, 2017 (duration 2h33m)
    [from description] Recordings (3:05) Professor Louie & The Crowmatix - High Heel Sneakers from Crowin' The Blues 2017 Woodstock Records (3:31) Steve Strongman - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet from No Time Like N...
    [from content:encoded] Recordings (3:05) Professor Louie & The Crowmatix - High Heel Sneakers from Crowin' The Blues 2017 Woodstock Records (3:31) Steve Strongman - You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet from No Time Like N...
    Bandana Blues #675 New Tunz & Inaugural Freeze
    January 22, 2017 (duration 1h49m)
    [from description] ...8 Black Top (5:55) Gary Primich - Mr. Freeze from Mr. Freeze 1995 Flying Fish (3:55) Bobby Blue Bland - Cold Day in Hell from Dreamer 1974 ABC Dunhill (2:45) Hurricane Ruth - Cold Day In Hell...
    [from content:encoded] ...8 Black Top (5:55) Gary Primich - Mr. Freeze from Mr. Freeze 1995 Flying Fish (3:55) Bobby Blue Bland - Cold Day in Hell from Dreamer 1974 ABC Dunhill (2:45) Hurricane Ruth - Cold Day In Hell...
    Bandana Blues #672 Happy New Year
    December 31, 2016 (duration 2h5m)
    [from description] ...eling (7:09) The Palomars - Slow Drag from Out Of The Past (2:41) John Latini - Black Eyed Blues from The Blues Just Makes Me Feel Good 2016 (3:28) Jeff Beck Group - Blues De Luxe from Truth ...
    [from content:encoded] ...eling (7:09) The Palomars - Slow Drag from Out Of The Past (2:41) John Latini - Black Eyed Blues from The Blues Just Makes Me Feel Good 2016 (3:28) Jeff Beck Group - Blues De Luxe from Truth ...
    Bandana Blues BBQ Remembered
    September 1, 2016 (duration 2h12m)
    [from description] ...! (08.31.16 7:15PM E.S.T.) The BBQ show 08.31.16 Memories & Music from 18 Years of Bandana Blues BBQs Cobalt Blues Band - Outside Woman (4:48) The Nighthawks - Ninety-Nine Pounds from Troubl...
    [from content:encoded] ...! (08.31.16 7:15PM E.S.T.) The BBQ show 08.31.16 Memories & Music from 18 Years of Bandana Blues BBQs Cobalt Blues Band - Outside Woman (4:48) The Nighthawks - Ninety-Nine Pounds from Troubl...
    Tanisha Ford, "Our Secret Society: Mollie Moon and the Glamour, Money, and Power Behind the Civil Rights Movement" (Amistad Press, 2024)
    April 19, 2024 (duration 33m)
    [from title] Tanisha Ford, "Our Secret Society: Mollie Moon and the Glamour, Money, and Power Behind the Civil Rights Movement" (Amistad Press, 2024)
    [from description] ...rce behind the mutual aid network that connected Black churches, domestic and blue-collar laborers, social clubs, and sororities and fraternities across the country. Historian and cultural cr...
    [from itunes:summary] ...rce behind the mutual aid network that connected Black churches, domestic and blue-collar laborers, social clubs, and sororities and fraternities across the country. Historian and cultural cr...
    Samantha Harvey, "Orbital" (Atlantic Monthly Press, 2023)
    January 26, 2024 (duration 54m)
    [from description] ...nd utter solitude. Most of all, we are with them as they behold and record their silent blue planet. Their experiences of sixteen sunrises and sunsets and the bright, blinking constellations ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...nd utter solitude. Most of all, we are with them as they behold and record their silent blue planet. Their experiences of sixteen sunrises and sunsets and the bright, blinking constellations ...
    [from content:encoded] ...nd utter solitude. Most of all, we are with them as they behold and record their silent blue planet. Their experiences of sixteen sunrises and sunsets and the bright, blinking constellations ...
    Joan Schweighardt, "Under the Blue Moon" (Five Directions Press, 2023)
    June 20, 2023 (duration 28m)
    [from title] Joan Schweighardt, "Under the Blue Moon" (Five Directions Press, 2023)
    [from description] Today I talked to Joan Schweighardt about her book Under the Blue Moon (Five Directions Press, 2023). An automobile accident in front of a homeless shelter causes L...
    [from itunes:summary] Today I talked to Joan Schweighardt about her book Under the Blue Moon (Five Directions Press, 2023). An automobile accident in front of a homeless shelter causes L...
    Mary-Jane Rubenstein, "Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate Space Race" (U Chicago Press, 2022)
    March 3, 2023 (duration 35m)
    [from description] ...ain. While Elon Musk and SpaceX work to establish a human presence on Mars, Jeff Bezos and Blue Origin work toward mining operations on the moon, missions to asteroids to extract resources, a...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ain. While Elon Musk and SpaceX work to establish a human presence on Mars, Jeff Bezos and Blue Origin work toward mining operations on the moon, missions to asteroids to extract resources, a...
