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Wenn Du in Zukunft über neue Folgen zum Suchbegriff Barcelona Bayern informiert werden möchtest, lege einfach einen Alert dafür an.


Hier findet ihr meine Kurationen zu Podcasts die ich höre und sich mit dem Thema Fotografie beschäftigen. Ob Technik oder Kreativität, es ist bestimmt für jeden etwas dabei. Ich werde aber nur die aktuellen Folgen in die Liste aufnehmen und meinen Senf (natürlich nur Süßen Senf, komme ja aus Bayern) dazugeben, alles andere wäre Wahnsinn ;)
Hello. Goodbye.
November 1, 2016 (duration 2h15m)

Zwischen zwei Reisen und zwei Betriebssystemen.


Diesmal haben wir 7 richtig tolle Tipps zur Reisefotografie für Dich, sprechen über unsere jüngsten Erfahrungen mit Fototaschen, die Neuigkeiten von Microsoft und Apple und auch mal wieder über Akkus und Adobe Lightroom. Ein bisschen was zur Olympus OM-D E-M1 MK II gibt's natürlich auch.


Dir gefällt diese Epsiode, oder der ganze Podcast? Dann hinterlasse doch bitte eine entsprechende Rezension bei Apple Podcasts. Vielen Dank!

Du hast eine Frage oder Kommentar für uns? Dann schreibe uns einen Kommentar!

Ausführliche Shownotes zu dieser Folge (mit Bildern und Videos) findest Du unter: Hello. Goodbye.



Dieter und Frank waren in den letzten 2 Wochen überwiegend unterwegs. Sie besprechen heute eure aufgelaufenen Kommentare und Mails und tauschen sich über die aktuellen (Foto)News aus.

Dieter war auf der Podcaster-Konferenz »Subscribe« in München und Frank auf Fotoreise in Rom. Beide erzählen Dir von ihren Erlebnissen vor Ort. Frank ist quasi nur auf der Durchreise, denn in einer Woche macht er sich schon wieder auf nach Mallorca.

Daher ist das Genre Reisefotografie erneut Thema in dieser Folge der fotophonie. Und die Neuheiten von Apple und Microsoft. Und mal wieder Akkus. Und Taschen.

Adrian empfiehlt als Reise-Fotottasche die besonders zugriffssicheren Taschen der Firma Pacsafe.

Für den Fall, dass Dich die Think Tank Taschen aus der Speed-Serie interessieren klicke doch einfach mal hier*. Dort gibt es die Taschen bei amazon*.

Das kleine aber feine Grafikkarten-Tool für den MAC, welches der Bert vorgeschlagen hat, ist dieses hier: Das gfxCardStatus.

Mathis B. wurde seine Fuji Kamera in Berlin gestohlen. Wem eine XT1 mit der Seriennummer 41W03268 angeboten wird, bitte bei der Polizei melden.

Du hast es bestimmt bereits gemerkt, Akkus sind bei uns ein Dauerthema. Wenn Du Dich zum Thema Akkus im Fluggepäck ein wenig einlesen möchtest, dann schau doch einmal in diesen Artikel. Die IATA empfiehlt nicht mehr als 100Wh an Akkuleistung im Handgepäck. Im aufgegebenen Gepäck sind die Lithium-Ionen-Akkus komplett verboten.

Hier hat Frank ein paar Rom-Fotos für Dich. Du kannst auch erkennen, warum es sich in jedem Fall lohnt früh auf dem Petersplatz zu sein!

Der Olympus Visionary und National Geographic Fotograf Jay Dickman gibt hier wesentliche Tips zur Reisefotografie. Dieter und Frank haben die Tipps zusammengefasst und ergänzt! Reinhören lohnt sich auf jeden Fall!

7 Tipps zur Reisefotografie

1.) Reise mit kleinem Gepäck

  • E-M1, and M.7-14mm f2.8, M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm f2.8 PRO and M.40-150mm f2.8 PRO
    • Alles am Diagonalgurt getragen
  • Beim Wandern nutzt Jay die E-M10 MK II und das M.Zuiko 12-40 Pro

2.) Sei Vorbereitet

  • 80% der Zeit fließt in die Vorbereitung
    • beschäftige Dich mit der Location,
    • aber auch der Kultur und den Sitten

3.) Sei früh dran (Early Bird)

  • der frühe Vogel usw…

4.) Suche Augenkontakt

  • Durch Augenkontakt entscheiden ob Fotografieren erwünscht ist
  • Sonst respektieren

5.) Teile Deine Fotos

  • Nutze einen kleinen mobilen Fotodrucker
  • Lass Fotos in einem Fotoladen vor Ort ausbelichten/drucken. Oft finden sich Fototerminals auch in Drogerien und großen Supermärkten.
  • Wenn Du an einem wirklich entlegenen Ort bist, schicke die Bilder nach Deiner Rückkehrper Mail. Schnellstmöglich.

6.) Sei immer bereit

  • Kamera am Körper, eingeschaltet
  • Voreinstellungen der Kamera vornehmen
  • Gedanklich vorbereiten (mögliche Motiv bereits vorab vorstellen)

7.) Lerne zu erkennen wann es Zeit ist zu fotografieren oder das Weite zu suchen!

Sichere Dir beim Kauf ausgewählter Olympus Produkte den Olympus Winterbonus! Dabei handelt es sich um nichts anderes als Cashback…

Echte Hi-Speed-Kamera (1050 fps)
  • 1050 fps bei 1280×1024
  • 17.000 fps bei 640 x 120
  • Chronos 1.4
  • David Kronstein (Elektroingeneur)
  • 2500 US$ (8 GB RAM), Kickstarter (32 GB > teurer)
  • youtube Video
»Winterbonus« bei Olympus – 100,- €/CHF »Cashback«

Prämien können bis zum 15. Februar 2017 unter Olympus Winterbonus geltend gemacht werden.


  • OM-D E-M5 Mark II
  • OM-D E-M10 Mark II


  • M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 75–300 mm 1:4.8–6.7 II
  • M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 9–18 mm 1:4.0–5.6
  • M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 14–150 mm 1:4.0–5.6 II
  • M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 60 mm 1:2.8 Makro

60,- €/CHF auf

  • M.ZUIKO DIGITAL 25 mm 1:1.8 (inkl. Streulichtblende)
Microsoft Surface Studio
  • 28” Display mit 4500×3000 =192ppi im Format 2:3
  • umklappbar + Touch sensitiv
  • 10bit Farbtiefe, »Vivid«, sRGB, DCI P3
  • CPU: bis zu Intel Core i7
  • mit 32 GByte RAM, GTX 980M 4GB VRAM und Hybrid-Festplatten mit 1 oder 2 TByte Speicherplatz (keine reinen SSD-Lösungen), für 4200,- U$
  • begrenzte Stückzahl vor Weihnachten in USA
  • Technische Daten auf der Website von Microsoft
Neues MacBook Pro mit Touch Bar

