Perfectionism Rewired with CLG

Is Perfectionism the new ADHD? How do I stop living in fear of failure? How to get out of my own way? Why am I so hard on myself? Why do I self-sabotage? Will ruminating + catastrophizing ever end? There's a BETTER Way to Perfectionism, that's empowering highly driven, Type-A, ambitious perfectionists to OWN their perfectionism instead of owned by it. Perfectionism Rewired host Courtney Love Gavin (CLG) shows you that way in every episode. Perfectionism Rewired is committed to neuroscience truth and accuracy through a perfectionist affirming lens, offering cutting-edge research on perfectionism, neuroplasticity + interoception techniques for the practical-perfectionist who wants that extra edge over obsolete advice to "overcome your perfectionism" Listen for fierce insights on exiting victim mentality, what self-sabotage *really is*, how to stop: people pleasing without compromising kindness, catastrophizing, ruminating, overthinking and upgrading all-or-nothing mindset, so you can quit fighting against your perfectionistic tendencies and feel as put together as your life looks...


episode 2: Breaking All The Branding Rules with Sarah Ashman

Today CLG is with the founder of Public Persona Studio, Sarah Ashman. Listen in as CLG and Sarah discuss the personal branding approach that's a recipe for disaster, how to express yourself professionally while keeping true to yourself, the greatest currency for success in your business or career, and how to show up even when struggling with comparison-i-tus...


 July 29, 2020  30m

episode 1: How To Own Your Expertise

Want to be a sought-after expert? There’s a ton of misunderstanding behind the idea of expertise...


 July 15, 2020  24m

First Stop To Extraordinary: Space Camp

3/5 Sacral Generator Courtney Love Gavin is full of hot takes and mic drops in this inaugural episode of Pretty Pretty Podcast. Join CLG as she walks you through the vision of Pretty Pretty Podcast (the caterpillar that became the butterfly of Unfuckwithable YOU) why she finally got her own "lower back tattoo" and hear the never-before-told story of how Courtney Love went from aspiring astronaut to courageous coach + PR extraordinaire. For show notes and additional information head over to www...


 July 13, 2020  12m