    [from content:encoded] ...ain. While Elon Musk and SpaceX work to establish a human presence on Mars, Jeff Bezos and Blue Origin work toward mining operations on the moon, missions to asteroids to extract resources, a...
    Susanne Davis, "Gravity Hill" (Madville Publishing, 2022)
    September 23, 2022 (duration 22m)
    [from description] ... journals. Her work has won awards and recognition, including 2nd place in Madville's Blue Moon Literary Competition. Davis also teaches writing at the college level. When she's not writing o...
    [from itunes:summary] ... journals. Her work has won awards and recognition, including 2nd place in Madville's Blue Moon Literary Competition. Davis also teaches writing at the college level. When she's not writing o...
    [from content:encoded] ... journals. Her work has won awards and recognition, including 2nd place in Madville's Blue Moon Literary Competition. Davis also teaches writing at the college level. When she's not writing o...
    Bron Williams, "I Have Seen the Moon: Reflections on Nauru" (2017)
    January 31, 2022 (duration 1h24m)
    [from title] Bron Williams, "I Have Seen the Moon: Reflections on Nauru" (2017)
    [from description] ...some 2800km north-west of Australia. It is a typical tropical island - palm trees, warm blue seas, smiling locals and cheap food. It also houses one of Australia's off-shore detention centres...
    [from itunes:summary] ...some 2800km north-west of Australia. It is a typical tropical island - palm trees, warm blue seas, smiling locals and cheap food. It also houses one of Australia's off-shore detention centres...
    Alastair Reynolds, “Blue Remembered Earth” (Gollancz, 2012)
    October 31, 2012 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] Blue Remembered Earth (Gollantz, 2012) takes place roughly 150 years in the future. Climate change, ...
    [from itunes:summary] Blue Remembered Earth (Gollantz, 2012) takes place roughly 150 years in the future. Climate change, ...
    VOIX DE GARAGE N° 740 Mercredi 17 Avril 2024
    April 13, 2024
    [from content:encoded] ...html SCRAP FELLAS En concert : Vendredi 19 Avril : MELATONIN (Indie) + BLUE PILLS (Big Rock) + SCRAP FELLAS (Fast Power Pop), à La Belle Electrique, à Grenoble. Gratuit sur réservation https:...
    [from itunes:summary] SCRAP FELLAS En concert : Vendredi 19 Avril : MELATONIN (Indie) + BLUE PILLS (Big Rock) + SCRAP FELLAS (Fast Power Pop), à La Belle Electrique, à Grenoble. Gratuit sur réservation https...
    VOIX DE GARAGE N° 739 Mercredi 10 Avril 2024
    April 10, 2024
    [from content:encoded]   The BLUE TONE STOMPERS En concert : Vendredi 12 Avril : The BLUE TONE STOMPERS (Rocksteady / rhythm ‘n’Blues Jama...
    [from itunes:summary] .../album/gathered-together etnbsp; The BLUE TONE STOMPERS En concert : Vendredi 12 Avril : The BLUE TONE STOMPERS (Rocksteady / rhythm ‘n’Blues Jam...
    Pastoral Mécanique
    January 15, 2024
    [from content:encoded] ...ley « Guitar Man » | The Movie Soundtracks The Cramps « Blue Moon Baby » | A Date With Elvis Dwight Yoakam « Turn It On, Turn It Up, Turn Me Loose » | Last Chance for a Thousand Years: Greate...
    [from itunes:summary] ...: Elvis Presley Guitar Man | The Movie Soundtracks The Cramps Blue Moon Baby | A Date With Elvis Dwight Yoakam Turn It On, Turn It Up, Turn Me Loose | Last Chance for a Thousand Years: Greate...
    VOIX DE GARAGE N° 730 Mercredi 3 JANVIER 2024
    January 3, 2024
    [from content:encoded] ...rance
    [from itunes:summary] SUZI MOON à sorti un nouveau single extrait de son album « Dumb etamp; In Luv » paru sur PIRATES PRESS Rds !
    Pastoral Mécanique 11.09.2023 – L’heure de la rentrée pétaradante
    September 12, 2023
    [from content:encoded] ...hony « Rich Men North of Richmond » Hasil Adkins « Blue Velvet Band » | Moon Over Madison Brian Setzer « Black Leather Jacket » | The Devil Always Collect Teddy and the Rough Riders « Tomahaw...
    [from itunes:summary] ...llfighter | Luke Bell Oliver Anthony Rich Men North of Richmond Hasil Adkins Blue Velvet Band | Moon Over Madison Brian Setzer Black Leather Jacket | The Devil Always Collect Teddy and the Ro...
    Pastoral Mécanique 29.05.2023 – L’heure de rendre Marie fière
    May 29, 2023
    [from content:encoded] ...5-2023-lheure-de-rendre-marie-fiere/ Playlist : John Fogerty « Blueboy » | Blue Moon Swamp Billy F Gibbons « Crackin’ Up » | The Big Bad Blues Mickey & Sylvia « Love Will Make You Fail in...