Zum Beispiel das 15” mit Touch Bar und Touch ID 

  • 1,83 kg (statt 2,04), 1,55 cm 
    • 2,6 GHz, 2,7 GHz oder 2,9 GHz Quad‑Core Intel Core i7
    • 4 x Thunderbolt 3 Ports (alle volle Geschwindigkeit)
    • 1 x 3,5 mm Kopfhöreranschluss
    • max. 16 GB RAM, max. 2 TB SSD
    • Display heller als bisher (500 Nits statt 300 Nits, Farbraum DCI P3)
    • Kein SD-Karten-Leser
    • Kein Mag-Safe mehr
    • Akku mit 76 Wh (statt 99,5 Wh)

ab 2699,- (2,6 GHz, 256 GB SSD, 16 GB RAM)

  • 2 TB SSD = 1680,- EUR Aufpreis
  • Grafik mit 4 GB VRAM = 240,- Aufpreis

macht zusammen: 4619,- EUR

Für 3199,- EUR gibt es als Basismodell: 2,7 GHz + 512 GB SSD + 16 GB RAM

  • 2 TB SSD = 1440,- Aufpreis
  • Grafik mit 4 Gb VRAM = 120,- Aufpreis

macht zusammen: 4759,- EUR

Und dann hat man noch nicht einen einzigen Adapter, um z.B. einen Monitor va HDMI anzuschliessen oder um einen USB-Stick zu benutzen. Geschweige denn einen SD-Karten-Leser. Ach ja, das bisher übliche flexible Anschlusskabel zum Netzteil (mit Schuko-Stecker) wird auch nicht mehr mitgeliefert. Kann man aber nachkaufen, für 25,- EUR. Ach Apple, was ist los mit euch?!

Der von Apple zum neuen MacBook empfohlene 5k Monitor von LG ist auch so eine Sache …

Aber schau doch selbst: LG UltraFine 5K Display

  • 27” mit 5120 x 2880 Pixel, Farbraum P3 (ähnlich Adobe RGB)
  • 1 x Thunderbolt 3 + 3 x USB-C downstream
  • Lautsprecher + Kamera eingebaut
  • 1399,- EUR
Nervige Erinnerungen an macOS Sierra loswerden Systemeinstellungen > App-Store

Wenn alle Haken weg sind, dann erinnert macOS Dich auch nicht mehr daran, dass Du das neue macOS Sierra ja installieren könntest. Allerdings musst Du dann selber regelmäßig die App-Store App selber starten und manuell nach Updates suchen. Das ist für die kritischen Sicherheitsupdates natürlich nicht ganz optimal.


Vera F. Birkenbihl – Bist Du Frosch oder Adler? (youtube, 21 Minuten) oder den kompletten Vortrag Erfolgreich Dein Leben meistern!!! (youtube, 2Stunden und 33 Minuten)


Das Rätselhörspiel zum Mitmachen: Puerto Patida


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 Germany License

Episoden mit ähnlichem Inhalt:

  • Hello Again!

Die mit einem * gekennzeichneten Links sind Teil des Affiliate-Programms von Amazon. Wenn Du über diese Links etwas bei Amazon bestellst, erhalten wir eine kleine Provision. Du zahlst dafür nicht mehr aber motivierst uns damit sehr. Vielen Dank für Deine Unterstützung!

Archiv mit allen Episoden

Unser vollständiges Episoden-Archiv mit allen bisher erschienen Folgen findest Du auf der Archivseite.

The post fotophonie 069 - Hello. Goodbye. first appeared on fotophonie.
Fotobücher für Fortgeschrittene
October 8, 2016 (duration 2h21m)

Individuell veredelte Fotobücher aus einer Hamburger Fotobuchmanufaktur sind diesmal unser Hauptthema. Aber wir haben noch mehr zu sagen …


Unsere Themen diesmal im Überblick: • Premium Fotobücher aus Hamburg – Vom Fachmann mit Herzblut hergestellt • Graufilter besser nutzen – mit passender Dichtung • Lightroom beschleunigen – auch auf MacBooks • Gürteltasche ThinkTank Mirrorless Mover 30i – welche Version soll Deine werden? • Leica vs. iPhone – Ein fragwürdiger »Vergleich« • Dual Pixel Raw – Gibt es da nicht aus was von …


Dir gefällt diese Epsiode, oder der ganze Podcast? Dann hinterlasse doch bitte eine entsprechende Rezension bei Apple Podcasts. Vielen Dank!

Du hast eine Frage oder Kommentar für uns? Dann schreibe uns einen Kommentar!

Ausführliche Shownotes zu dieser Folge (mit Bildern und Videos) findest Du unter: Fotobücher für Fortgeschrittene



In unserer Folge 064 mit Petra Vogt lieferten wir Dir den Einstieg in das Thema Fotobuch. Heute haben Dieter und Frank einen echten Experten für das Thema veredelte und individualisierte Fotobücher am Start und im Interview. Michael Bunsen von bindit erkärt im Einzelnen was es an Veredelungsmöglichkeiten bei einem Fotobuch gibt und warum solche handgefertigten Schätzchen einfach toll sind!

Einblicke in die Hamburger Fotobuch-Manufaktur

Für weitere Fragen zu den Fotobüchern ruf gerne an: +49 40 875 0 9800, schick Bind It eine Mail an, oder besuch einfach die Bind It Homepage.

Kleine Korrektur: »Studio Grafico« heisst eigentlich Graphistudio.

  • E-M1 MK II UVP: 1699,- US$ bei (Angebot sogar für 1499,-!!)
  • Erstes »Hands-On« zur E-M1 MK II von Adrian Rohnfelder (Visionary) und Martin Wagner (ab 03:30)
  • Firmware update für Panasonic GX80/GX85 bringt Focus Stacking
  • Shin Noguchi »vergleicht« iPhone 7 und Leica M9
Dichtungen am ND-Filter sind wichtig

Wenn seitlich Licht zwischen Filterhalter und Graufilter einfällt, dann können diese Lichtlecks zu wirklich unschönen Bildstörungen führen. Hier mal eine besonders auffällige Darstellung des Phänomens:

Light Leaks im Filterhalter führen zu diesem Muster.

Normalerweise verhindern lichtdichte Dichtungen den Einfall von unerwünschtem Licht zwischen Filterscheibe und Halter. Die Dichtungen haben in diesem Fall aber nicht zum Filterhalter gepasst, weil wir noch die alte Version der Dichtungen bekommen hatten. Die Filter haben wir schon länger im Einsatz als den Halter. Da kann der Lieferant also nichts dafür. Inzwischen gibt es neue Dichtungen, mit auf den Filterhalter optimerter Form:

Links die alte Dichtung, rechts die neu geformte, passend zum 100mm Haida-Filterhalter Hier sieht man, wie die Ecken des Halters von der alten Form der Dichtungen nicht abgedeckt werden. So entstehen Lichtlecks.

Schnell mal zwei Tests mit über einer Minute Belichtungszeit im Live-Time-Modus:

Starker Lichteinfall von der Seite und Hinten. Mit den neuen Dichtungen keine Spiegelung, keine Lichlecks.
Foto: Dieter Bethke | Hier kommt der Lichteinfall mehr von vorne und seitlich. Auch keine unerwünschten Phänomene mehr.
Foto: Dieter Bethke |

Sieht doch super aus. Oder nicht? Für die Fotos haben wir das M.Zuiko 12-40mm f2.8* an der E-M5 MK II* und das 100mm Filtersystem von Haida* verwendet. Vielen Dank für den reibungslosen Austausch der Dichtungen an

Neues Fortbildungsangebot

Alle Informationen zu Franks neuem Fortbildungskonzept „Am Foto gelernt!“ findest Du auf seinem youtube-Kanal:

Neue Taschen braucht der Reisende

Wie Du sicher gehört hast, hat Frank sich auf Dieters Rat hin die ThinkTank Mirrorless Mover 30i* gekauft. Die beiden diskutieren ausführlich den Nutzen und die Gestaltung dieser Fototasche. Die »Klappe« geht zum Beispiel bei aktuellem Modell nicht mehr über das Hauptfach und das Organiser-Fach rüber – wie noch bei der Produktankündigung dargestellt – sondern jetzt nur noch über das vordere Organiser-Fach. Dafür öffnet das Hauptfach jetzt in der aktuellen Version der 30i vom Körper weg, was sehr praktisch ist. Damit Du Dir ein besseres Bild machen kannst hier ein paar Fotos!

Lightroom schneller machen mit GPU-Unterstützung – auch auf dem MacBook

Eigentlich soll Adobe Lightroom schneller arbeiten, wenn man die leistungsfähige Recheneinheit der Grafikkarte zuschaltet, die so genannte GPU. Das geht normalerweise in den Voreinstellungen von Lightroom unter »Leistung« ganz einfach durch setzen des entsprechenden Hakens.

Unterstützung der Grafikkarte (GPU) aktivieren

Auf einem MacBook unter macOS kann jedoch die Energiesparfunktion dazwischenfunken, wie Dieter auf seinem Rechner, ein MacBook Pro 15″ von 2012 mit macOS 10.11.6 (El Capitan), feststellen musste. Hier sollte in den Systemeinstellungen unter »Energie sparen« der »Automatischer Wechsel der Grafikmodi« deaktiviert werden. Dann kann Lightroom CC 2015.7 bzw. LR 6.7 die GPU auch wirklich nutzen!

Automatischer Wechsel der Grafikmodi musste deaktiviert werden Hörtipp
  • Bildsprache Podast von Nico Herzog

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 Germany License

Episoden mit ähnlichem Inhalt:

  • Lightroom Update 2015.6.1
  • Photokina-Vorglühen mit Reinhard Wagner
  • Fotobücher mit Fotolotsin Petra Vogt
  • Photokina 2016 - Nachlese

Die mit einem * gekennzeichneten Links sind Teil des Affiliate-Programms von Amazon. Wenn Du über diese Links etwas bei Amazon bestellst, erhalten wir eine kleine Provision. Du zahlst dafür nicht mehr aber motivierst uns damit sehr. Vielen Dank für Deine Unterstützung!

Archiv mit allen Episoden

Unser vollständiges Episoden-Archiv mit allen bisher erschienen Folgen findest Du auf der Archivseite.

The post fotophonie 068 - Fotobücher für Fortgeschrittene first appeared on fotophonie.
#479 – Drama, Baby!!
October 20, 2016 (duration 1h56m)
  • Aus der Preshow: Preshow ist eigentlich das Beste, immer wieder Franzbrötchen und alle Öffentlichen in einem Topf! Außerdem: Gast Paddy öffnet das Nähkästchen.
  • Heute mit folgenden Themen: Heute mit Gast! Was? Der Paddy ist dabei! Aber auch mit was zu hören, Gewinner der Aufgabe Quadratisch, Akkutäschchen, Lightroom-Frage zu Bildernummerierung, Linktipps zu 3Sat und ARD, Linktipp  LIchtgeschwindigkeit, 100 Jahre alte Farbfotos, Nikon, Wien.
  • Shownoter Sebastian [tumblr]
  • Shownoter Ralf []
  • Shownoter Kai [Tierfreunde Dieburg]
  • Shownoter Alex []
  • Patrick Ludolph alias Paddy stellt sich vor []
  • Wie wird man Fotograf?
  • Mit dem Containerschiff von Singapur nach Shanghai – Paddy war auf Kreuzfahrt []
  • Verdammt groß: die Leverkusen Express [Hapag-Lloyd]
  • Seemannsmission Duckdalben in Hamburg []
  • Drohnenflug auf hoher See []
  • #hsfrage: Kann man deine Magazine auch als Abo beziehen?
  • #hsfrage: Wann kommt dein nächstes Magazin, und wird es Schottland oder vom Schiff sein?
  • #hsfrage: Wie hast du die Musik für dein Drohnenvideo lizensiert?
  • #hsfrage: Wie empfindest du die technische Entwicklung bei Nikon?
  • WERBUNG: Rock’n’Roller Multi-Cart jetzt bei ENJOYYOURCAMERA.COM – 5% auf jede Bestellung mit Gutschein happyshooting2016
  • Villaworkshop MENSCH 22.-23.10.2016  – 10% Rabatt mit dem Code VM10
  • Workshop mit Autoscooter: Wien macht WOW 16. & 17.-18.6.2017 []
  • Nikon Cashback Aktion 2016 []
  • Paris in bunt. Farbfotos von vor 100 Jahren [petapixel]
  • Teure Schulfotos. PlusMinus, 19.10.2016 21:45 Uhr [das Erste]
  • Empfehlung: Das manipulierte Bild [3Sat]
  • Batterietäschchen: ExpoImaging Launch Indicator Battery Pack [PhotographyBLOG]
  • WERBUNG: Jimdo, bau‘ Dir Deine Website – 15,- € auf die Pro-Pakete mit Code BELICHTIGUNG
  • Hörerseite: Blathering Podcast []
  • Über den Zaun geworfen: Ein paar Worte zum Happy Shooting [slack]
  • #hsfrage: Gibt es irgendwelche Tricks, um symmetrische Bilder leichter gestaltet zu bekommen?
  • The Slow Mo Guys [YouTube]
  • #hsfrage: Habt ihr Erfahrungen mit Highspeed-Kameras, die bezahlbar sind?
  • Alle Aufgaben bei [happyshooting]
  • Alle Bilder zur Aufgabe Quadratisch [flickr]
  • Besprechung 1 [flickr]
  • Geräuschrätsel: Leica Q []
  • Zur Happy Shooting Community bei [Google+]
  • Infos zu Happy Shooting Live
  • Gewinnerbild [flickr]

Shownotes wurden mit dem Showmator erstellt

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» Diese Folge als MP3 herunterladen

Nächste Veranstaltungen:
Apr 2017 Villaworkshop MENSCH
Jun 2017 Die Macht der Bilder
Jul 2017 Villaworkshop LICHT
Aug 2017 Villaworkshop GESTALTUNG
Okt 2017 Villaworkshop STUDIO
» zum Veranstaltungskalender

No 47 · Mehr Weitwinkel und Teflon im Tele
September 22, 2016 (duration 2h54m)

Fast wäre die Mannschaft komplett gewesen: Diesmal berichten Rainer, Stefan, Hendrik und Christian über alles, was ihnen fotografisch zwischen und unter die Finger kam. Wir plaudern über Island, von kaputten Kameras, von heilen Kameras wie der Pentax K-1 und der Impossible I1, von der Sache mit dem Kundenservice, stellen die Sinnfrage nach dem eigenen Stil, berichten von orangenen Mopeds und Laserschwertern oder schieben die Regler einer neuen Lightroom-Bedienungs-Maschine.