    [from itunes:summary] ...-2023-lheure-de-rendre-marie-fiere/ Playlist : John Fogerty « Blueboy » | Blue Moon Swamp Billy F Gibbons « Crackin’ Up » | The Big Bad Blues Mickey etamp; Sylvia « Love Will Make You Fail i...
    15.05.2023 – Une heure sur la Rivière Verte
    May 16, 2023
    [from content:encoded] ...iere-verte/ Playlist : Billy F Gibbons « Bring It To Jerome » | The Big Bad Blues John Fogerty « Bring It Down To Jelly Roll » | Blue Moon Swamp Creedence Clearwater Revival « Who’ll Stop The...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ere-verte/ Playlist : Billy F Gibbons « Bring It To Jerome » | The Big Bad Blues John Fogerty « Bring It Down To Jelly Roll » | Blue Moon Swamp Creedence Clearwater Revival « Who’ll Stop The...
    Pastoral Mécanique 17.04.2023 – Une heure de Tele©
    April 18, 2023 (duration 1h0m)
    [from content:encoded] ...e-tele/ Playlist : John Fogerty « Southern Streamline » | Blue Moon Swamp Marty Stuart & His Fabulous Superlatives « Tear The Woodpile Down » | Nashville, Volume 1: Tear The Woodpile Down...
    [from itunes:summary] ...-tele/ Playlist : John Fogerty « Southern Streamline » | Blue Moon Swamp Marty Stuart etamp; His Fabulous Superlatives « Tear The Woodpile Down » | Nashville, Volume 1: Tear The Woodpile Dow...
    Expression Jazz #36 – La Bonne année
    January 24, 2023 (duration 1h12m)
    [from content:encoded] ...ippery When Wet.   Tracklist Herbie Hancock, Watermelon Man Takin’ Off, Blue Note, 1962 Memphis Slim/Willie Dixon, Baby Baby Baby Aux Trois Mailletz, Polydor, 1962 Michel Petruccia...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Slippery When Wet. etnbsp; Tracklist Herbie Hancock, Watermelon Man Takin Off, Blue Note, 1962 Memphis Slim/Willie Dixon, Baby Baby Baby Aux Trois Mailletz, Polydor, 1962 Michel Petrucc...
    Pastoral Mécanique 14.02.2022 – Une heure à la St Valentin
    February 15, 2022
    [from content:encoded] ...It Must Be Love » | Under the Influence Elvis Presley « Blue Moon » | The Sun Sessions CD Johnny Horton « I’m A One Woman Man » | The Singing Fisherman Patsy Cline « I Fall To Pieces » | Swee...
    [from itunes:summary] ...It Must Be Love » | Under the Influence Elvis Presley « Blue Moon » | The Sun Sessions CD Johnny Horton « I’m A One Woman Man » | The Singing Fisherman Patsy Cline « I Fall To Pieces » | Swee...
    Pastoral Mécanique 01.11.2021 – L’heure d’effrayer le voisinage
    November 2, 2021
    [from content:encoded] ...ntures Collection 1960-62 Dave Diddle Day « Blue Moon Baby » | Big Box of Link Wray and more Kings of Distortion The Cramps « Blue Moon Baby » | A Date With Elvis The Cramps « The Creature Fr...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ntures Collection 1960-62 Dave Diddle Day « Blue Moon Baby » | Big Box of Link Wray and more Kings of Distortion The Cramps « Blue Moon Baby » | A Date With Elvis The Cramps « The Creature Fr...
    Sensation Soul #7
    October 17, 2020
    [from content:encoded] ...– Only true love 5. The Platters – Smoke gets in your eyes 6. The Platters – Blue Moon 7. The 5 Royales – Crazy, crazy, crazy 8. The 5 Royales – Give me one more chance 9. Frankie Lymon – Why...
    [from itunes:summary] ...– Only true love 5. The Platters – Smoke gets in your eyes 6. The Platters – Blue Moon 7. The 5 Royales – Crazy, crazy, crazy 8. The 5 Royales – Give me one more chance 9. Frankie Lymon – Why...
    Voix de garage n°574
    June 24, 2020
    [from description] ...; Les chronique de ces disques se lisent ici : MOONRITE En concert : Samedi 4 Juillet : MOONRITE... Continue Reading →
    [from content:encoded] ...BLUE une formidable collection de chansons ! Les écossais de The PRIMEVALS ont sorti il y a une paire de mois un album dont je ne lasse toujours pas ! Les DRUI...
    [from itunes:summary] ...N / BLUE une formidable collection de chansons ! Les écossais de The PRIMEVALS ont sorti il y a une paire de mois un album dont je ne lasse toujours pas ! Le...
    Pastoral Mécanique
    April 14, 2020
    [from content:encoded]! John Fogerty – Just Pickin’ | Blue Moon Swamp (2017 edition) Brad Paisley – Kentucky Jelly | Play Vince Gill – Liza Jane ZZ Top – Waitin’ For The Bus [Live] | Goin’ 50 Whitey Morgan And T...