Was soll man sagen – mal wieder ein Blumenstrauß voll Themen:

  • von Drinks und Nüssen
  • Housekeeping
  • der verlorene Sohn [buchen]
  • Touchdown mit Kamera
  • Aus ehemaligen Flugsimulatoren gemacht – Pentax K1
  • Paranoid mit Polaroid
  • Rainer greift zum Papier
  • Foto mit Stil
  • DJ Christian an den Turntables mit Disco-Light
  • Mopwork Orange
  • Teflon Pod Pro
  • Drop in Box und Light in Room

  • radioRAW Auphonic


search results

    The Bayern juggernaut, fixtures and Wiegman – Football Weekly Extra
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    [from title] The Bayern juggernaut, fixtures and Wiegman – Football Weekly Extra
    Barcelona blues, the Sevilla League and Pep's overthinking – Football Weekly
    August 17, 2020 (duration 42m)
    [from description] ...oined by Sid Lowe and Mark Langdon to discuss Barça’s 8-2 defeat at the hands of Bayern, Guardiola’s tendency to overthink and Sevilla bidding for a sixth Europa League title. Help sup...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...oined by Sid Lowe and Mark Langdon to discuss Barça’s 8-2 defeat at the hands of Bayern, Guardiola’s tendency to overthink and Sevilla bidding for a sixth Europa League title
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    Barcelona after Lionel Messi, Juventus and José Mourinho – Football Weekly
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    [from description] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, Sid Lowe and Nicky Bandini discuss the future for Barcelona and Lionel Messi and Juventus as they edge closer to another title in Italy. Plus, Archie ...
    [from itunes:keywords] European club football, La Liga, Barcelona, Juventus, Bayern Munich, Lionel Messi, Football, Sport, José Mourinho
    [from itunes:summary] Max Rushden, Barry Glendenning, Sid Lowe and Nicky Bandini discuss the future for Barcelona and Lionel Messi and Juventus as they edge closer to another title in Italy. Plus, Archie ...
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    [from itunes:subtitle] ... Camp Nou. Plus, Arsène Wenger’s days look numbered as Arsenal are humiliated by Bayern Munich
    [from itunes:summary] ... Camp Nou. Plus, Arsène Wenger’s days look numbered as Arsenal are humiliated by Bayern Munich
    Barcelona complete their mission impossible – Football Weekly Extra
    March 9, 2017 (duration 51m)
    [from description] ... Camp Nou. Plus, Arsène Wenger’s days look numbered as Arsenal are humiliated by Bayern Munich
    [from itunes:subtitle] ... Camp Nou. Plus, Arsène Wenger’s days look numbered as Arsenal are humiliated by Bayern Munich
    [from itunes:summary] ... Camp Nou. Plus, Arsène Wenger’s days look numbered as Arsenal are humiliated by Bayern Munich
    Arsenal battered by Bayern Munich – Football Weekly Extra
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    [from title] Arsenal battered by Bayern Munich – Football Weekly Extra
    Football Weekly: QPR and Burnley relegated
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    [from description] ... goodbye to the Rs and the Clarets. Plus, can Bayern overturn a 3-0 deficit against Barcelona in the Champions League?
    [from itunes:subtitle] The podders wave goodbye to the Rs and the Clarets. Plus, can Bayern overturn a 3-0 deficit against Barcelona in the Champions League?
    [from itunes:summary] The podders wave goodbye to the Rs and the Clarets. Plus, can Bayern overturn a 3-0 deficit against Barcelona in the Champions League?
    Football Weekly Extra: Leo Messi at the double as Barcelona batter Bayern
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    [from title] Football Weekly Extra: Leo Messi at the double as Barcelona batter Bayern
    [from description] It's an unhappy return to Camp Nou for Pep Guardiola as Bayern Munich go down 3-0 to Barcelona. Plus, will it finally be curtains for Burnley and QPR?
    [from itunes:subtitle] It's an unhappy return to Camp Nou for Pep Guardiola as Bayern Munich go down 3-0 to Barcelona. Plus, will it finally be curtains for Burnley and QPR?
    from the podcast's description:
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    Euro Leagues: Xavi stays & Guillem’s Thong Song
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    [from description] ...ur. Guillem Balagué joins the pod to react to Xavi changing his mind about leaving Barcelona. The panel discuss Bayern Munich contacting Ralf Rangnick about their manager’s job, and In...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ur. Guillem Balagué joins the pod to react to Xavi changing his mind about leaving Barcelona. The panel discuss Bayern Munich contacting Ralf Rangnick about their manager’s job, and In...
    Euro Leagues: An exhilarating week of European football
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    [from itunes:summary] ...- Real Madrid 3-3 Manchester City 21:33 - Arsenal 2-2 Bayern Munich 25:15 - PSG 2-3 Barcelona 29:31 - Atletico Madrid 2-1 Borussia Dortmund 30:25 - Athletic Bilbao winning the Copa del Rey
    Euro Leagues: Who wants the Barcelona job?
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    [from description] ... Balague, Julien Laurens and Rafa Honigstein. They discuss the pressure of managing Barcelona and who would be the right fit to succeed Xavi at the Spanish club. They also debate wheth...
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    [from itunes:summary] ... Leagues show. Frenkie de Jong discusses his rise from a small Dutch village to FC Barcelona and former teammates Aitor Karanka and Bixente Lizarazu are re-united. Former Middlesbrou...
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    April 25, 2024 (duration 44m)
    [from title] Leverkusens Tah im Visier des FC Bayern
    [from itunes:title] Leverkusens Tah im Visier des FC Bayern
    [from description] Letzt sprechen wir über Xavi, der nach seiner Ankündigung, den FC Barcelona im Sommer zu verlassen, doch bei den Katalanen bleibt. Der aktuelle Stand der Tah-Gerüchte: https://tm.d...
    Wintertransfers #06: Welche Transfers passieren noch bis zum Deadline-Day?
    January 29, 2024 (duration 31m)
    [from description] ...ich wirklich verleihen lassen? 01:00 Was ist die bessere Adresse? Liverpool oder Barcelona? 10:40 Reagiert Bayern auf die Coman-Verletzunh? 18:40 Neuhaus-Leihe zu Stuttgart 25:35 Igle...
    [from content:encoded] ...ich wirklich verleihen lassen? 01:00 Was ist die bessere Adresse? Liverpool oder Barcelona? 10:40 Reagiert Bayern auf die Coman-Verletzunh? 18:40 Neuhaus-Leihe zu Stuttgart 25:35 Igles...
    [from itunes:subtitle] Trainer-Beben bei Liverpool und Barca. Die wachsenden Verletzungssorgen der Bayern. Und macht eine Leihe für Neuhaus wirklich Sinn?
    Episode 12: Powered by Katar - Die Rekordtransfers von Paris Saint-Germain
    September 8, 2022 (duration 58m)
    [from description] ...r das Ende der jahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen des mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierende...
    [from content:encoded] ...r das Ende der jahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen des mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierende...
    [from itunes:summary] ...r das Ende der jahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen des mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierende...
    Episode 11: Juventus Turin und Cristiano Ronaldo - Der gescheiterte Traum vom Henkelpott
    August 25, 2022 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] ... Ende der jahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klu...
    [from content:encoded] ...e der jahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klubs M...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Ende der jahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klu...
    Episode 10: Mo Salah & Virgil van Dijk - Weltstars made in Liverpool
    August 18, 2022 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ...langen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klubs Man City und...
    [from content:encoded] ...angen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klubs Man City und ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...langen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klubs Man City und...
    Episode 9: Mittelmaß statt Mittelpunkt: Paul Pogbas Zeit bei Manchester United
    August 11, 2022 (duration 59m)
    [from description] ... das Ende der jahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden...
    [from content:encoded] ...s Ende der jahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Kl...
    [from itunes:summary] ... das Ende der jahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden...
    Episode 8: Robert Lewandowski – Der beste ablösefreie Transfer der Geschichte
    August 4, 2022 (duration 1h8m)
    [from description] Deals“ geht es nicht nur um den Transfer des 33-Jährigen zum FC Barcelona, sondern über seine gesamte Entwicklung seit seiner Ankunft bei Borussia Dortmund 2010 und dem Wechsel 2014...
    [from content:encoded] ...als“ geht es nicht nur um den Transfer des 33-Jährigen zum FC Barcelona, sondern über seine gesamte Entwicklung seit seiner Ankunft bei Borussia Dortmund 2010 und dem Wechsel 2014 nach...
    [from itunes:subtitle] 2014 wechselt der Bundesliga-Torschützenkönig zu Bayern. Er sollte die Kräfteverhältnisse der Bundesliga auf lange Zeit festigen. Nun geht die Ära Lewy...
    Episode 7: Real Madrids Rückkehr auf den Thron Europas - Teil 2
    July 28, 2022 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] ...ahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klubs Man City...
    [from content:encoded] ...hrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klubs Man City ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klubs Man City...
    Episode 6: Götze und die Ausstiegsklausel: Wie der FC Bayern seine Vormachtstellung ausbaute
    July 21, 2022 (duration 1h20m)
    [from title] Episode 6: Götze und die Ausstiegsklausel: Wie der FC Bayern seine Vormachtstellung ausbaute
    [from itunes:title] Episode 6: Götze und die Ausstiegsklausel: Wie der FC Bayern seine Vormachtstellung ausbaute
    [from description] 1 über das Ende der jahrelangen Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken a...
    Episode 5: Wie der FC Barcelona die Neymar-Millionen verpulverte
    July 14, 2022 (duration 1h15m)
    [from description] "Katastrophale Kaderplanung" Das sagt Alex Truica, jahrelanger Begleiter des FC Barcelona und Chefredakteur von Barcawelt, zu den Transfers nach 2017. In dem Jahr schockt Neymar di...
    [from content:encoded] .... "Katastrophale Kaderplanung" Das sagt Alex Truica, jahrelanger Begleiter des FC Barcelona und Chefredakteur von Barcawelt, zu den Transfers nach 2017. In dem Jahr schockt Neymar die ...
    [from itunes:summary] "Katastrophale Kaderplanung" Das sagt Alex Truica, jahrelanger Begleiter des FC Barcelona und Chefredakteur von Barcawelt, zu den Transfers nach 2017. In dem Jahr schockt Neymar di...
    Episode 4: Real Madrids Rückkehr auf den Thron Europas - Teil 1
    July 7, 2022 (duration 46m)
    [from description] ...s go! 2009 ist Real Madrid gedemütigt, national nach dem 2:6 gegen FC Barcelona unter Pep Guardiola und international nach dem fünften CL-Achtelfinal-Knockouts in Serie. Der ehemalige...
    [from content:encoded] ...! 2009 ist Real Madrid gedemütigt, national nach dem 2:6 gegen FC Barcelona unter Pep Guardiola und international nach dem fünften CL-Achtelfinal-Knockouts in Serie. Der ehemalige Präs...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s go! 2009 ist Real Madrid gedemütigt, national nach dem 2:6 gegen FC Barcelona unter Pep Guardiola und international nach dem fünften CL-Achtelfinal-Knockouts in Serie. Der ehemalige...
    Episode 3: Der FC Bayern plündert das Festgeldkonto
    June 30, 2022 (duration 1h7m)
    [from title] Episode 3: Der FC Bayern plündert das Festgeldkonto
    [from itunes:title] Episode 3: Der FC Bayern plündert das Festgeldkonto
    [from description] ...Episode 1 über die jahrelange Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agiere...
    Episode 2: Chelseas Aufstieg vom Mittelklasseklub zum Champion
    June 23, 2022 (duration 1h4m)
    [from description] ... die jahrelange Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klubs Man...
    [from content:encoded] ...e jahrelange Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klubs Man Ci...
    [from itunes:summary] ... die jahrelange Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Verfestigung der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung des FC Bayern oder dem Aufkommen der mit Öl-Milliarden im Rücken agierenden Klubs Man...
    Episode 1: Wie konnte Real Madrid die "Galácticos" erschaffen?
    June 16, 2022 (duration 1h15m)
    [from description] ... Transfer von Luís Figo vom Erzrivalen FC Barcelona das Zeitalter der „Galácticos“ angebrochen – Zidanes Transfer manifestierte sie. Der Wechsel des Franzosen soll acht Jahre der teuer...
    [from content:encoded] ...ansfer von Luís Figo vom Erzrivalen FC Barcelona das Zeitalter der „Galácticos“ angebrochen – Zidanes Transfer manifestierte sie. Der Wechsel des Franzosen soll acht Jahre der teuerste...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Transfer von Luís Figo vom Erzrivalen FC Barcelona das Zeitalter der „Galácticos“ angebrochen – Zidanes Transfer manifestierte sie. Der Wechsel des Franzosen soll acht Jahre der teuer...
    June 15, 2022 (duration 1m)
    [from description] ...n Deals im Weltfußball. Von Real Madrid über die jahrelange Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Manifestation der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung durch den FC Bayern mit dem Transfer von...
    [from content:encoded] ...ten Deals im WeltfußballVon Real Madrid über die jahrelange Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Manifestation der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung durch den FC Bayern mit dem Transfer von...
    [from itunes:summary] ...n Deals im Weltfußball. Von Real Madrid über die jahrelange Dominanz des FC Barcelona hin zur Manifestation der innerdeutschen Vormachtstellung durch den FC Bayern mit dem Transfer von...
    El Clasico VAR Skandal - Anton im freien Fall nach UCL & Co. | Bayern dreht wieder auf...
    April 23, 2024 (duration 55m)
    [from title] El Clasico VAR Skandal - Anton im freien Fall nach UCL & Co. | Bayern dreht wieder auf...
    [from itunes:title] El Clasico VAR Skandal - Anton im freien Fall nach UCL & Co. | Bayern dreht wieder auf...