    [from itunes:summary]! John Fogerty – Just Pickin’ | Blue Moon Swamp (2017 edition) Brad Paisley – Kentucky Jelly | Play Vince Gill – Liza Jane ZZ Top – Waitin’ For The Bus [Live] | Goin’ 50 Whitey Morgan And T...
    Pastoral Mécanique
    February 11, 2019
    [from content:encoded] ...mplete Ritchie Valens The Cramps “Blue Moon Baby” | A Date With Elvis Buddy Holly “Rave On” | Not Fade Away: The Complete Studio Recordings and more… Ritchie Valens “In A Turkish Town” | The ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...mplete Ritchie Valens The Cramps “Blue Moon Baby” | A Date With Elvis Buddy Holly “Rave On” | Not Fade Away: The Complete Studio Recordings and more… Ritchie Valens “In A Turkish Town” | The ...
    S4U #45 : The Virgin Prunes
    November 6, 2018
    [from content:encoded] ...irgin Prunes “Baby turns blue” [If I die, I die, Rough trade, 1982] – Virgin Prunes “Twenty tens” [Twenty tens EP, Baby records, 1980] – Jessica93 “Asylum” [Rise, Teenage menopaus...
    [from itunes:summary] ...irgin Prunes “Baby turns blue” [If I die, I die, Rough trade, 1982] - Virgin Prunes “Twenty tens” [Twenty tens EP, Baby records, 1980] - Jessica93 “Asylum” [Rise, Teenage menopause, 2014] - V...
    Là-haut dans l’Océan S3E03 – 23 octobre
    October 24, 2018
    [from content:encoded] ... 1) U.F.Off 1998 12 The Orb 5th Dimensions COW / Chill Out, World! 2016 13 The Orb Blue Room [Ambient Mix] U.F.Off 1998 14 The Orb Alpine Dawn Alpine 2016 15 The Orb The 10 Sultans Of Rudyard...
    [from itunes:summary] ... 1) U.F.Off 1998 12 The Orb 5th Dimensions COW / Chill Out, World! 2016 13 The Orb Blue Room [Ambient Mix] U.F.Off 1998 14 The Orb Alpine Dawn Alpine 2016 15 The Orb The 10 Sultans Of Rudyard...
    Là où on va – Les Balkans – Juin 2018
    September 28, 2018
    [from content:encoded] ...211; Album : Disko Partizani Balkan Beat Box – Dancing With The MoonBlue Eyed Black Boy Habillage sonore : Boban Markovic – STA Générique : Kouyaté & Neerman – Djanfa...
    [from itunes:summary] ...el - The Veil - Album : Disko Partizani Balkan Beat Box - Dancing With The Moon - Blue Eyed Black Boy Habillage sonore : Boban Markovic - STA Générique : Kouyaté etamp; Neerman – Djanfa Mag...
    Pastoral Mécanique 07 Février
    February 8, 2018
    [from content:encoded] ...e campus Grenoble ! John Fogerty –  » Bring It Down to Jelly Roll  » | Blue Moon Swamp Walter Brown –  » Jelly Roll Rock  » | Big Box of Link Wray and More Kings of Distortion The...
    [from itunes:summary] ...sur les 90.8 de campus Grenoble ! John Fogerty - Bring It Down to Jelly Roll | Blue Moon Swamp Walter Brown - Jelly Roll Rock | Big Box of Link Wray and More Kings of Distortion The Cramp...
    On the Slab #09
    February 1, 2018
    [from description] Andrew parle de l’eclipse de la lune le 31 janvier, qui sera un ‘Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse’ Nos invitées: Flora Yakhou-Harris de l’European... Lire la suite →
    [from itunes:subtitle] ... Andrew parle de landrsquo;eclipse de la lune le 31 janvier, qui sera un andlsquo;Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse
    [from content:encoded] Andrew parle de l’eclipse de la lune le 31 janvier, qui sera un ‘Super Blue Blood Moon Eclipse’ Nos invitées: Flora Yakhou-Harris de l’European Synchrotron Radiat...
    Never Been #24 – 6 Décembre
    December 20, 2017
    [from description] ...tning Ears » (2017, Tenth Court) – His Electro Blue Voice  »Jaws‘‘ – « Mental Hoop » (2017, Maple Death Rds / Iron Lung) – Hoboken Division  »Boiling Up » –...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...» (2017, Egg) and#8211; Lars Finberg  »Born Shopping » and#8211; « Moon Over Bakersfield » (2017, In The Red Rdgs) and#8211; Wireh
    [from content:encoded] ...tning Ears » (2017, Tenth Court) – His Electro Blue Voice  »Jaws‘‘ – « Mental Hoop » (2017, Maple Death Rds / Iron Lung) – Hoboken Division  »Boiling Up » –...
    Voix de Garage #463 – 15 novembre
    November 16, 2017
    [from content:encoded] ...iko, Usa) + BROR GUNNAR JANSSON (Alt Blues Country, Suède), à La Cave à Musique, à Mâcon Et : Samedi 18 Novembre : BROR GUNNAR JANSSON (One Man Blues Ban...
    Pastoral Mécanique 30 août
    September 1, 2017
    [from content:encoded] ...qui pétarade en décalage contrôlé sur les routes poussiéreuses de la country, du blues et du rock’n’roll. Nous avons célébré le 16 août dernier, le 40ème anniversaire du début des...
    [from itunes:summary] ...qui pétarade en décalage contrôlé sur les routes poussiéreuses de la country, du blues et du rocknroll. Nous avons célébré le 16 août dernier, le 40ème anniversaire du début des apparitions m...
    Honky Tonk Live – L’heure de fêter l’Indépendance – 05 Juillet
    July 6, 2017
    [from content:encoded] ...4/. Que nous prolongeons musicalement aujourd’hui. Entre country outlaw, blues, rockabilly, surf… nous avons choisi de ne pas choisir ! Playlist : Mike Ness –  » ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...let-1954/. Que nous prolongeons musicalement aujourdhui. Entre country outlaw, blues, rockabilly, surf... nous avons choisi de ne pas choisir ! Playlist : Mike Ness - All I Can Do Is Cry |...
    Là-haut dans l’Océan 07 : Modulation d’une fin de journée au paradis – 22 Mai
    May 22, 2017
    [from content:encoded] ...02] Move freely (all wishing) -Stag Hare – [Angel Tech #03] Djrona Blue -Pulse Emitter – [Outdoor Session #03] Airwaves -J.D. Emmanuel – [Time Traveler #01] Path Inward -Ias...
    [from itunes:summary] ...yata #02] Move freely (all wishing) -Stag Hare - [Angel Tech #03] Djrona Blue -Pulse Emitter - [Outdoor Session #03] Airwaves -J.D. Emmanuel - [Time Traveler #01] Path Inward -Iasos - [Celest...
    Honky Tonk Live – L’heure de s’envoyer dans l’espace – 01 Fevrier
    February 2, 2017
    [from content:encoded] ...;heure de s’envoyer dans l’espace Les routes poussiéreuses de la country, du blues et du rockabilly nous mènent aujourd’hui dans l’espace. Fusées, satellites, soucoup...
    [from itunes:summary] Honky Tonk Live Lheure de senvoyer dans lespace Les routes poussiéreuses de la country, du blues et du rockabilly nous mènent aujourdhui dans lespace. Fusées, satellites, soucoupes volantes et...
    Honky Tonk Live – L’heure de s’envoyer dans l’espace – 18 Janvier
    January 19, 2017
    [from content:encoded] ...;heure de s’envoyer dans l’espace Les routes poussiéreuses de la country, du blues et du rockabilly nous mènent aujourd’hui dans l’espace. Fusées, satellites, soucoup...
    [from itunes:summary] Honky Tonk Live Lheure de senvoyer dans lespace Les routes poussiéreuses de la country, du blues et du rockabilly nous mènent aujourdhui dans lespace. Fusées, satellites, soucoupes volantes et...
    Rockology – 18 Janvier
    January 19, 2017
    [from content:encoded] ...tends / 8 – Duke of stratosfear : Bike ride to the moon 9- Soft Boys: School dinner Blue / 10- The Icicles Works : As the dragonflies fly / 11- The Fleshtones  : Dregs 12- Green on Red ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s: Pretends / 8 - Duke of stratosfear : Bike ride to the moon 9- Soft Boys: School dinner Blue / 10- The Icicles Works : As the dragonflies fly / 11- The Fleshtones  : Dregs 12- Green on Red ...
    Honky Tonk Live – L’heure de Scotty Moore – 6 Juillet
    July 7, 2016
    [from content:encoded] ... | Setzer goes Instru-mental Steffan Rock – ” Blue Moon of Kentucky ” Elvis Presley – ” So Glad You’re Mine ” | Elvis ’56 Elvis Presley – ” Lawdy Miss Clawdy ” | Elvis ’56 The Scotty Moore Tr...
    [from itunes:summary] ... | Setzer goes Instru-mental Steffan Rock – ” Blue Moon of Kentucky ” Elvis Presley – ” So Glad You’re Mine ” | Elvis ’56 Elvis Presley – ” Lawdy Miss Clawdy ” | Elvis ’56 The Scotty Moor...
    Honky Tonk Live – L’heure du Merle – 13 avril
    April 21, 2016
    [from content:encoded] ...owboys  » | Nashville Rebel Joey Allcorn :  » South Montgomery Blues  » | Nothing Left to Prove Bob Wayne :  » Mack  » | Outlaw Carnie W...
    [from itunes:summary] ...our Babies Grow Up to Be Cowboys | Nashville Rebel Joey Allcorn : South Montgomery Blues | Nothing Left to Prove Bob Wayne : Mack | Outlaw Carnie Washington Dead Cats : Redhead Girl Wit...
    PALISADE 45: Where They Are Pt. 3
    April 12, 2024 (duration 1h57m)
    [from description] ...ght in the Bontive Valley, it is time for one more—one final?—movie night aboard the Blue Channel. Why me, or better, why you? / When we can fake it like any way we want to People Elle Evenso...