    Alphonso Davies zu Real Madrid?! Die Galaktischen sind unaufhaltsam...
    January 11, 2024 (duration 1h1m)
    [from description] Stars wäre endlos... Am Sonntag trifft evtl. Real im Finale des Supercups auf Barcelona. Müssen die Bayern die nächsten ablösefreien Abgänge ihrer Stars fürchten? Das und vieles meh...
    [from itunes:summary] Stars wäre endlos... Am Sonntag trifft evtl. Real im Finale des Supercups auf Barcelona. Müssen die Bayern die nächsten ablösefreien Abgänge ihrer Stars fürchten? Das und vieles meh...
    Bayern verzweifelt an Kane.. Neymar vor Transfer zu Barcelona?!
    August 8, 2023 (duration 49m)
    [from title] Bayern verzweifelt an Kane.. Neymar vor Transfer zu Barcelona?!
    [from itunes:title] Bayern verzweifelt an Kane.. Neymar vor Transfer zu Barcelona?!
    [from itunes:keywords] fußball,fußball podcast,viscabarca,barcelona,transfer,transfer news,ballon d’or,bayern,bundesliga,kane
    Messi zurück zu Barca! Bayern extrem unter Druck..
    April 7, 2023 (duration 52m)
    [from title] Messi zurück zu Barca! Bayern extrem unter Druck..
    [from itunes:title] Messi zurück zu Barca! Bayern extrem unter Druck..
    [from itunes:keywords] fußball,champions league,iamtabak,viscabarca,barcelona,bvb,messi,bayern,dfb pokal,messi barca
    PSG mit Psycho-Spielchen vor UCL DUELL vs. Bayern?! Mbappé ist zurück...
    February 13, 2023 (duration 55m)
    [from title] PSG mit Psycho-Spielchen vor UCL DUELL vs. Bayern?! Mbappé ist zurück...
    [from itunes:title] PSG mit Psycho-Spielchen vor UCL DUELL vs. Bayern?! Mbappé ist zurück...
    Mane fix zu den Bayern & was passiert beim FC Barcelona?!
    June 15, 2022 (duration 47m)
    [from title] Mane fix zu den Bayern & was passiert beim FC Barcelona?!
    [from itunes:title] Mane fix zu den Bayern & was passiert beim FC Barcelona?!
    [from itunes:keywords] fußball,viscabarca,viscatabak,barcelona,dortmund,fc bayern,transfer,fussball transfers,nations league,mane
    FC Barcelona droht die Transfer-Katastrophe, welcher Superstar MUSS gehen?
    June 7, 2022 (duration 47m)
    [from description] Es geht immer noch drunter und drüber beim FC Barcelona. Lewandowski kann nur kommen, wenn Frenkie zB. verkauft wird, die Kassen sind immer noch le...
    [from itunes:summary] Es geht immer noch drunter und drüber beim FC Barcelona. Lewandowski kann nur kommen, wenn Frenkie zB. verkauft wird, die Kassen sind immer noch le...
    Lewandowski wechselt zum FC Barcelona? Bayern holt sich einen neuen Star?
    March 28, 2022 (duration 52m)
    [from title] Lewandowski wechselt zum FC Barcelona? Bayern holt sich einen neuen Star?
    [from itunes:title] Lewandowski wechselt zum FC Barcelona? Bayern holt sich einen neuen Star?
    FC Barcelona komplett abgestürzt... | Ronaldo dieses Jahr ohne Titel?
    October 4, 2021 (duration 52m)
    [from content:encoded] ...gutschein und 100€ Tankgutschein für jeweils Bayern vs Benfica und Bayern vs BarcelonaTeilnahmeschluss: 05.10.2021
    Ansu Fati bringt Barcelona zum Weinen… Neue Ära beginnt!
    September 27, 2021 (duration 1h5m)
    [from content:encoded] ...ein und 100€ Tankgutschein für jeweils Bayern vs Benfica und Bayern vs BarcelonaTeilnahmeschluss: 05.10.2021
    Inter win their 20th title, while Bellingham wins another Clásico
    April 23, 2024 (duration 1h1m)
    [from description] ...ed another stoppage time winner in El Clásico. But could Xavi actually stay at Barcelona? It’s been a great week for Luis Enrique at PSG. And Leverkusen stay unbeaten after yet anothe...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ed another stoppage time winner in El Clásico. But could Xavi actually stay at Barcelona? It’s been a great week for Luis Enrique at PSG. And Leverkusen stay unbeaten after yet anothe...
    [from content:encoded] ...ed another stoppage time winner in El Clásico. But could Xavi actually stay at Barcelona?It’s been a great week for Luis Enrique at PSG. And Leverkusen stay unbeaten after yet another ...
    Broken Bayern face Arsenal in the Champions League, plus why PSG will reach the final
    April 9, 2024 (duration 1h2m)
    [from title] Broken Bayern face Arsenal in the Champions League, plus why PSG will reach the final
    [from description] ...) • PART 3b: Atletico v Dortmund preview (24.00)  • PART 3c: PSG v Barcelona preview (27.00) • PART 4 : Europa League & Conference League QF previews (36.00) • PART 5: Ajax lose 6-0 an...
    [from itunes:summary] ...) • PART 3b: Atletico v Dortmund preview (24.00)  • PART 3c: PSG v Barcelona preview (27.00) • PART 4 : Europa League & Conference League QF previews (36.00) • PART 5: Ajax lose 6-0 an...
    Barcelona’s phenomenal week and what has happened to Juventus?
    March 19, 2024 (duration 1h16m)
    [from description] ...t possible draw for Bayern and Real Madrid. And are PSG already at Wembley? Not if Barcelona have their say. It’s been a great week for Xavi and the new generation of La Masia graduat...
    [from itunes:summary] ...t possible draw for Bayern and Real Madrid. And are PSG already at Wembley? Not if Barcelona have their say. It’s been a great week for Xavi and the new generation of La Masia graduat...
    [from content:encoded] ...rst possible draw for Bayern and Real Madrid. And are PSG already at Wembley?Not if Barcelona have their say. It’s been a great week for Xavi and the new generation of La Masia graduat...
    Pedri’s injury nightmare, and are Leverkusen home and dry?
    March 5, 2024 (duration 55m)
    [from description] ...inal whistle controversy at Valencia that sees Jude Bellingham sent off. And with Barcelona losing Pedri to injury again, we ask if his career could be a warning sign to Lamine Yamal? ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...inal whistle controversy at Valencia that sees Jude Bellingham sent off. And with Barcelona losing Pedri to injury again, we ask if his career could be a warning sign to Lamine Yamal? ...
    [from content:encoded] ...inal whistle controversy at Valencia that sees Jude Bellingham sent off. And with Barcelona losing Pedri to injury again, we ask if his career could be a warning sign to Lamine Yamal?K...
    Bayern beaten again as Napoli and Barcelona try to save their seasons
    February 20, 2024 (duration 1h6m)
    [from title] Bayern beaten again as Napoli and Barcelona try to save their seasons
    [from description] to make another managerial switch ahead of their Champions League clash with Barcelona. Has this been one of the most shambolic seasons in football history from the Italian champion...
    [from itunes:summary] to make another managerial switch ahead of their Champions League clash with Barcelona. Has this been one of the most shambolic seasons in football history from the Italian champion...
    Big week for PSG in the Champions League and a big win for Girona at Barcelona
    December 12, 2023 (duration 1h15m)
    [from description] ...he last 16 in what could be a huge week for Luis Enrique. Enrique’s old club Barcelona are dismantled by the new leaders of La Liga - Girona. Publicly the Catalan side say they’re not...
    [from itunes:summary] ...he last 16 in what could be a huge week for Luis Enrique. Enrique’s old club Barcelona are dismantled by the new leaders of La Liga - Girona. Publicly the Catalan side say they’re not...