    [from content:encoded] ...ght in the Bontive Valley, it is time for one more—one final?—movie night aboard the Blue Channel. Why me, or better, why you? / When we can fake it like any way we want to People Elle Evenso...
    [from itunes:subtitle] As Palisade eases into its new orbit, the people below face a new marker of evening. Yes, the dual moons of Chimera’s Lantern and Travertine remain above them. But now night brings a new absence: Gon...
    PALISADE 44: Where They Are Pt. 2
    April 6, 2024 (duration 1h51m)
    [from description] ...sion war criminals. Gucci Garantine orders supplies be delivered to the ever-overstretched Blue Channel. And a guest arrives to make parley, along with a gift. This week on PALISADE: Where Th...
    [from content:encoded] ...sion war criminals. Gucci Garantine orders supplies be delivered to the ever-overstretched Blue Channel. And a guest arrives to make parley, along with a gift. This week on PALISADE: Where Th...
    PALISADE 28: Honesty and Integrity Pt. 1
    October 6, 2023 (duration 2h42m)
    [from description] ... for imprisonment, withholding medical care, chemical warfare and civilian casualties. The Blue Channel orbits Palisade unhelmed, one of its members sacrificed and two under lock and key in t...
    [from content:encoded] ... for imprisonment, withholding medical care, chemical warfare and civilian casualties. The Blue Channel orbits Palisade unhelmed, one of its members sacrificed and two under lock and key in t...
    PALISADE 25: An Impossible Ideal Pt. 4
    September 5, 2023 (duration 2h48m)
    [from description] ...Rennari (he/him): Half-Apostolsian, scion of a minor Kesh noble house, and the Blue Channel's heavy.  Mustard Red (she/her): A cyborg who once served as a member of Brink Proxy, with a specia...
    [from content:encoded] ...Rennari (he/him): Half-Apostolsian, scion of a minor Kesh noble house, and the Blue Channel's heavy.  Mustard Red (she/her): A cyborg who once served as a member of Brink Proxy, with a specia...
    PALISADE 24: An Impossible Ideal Pt. 3
    September 1, 2023 (duration 2h25m)
    [from description] ...ennari (he/him): Half-Apostolsian, scion of a minor Kesh noble house, and the Blue Channel's heavy.  Mustard Red (she/her): A cyborg who once served as a member of Brink Proxy, with a special...
    [from content:encoded] ...ennari (he/him): Half-Apostolsian, scion of a minor Kesh noble house, and the Blue Channel's heavy.  Mustard Red (she/her): A cyborg who once served as a member of Brink Proxy, with a special...
    PALISADE 23: An Impossible Ideal Pt. 2
    August 27, 2023 (duration 2h11m)
    [from description] ...treme heat. The ball is in the air; water pours from the pitcher; the rope draws taut. The Blue Channel hides in the shadow of the Chimera’s Lantern, and everyone on board holds their breath....
    [from content:encoded] ...treme heat. The ball is in the air; water pours from the pitcher; the rope draws taut. The Blue Channel hides in the shadow of the Chimera’s Lantern, and everyone on board holds their breath....
    PALISADE 22: An Impossible Ideal Pt. 1
    August 18, 2023 (duration 2h21m)
    [from description] ...ennari (he/him): Half-Apostolsian, scion of a minor Kesh noble house, and the Blue Channel's heavy.  Mustard Red (she/her): A cyborg who once served as a member of Brink Proxy, with a special...
    [from content:encoded] ...ennari (he/him): Half-Apostolsian, scion of a minor Kesh noble house, and the Blue Channel's heavy.  Mustard Red (she/her): A cyborg who once served as a member of Brink Proxy, with a special...
    PALISADE 18: How It Always Looks Pt. 1
    July 14, 2023 (duration 2h8m)
    [from description] ...blood Clan, the Company of the Spade, and the Shale Belt's Concrete Front, these blue collar revolutionaries are experts at getting the Cause the equipment it needs (and maintaining what it h...
    [from content:encoded] ...blood Clan, the Company of the Spade, and the Shale Belt's Concrete Front, these blue collar revolutionaries are experts at getting the Cause the equipment it needs (and maintaining what it h...
    PALISADE 17: Upon Our Grace Pt. 4
    June 30, 2023 (duration 2h3m)
    [from description] ...e Kestrel White, war washes ashore the Isle of the Broken Key. Soon after the crew of the Blue Channel released Kenneth Marian Colver, Bilateral Viceroy to Palisade and convert of the Usher o...
    [from content:encoded] ...e Kestrel White, war washes ashore the Isle of the Broken Key. Soon after the crew of the Blue Channel released Kenneth Marian Colver, Bilateral Viceroy to Palisade and convert of the Usher o...
    PALISADE 16: Upon Our Grace Pt. 3
    June 23, 2023 (duration 2h39m)
    [from description] ...cure and the immediate threat from Fabreal Knight Tenn Alpenglow resolved, the crew of the Blue Channel discusses what to do next. Should they prioritize capturing the BIS agents they’ve iden...