    [from content:encoded] ... the last 16 in what could be a huge week for Luis Enrique.Enrique’s old club Barcelona are dismantled by the new leaders of La Liga - Girona. Publicly the Catalan side say they’re not...
    An incredible weekend for Bellingham & Kane, a bad weekend for Ligue 1
    October 31, 2023 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] ...Laurens and Alvaro Romeo. Jude Bellingham wins El Clasico with two late goals in Barcelona. Can he be stopped and does Xavi shoulder the blame for his substitutions? Harry Kane score...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Laurens and Alvaro Romeo. Jude Bellingham wins El Clasico with two late goals in Barcelona. Can he be stopped and does Xavi shoulder the blame for his substitutions? Harry Kane score...
    [from content:encoded] ...n Laurens and Alvaro Romeo.Jude Bellingham wins El Clasico with two late goals in Barcelona. Can he be stopped and does Xavi shoulder the blame for his substitutions?Harry Kane scores ...
    Mbappe stays, Kane & Bellingham debut and Serie A returns
    August 15, 2023 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] ...physicality of Real Madrid comes to the fore. Atletico are looking good but Barcelona take part in the dullest Spanish game ever. And while Luciano Spalletti looks set to replace Robe...
    [from itunes:summary] ...physicality of Real Madrid comes to the fore. Atletico are looking good but Barcelona take part in the dullest Spanish game ever. And while Luciano Spalletti looks set to replace Robe...
    [from content:encoded] ...physicality of Real Madrid comes to the fore. Atletico are looking good but Barcelona take part in the dullest Spanish game ever.And while Luciano Spalletti looks set to replace Robert...
    Barcelona win La Liga, Bayern and Dortmund win big and a big semi-final week in Europe
    May 16, 2023 (duration 1h1m)
    [from title] Barcelona win La Liga, Bayern and Dortmund win big and a big semi-final week in Europe
    [from description] ...taying at Inter, while Rafael Leao will probably feature for Milan at 60% fitness. Barcelona are La Liga champions for the first time in 4 years, although they’re chased off the pitch...
    [from itunes:summary] ...taying at Inter, while Rafael Leao will probably feature for Milan at 60% fitness. Barcelona are La Liga champions for the first time in 4 years, although they’re chased off the pitch...
    Juventus get their points back but Bayern Munich are breaking down
    April 25, 2023 (duration 58m)
    [from title] Juventus get their points back but Bayern Munich are breaking down
    [from description] ...And which striker will be the answer to their problems this summer? Elsewhere, Barcelona see off Atletico with yet another 1-0 as Lionel Messi appears to be packing his 15 suitcases f...
    [from itunes:summary] ...And which striker will be the answer to their problems this summer? Elsewhere, Barcelona see off Atletico with yet another 1-0 as Lionel Messi appears to be packing his 15 suitcases f...
    Chelsea’s last chance, Inter’s last dance and PSG’ s manager hunt set to advance?
    April 18, 2023 (duration 59m)
    [from description] ...t at the Parc Des Princes next season? And bridges continue to be burned between Barcelona and Real Madrid. Produced by Charlie Jones. RUNNING ORDER:  • PART 1: Moment of the weeke...
    [from itunes:summary] ...t at the Parc Des Princes next season? And bridges continue to be burned between Barcelona and Real Madrid. Produced by Charlie Jones. RUNNING ORDER:  • PART 1: Moment of the weeke...
    [from content:encoded] ...out at the Parc Des Princes next season?And bridges continue to be burned between Barcelona and Real Madrid.Produced by Charlie Jones.RUNNING ORDER: • PART 1: Moment of the weekend (01...
    All tied in the Bundesliga, Napoli cruising, chaotic PSG leave it late and off-field unrest at Barca
    February 21, 2023 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] ...eipzig's tie with Man City and Frankfurt's tie with Napoli in the Champions League. Barcelona have been asked to explain historical payments of €7m over 20 years to Catalan referee Jos...
    [from itunes:summary] ...eipzig's tie with Man City and Frankfurt's tie with Napoli in the Champions League. Barcelona have been asked to explain historical payments of €7m over 20 years to Catalan referee Jos...
    [from content:encoded] ...Leipzig's tie with Man City and Frankfurt's tie with Napoli in the Champions League.Barcelona have been asked to explain historical payments of €7m over 20 years to Catalan referee Jos...
    Champions League returns with PSG problems and Spurs and Milan unpredictable, whilst Real Madrid win yet another trophy
    February 14, 2023 (duration 58m)
    [from description] ...apoli keep on winning at the top of Serie A. Real Madrid win the Club World Cup and Barcelona win again ahead of their Europa League tie with Man Utd. Produced by Jesse Howard. RUNNIN...
    [from itunes:summary] ...apoli keep on winning at the top of Serie A. Real Madrid win the Club World Cup and Barcelona win again ahead of their Europa League tie with Man Utd. Produced by Jesse Howard. RUNNIN...
    [from content:encoded] ...Napoli keep on winning at the top of Serie A.Real Madrid win the Club World Cup and Barcelona win again ahead of their Europa League tie with Man Utd.Produced by Jesse Howard.RUNNING O...
    Bayern back to winning ways, Inter win the derby as Napoli go clear, Marseille beaten at home and Mallorca beat Madrid
    February 7, 2023 (duration 59m)
    [from title] Bayern back to winning ways, Inter win the derby as Napoli go clear, Marseille beaten at home and Ma...
    [from description] ...r cancer. In Spain, Madrid lose to Mallorca and Sociedad lose to Valladolid whilst Barcelona thrash Sevilla to go 8 points clear at the top. Inter beat AC Milan in the Derby della Ma...
    [from itunes:summary] ...r cancer. In Spain, Madrid lose to Mallorca and Sociedad lose to Valladolid whilst Barcelona thrash Sevilla to go 8 points clear at the top. Inter beat AC Milan in the Derby della Ma...
    Mesmerising Messi, self-deprecating Sarri and exiting Emery
    October 25, 2022 (duration 1h4m)
    [from description] ...another continental feast of football. Champions League matchday 5 approaches with Barcelona and Juventus on the verge of elimination and Salzburg looking to spring an upset against C...
    [from itunes:summary] ...another continental feast of football. Champions League matchday 5 approaches with Barcelona and Juventus on the verge of elimination and Salzburg looking to spring an upset against C...
    [from content:encoded] ...r another continental feast of football.Champions League matchday 5 approaches with Barcelona and Juventus on the verge of elimination and Salzburg looking to spring an upset against C...
    Juventus get ugly, as Lewandowski heads back to Bayern
    September 13, 2022 (duration 55m)
    [from title] Juventus get ugly, as Lewandowski heads back to Bayern
    [from description] ...intriguingly, Lewandowski returning to Bayern Munich. Is he already more loved at Barcelona than he was in Bavaria? And will Julian Nagelsmann be feeling the presence of free agent Tho...