    [from content:encoded] ...cure and the immediate threat from Fabreal Knight Tenn Alpenglow resolved, the crew of the Blue Channel discusses what to do next. Should they prioritize capturing the BIS agents they’ve iden...
    PALISADE 15: Upon Our Grace Pt. 2
    June 16, 2023 (duration 2h36m)
    [from description] an effort to both help the Figure in Bismuth and spurn Gucci Garantine, the crew of the Blue Channel begin to explore the Dim Liturgy’s primary monastery on the Isle of the Broken Key. Brn...
    [from content:encoded] an effort to both help the Figure in Bismuth and spurn Gucci Garantine, the crew of the Blue Channel begin to explore the Dim Liturgy’s primary monastery on the Isle of the Broken Key. Brn...
    PALISADE 09: The Canvas of Dreams Pt. 4
    May 4, 2023 (duration 2h4m)
    [from description] This episode carries content warnings for blood, uncanny body horror, and unconsciousness.  The Blue Channel’s mission was delivered in simple terms: Prevent their target, codenamed Gem, from reach...
    [from content:encoded] This episode carries content warnings for blood, uncanny body horror, and unconsciousness.  The Blue Channel’s mission was delivered in simple terms: Prevent their target, codenamed Gem, from reach...
    PALISADE 02: Into the World Pt. 2
    March 17, 2023 (duration 1h42m)
    [from description] ...r, and life itself. It is at the door to this mythical place that the crew of the Blue Channel find themselves now, entwined in battle with Bilateral interlopers and desperate to finish the j...
    [from content:encoded] ...r, and life itself. It is at the door to this mythical place that the crew of the Blue Channel find themselves now, entwined in battle with Bilateral interlopers and desperate to finish the j...
    PALISADE 01:
    March 10, 2023 (duration 2h54m)
    [from description] People Kalvin Brnine (they/them): Captain of the Blue Channel, former weapons technician and de facto leader of the Society of Banners and Bright Returns. Apostolosian born, Orion trained...
    [from content:encoded] People Kalvin Brnine (they/them): Captain of the Blue Channel, former weapons technician and de facto leader of the Society of Banners and Bright Returns. Apostolosian born, Orion trained...
    Sangfielle 52: Six Travelers: Lyke
    April 28, 2022 (duration 2h23m)
    [from description] ...uilt facsimile) a few months back, when they hopped off the Jade Moon. Bluerock Quarry: Bluestone is what you might guess from the name, a quarry for digging up stones of various qualities an...
    [from content:encoded] ...uilt facsimile) a few months back, when they hopped off the Jade Moon. Bluerock Quarry: Bluestone is what you might guess from the name, a quarry for digging up stones of various qualities an...
    Sangfielle 33: Passage on the Jade Moon Pt. 2
    November 11, 2021 (duration 2h30m)
    [from title] Sangfielle 33: Passage on the Jade Moon Pt. 2
    [from description] ... Triadic Pyre, and de facto sawbones aboard the Jade Moon. The Blue Wind: One train among many in the Bridge Cathedral. This one seems to be inhabitted by a more boisterous group of Gandy Dan...
    PARTIZAN 47: Operation Shackled Sun: Act 3: The Stories Told About the Things We Do
    January 23, 2021 (duration 3h18m)
    [from description] ...olos to regularly launch ships spaceward). Ver’MIllion Blue’s rival. Has taken a new elect, Laurel, a clone of the Apostolosian war hero Cassander Timaeus Berenice, a young, yet intuitive Apo...
    [from content:encoded] ...olos to regularly launch ships spaceward). Ver’MIllion Blue’s rival. Has taken a new elect, Laurel, a clone of the Apostolosian war hero Cassander Timaeus Berenice, a young, yet intuitive Apo...
    PARTIZAN 46: Operation Shackled Sun: Act 2: The Gate
    January 15, 2021 (duration 2h25m)
    [from description] ... confront operation Shackled Sun directly.  As such, the Company of the Spade and the Blue Channel lead an a 1-in-1000 attack against the secret Portcullis gate deep within the heart of Giran...
    [from content:encoded] ... confront operation Shackled Sun directly.  As such, the Company of the Spade and the Blue Channel lead an a 1-in-1000 attack against the secret Portcullis gate deep within the heart of Giran...
    PARTIZAN 40: Engine Burn
    November 12, 2020 (duration 1h23m)
    [from description] The Blue Channel and its inhabitants have left Partizan behind. And as it grows dim in the distance, the...
    [from content:encoded] The Blue Channel and its inhabitants have left Partizan behind. And as it grows dim in the distance, the...
    [from itunes:subtitle] The Blue Channel and its inhabitants have left Partizan behind. And as it grows dim in the distance, the...
    PARTIZAN 33: A Single Shot
    September 17, 2020 (duration 1h54m)
    [from description] ...e species, the same as Gigas Acano from Twilight Mirage. White/blue skin with black/brown markings. Tentacle hands, tentacle mouth, eyes adjust in size depending on environment and light. Unl...
    [from content:encoded] ...e species, the same as Gigas Acano from Twilight Mirage. White/blue skin with black/brown markings. Tentacle hands, tentacle mouth, eyes adjust in size depending on environment and light. Unl...
    PARTIZAN 32: GLORY Arrives
    September 12, 2020 (duration 2h42m)
    [from description] ...sses could go about their politicking and gallivanting in safety. But when Ver’Million Blue called in a strange occurrence at the Strand Semaphore station to the north of Auspice, they unders...
    [from content:encoded] ...sses could go about their politicking and gallivanting in safety. But when Ver’Million Blue called in a strange occurrence at the Strand Semaphore station to the north of Auspice, they unders...
    PARTIZAN 31: The Grand Premiere
    September 3, 2020 (duration 2h29m)
    [from description] ...e species, the same as Gigas Acano from Twilight Mirage. White/blue skin with black/brown markings. Tentacle hands, tentacle mouth, eyes adjust in size depending on environment and light. Unl...
    [from content:encoded] ...e species, the same as Gigas Acano from Twilight Mirage. White/blue skin with black/brown markings. Tentacle hands, tentacle mouth, eyes adjust in size depending on environment and light. Unl...
    [from itunes:subtitle] .... The hammer of the Principality fell on the organization’s independent cells across the moon, and now the leaders of Millennium Break...
    PARTIZAN 26: Millennium Break: Breaking Vigil
    July 10, 2020 (duration 2h51m)
    [from description] a bazooka and a pair of beam partizan (with a golden beam blade) which can retract into a beam saber. Below the blue armor layer is a secondary core, made of some sort of rare crystal: Whe...
    [from content:encoded] a bazooka and a pair of beam partizan (with a golden beam blade) which can retract into a beam saber. Below the blue armor layer is a secondary core, made of some sort of rare crystal: Whe...
    PARTIZAN 25: Millennium Break: Courage in the Shadow of Opportunity
    July 3, 2020 (duration 2h22m)
    [from description] ... Motion had been bested by the Rapid Evening, and found herself a rival in Ver’Million Blue--a rivalry felt in the jealous heart of Motion’s new elect, a young, yet intuitive Apostolosian com...
    [from content:encoded] ... Motion had been bested by the Rapid Evening, and found herself a rival in Ver’Million Blue--a rivalry felt in the jealous heart of Motion’s new elect, a young, yet intuitive Apostolosian com...
    [from itunes:subtitle] A week away from the moon of Partizan, a vessel rare in its luxury and power orbited the Portcullis which connects this p...
    February 28, 2020 (duration 2h7m)
    [from description] ... with the pilgrimage’s leadership and re-route the convoy, Exeter Leap and Ver’Million Blue standby in overwatch position. And as the storm grows nearer, it becomes clear that are not alone i...
    [from content:encoded] ... with the pilgrimage’s leadership and re-route the convoy, Exeter Leap and Ver’Million Blue standby in overwatch position. And as the storm grows nearer, it becomes clear that are not alone i...
    PARTIZAN 07: Ambush in the Sand
    February 7, 2020 (duration 2h25m)
    [from description] ... Kathekons recolored in the dark blue and gold of Stel Columnar, and maintained with much higher quality (and experimental) materials. Unlike the Kathekon for Apostolos, the Wedge does make u...
    [from content:encoded] ... Kathekons recolored in the dark blue and gold of Stel Columnar, and maintained with much higher quality (and experimental) materials. Unlike the Kathekon for Apostolos, the Wedge does make u...
    PARTIZAN 06: A Palace During a Wake
    January 31, 2020 (duration 2h44m)
    [from description] aftershock of her first command, Sovereign Immunity, Exeter Leap, and Ver’Million Blue test the constraints of their imprisonment and take next steps towards their goals.  And then there i...
    [from content:encoded] aftershock of her first command, Sovereign Immunity, Exeter Leap, and Ver’Million Blue test the constraints of their imprisonment and take next steps towards their goals.  And then there i...
    January 17, 2020 (duration 2h23m)
    [from description] ...pper arms covered in a sort of secondary armor layer that is blue with gold flourishes. Carries a bazooka and a pair of beam partizan (with a golden beam blade) which can retract into a beam ...
    [from content:encoded] ...pper arms covered in a sort of secondary armor layer that is blue with gold flourishes. Carries a bazooka and a pair of beam partizan (with a golden beam blade) which can retract into a beam ...
    January 10, 2020 (duration 1h59m)
    [from description] ...ligious advisor Sovereign Immunity (Art Tebbel), and AWOL super soldier Ver’Million Blue (Andi Clare), secure acceptable terms with one of her Stel’s most ardent foes? Or will negotiations br...
    [from content:encoded] ...ligious advisor Sovereign Immunity (Art Tebbel), and AWOL super soldier Ver’Million Blue (Andi Clare), secure acceptable terms with one of her Stel’s most ardent foes? Or will negotiations br...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...f an Elect, and war on a new front: Any one of these could shift the balance of power on a moon like Partizan. So when all three occurred in Obelle, the great Stels began to analyze, strategi...
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