    [from itunes:summary] ...intriguingly, Lewandowski returning to Bayern Munich. Is he already more loved at Barcelona than he was in Bavaria? And will Julian Nagelsmann be feeling the presence of free agent Tho...
    PhenomeNapoli, world-record Walsh and Potter set for Stamford Bridge
    September 8, 2022 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] ...d Michael tells us all about Keira Walsh and her world record move to Barcelona, ahead of the return of the WSL RUNNING ORDER:  • PART 1: Chelsea sack Tuchel and chase Potter, with ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...d Michael tells us all about Keira Walsh and her world record move to Barcelona, ahead of the return of the WSL RUNNING ORDER:  • PART 1: Chelsea sack Tuchel and chase Potter, with ...
    [from content:encoded] ...d Michael tells us all about Keira Walsh and her world record move to Barcelona, ahead of the return of the WSLRUNNING ORDER: • PART 1: Chelsea sack Tuchel and chase Potter, with Liam ...
    Champions League group stage draw - nobody wants to go to paradise
    August 26, 2022 (duration 51m)
    [from description] ... Ajax, Liverpool, Napoli and Rangers is the group that grabs the headlines. But can Barcelona escape a group containing Bayern and Inter? Tottenham face a kind draw and the Chris Wadd...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Ajax, Liverpool, Napoli and Rangers is the group that grabs the headlines. But can Barcelona escape a group containing Bayern and Inter? Tottenham face a kind draw and the Chris Wadd...
    [from content:encoded] ....Ajax, Liverpool, Napoli and Rangers is the group that grabs the headlines. But can Barcelona escape a group containing Bayern and Inter?Tottenham face a kind draw and the Chris Waddle...
    Mbappe v Neymar and major Musiala hype
    August 16, 2022 (duration 55m)
    [from description] ... day of the Serie A season. And as La Liga returns, it’s not just Barcelona who are struggling to register players. RUNNING ORDER:  • PART 1a: Moment of the weekend (02.30) • PART 1...
    [from itunes:summary] ... day of the Serie A season. And as La Liga returns, it’s not just Barcelona who are struggling to register players. RUNNING ORDER:  • PART 1a: Moment of the weekend (02.30) • PART 1...
    [from content:encoded] day of the Serie A season.And as La Liga returns, it’s not just Barcelona who are struggling to register players.RUNNING ORDER: • PART 1a: Moment of the weekend (02.30)• PART 1b: Mb...
    Messi’s happy, but Lewandowski’s forgotten
    August 9, 2022 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] ...y don’t Nagelsmann’s men miss Robert Lewandowski? Speaking of Lewandowski, Barcelona are a confusing financial mess ahead of the new La Liga season. Will they be ready for the big kic...
    [from itunes:summary] ...y don’t Nagelsmann’s men miss Robert Lewandowski? Speaking of Lewandowski, Barcelona are a confusing financial mess ahead of the new La Liga season. Will they be ready for the big kic...
    [from content:encoded] ...why don’t Nagelsmann’s men miss Robert Lewandowski?Speaking of Lewandowski, Barcelona are a confusing financial mess ahead of the new La Liga season. Will they be ready for the big kic...
    It’s them again
    April 25, 2022 (duration 1h13m)
    [from description] ... again defy expectations? Plus hear why Leicester should fear Zaniolo, how Barcelona made unwanted history and how Salernitana might be about to complete the greatest of escapes.    ...
    [from itunes:summary] ... again defy expectations? Plus hear why Leicester should fear Zaniolo, how Barcelona made unwanted history and how Salernitana might be about to complete the greatest of escapes.    ...
    [from content:encoded] again defy expectations?Plus hear why Leicester should fear Zaniolo, how Barcelona made unwanted history and how Salernitana might be about to complete the greatest of escapes.  RUN...
    How do you slow down a Ferrari?
    April 4, 2022 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] ...previews Bodo/Glimt’s rematch with Roma in the Conference League. Domestically Barcelona beat Sevilla thanks to the seemingly harmless Pedri. And their new deal with Spotify could see...
    [from itunes:summary] ...previews Bodo/Glimt’s rematch with Roma in the Conference League. Domestically Barcelona beat Sevilla thanks to the seemingly harmless Pedri. And their new deal with Spotify could see...
    [from content:encoded] ...n previews Bodo/Glimt’s rematch with Roma in the Conference League.Domestically Barcelona beat Sevilla thanks to the seemingly harmless Pedri. And their new deal with Spotify could see...
    If Bayern allows it
    February 14, 2022 (duration 1h5m)
    [from title] If Bayern allows it
    [from description] ...tensity without Barella? The Europa League and Conference League return too with Barcelona Napoli the standout fixture, as Xavi’s side look to save their season with silverware. Chri...
    [from itunes:summary] ...tensity without Barella? The Europa League and Conference League return too with Barcelona Napoli the standout fixture, as Xavi’s side look to save their season with silverware. Chri...
    Under 19 level
    February 7, 2022 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ... derby win over Inter, while Vlahovic and Zakaria enjoy dream debuts for Juventus. Barcelona have their shooting boots on against Atletico as Xavi gets the best of Simeone, for whom n...
    [from itunes:summary] ... derby win over Inter, while Vlahovic and Zakaria enjoy dream debuts for Juventus. Barcelona have their shooting boots on against Atletico as Xavi gets the best of Simeone, for whom n...
    [from content:encoded] ... a derby win over Inter, while Vlahovic and Zakaria enjoy dream debuts for Juventus.Barcelona have their shooting boots on against Atletico as Xavi gets the best of Simeone, for whom n...
    Invisible friend
    December 20, 2021 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] ...gue game in a row for the first time under Simeone but there’s hope for Barcelona thanks to their talented youngsters. The Coupe de France is marred by yet more crowd violence as the ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...gue game in a row for the first time under Simeone but there’s hope for Barcelona thanks to their talented youngsters. The Coupe de France is marred by yet more crowd violence as the ...
    [from content:encoded] ...gue game in a row for the first time under Simeone but there’s hope for Barcelona thanks to their talented youngsters.The Coupe de France is marred by yet more crowd violence as the ga...
    Shambling relic
    December 6, 2021 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] ...n out on journalists. And it’s a nervous week for Spanish football fans with Barcelona, Villarreal and Sevilla all faced with potential elimination from the Champions League. RUNNING...
    [from itunes:summary] ...n out on journalists. And it’s a nervous week for Spanish football fans with Barcelona, Villarreal and Sevilla all faced with potential elimination from the Champions League. RUNNING...
    [from content:encoded] ...ion out on journalists.And it’s a nervous week for Spanish football fans with Barcelona, Villarreal and Sevilla all faced with potential elimination from the Champions League.RUNNING O...
    Dropping that knowledge bomb
    November 23, 2021 (duration 1h8m)
    [from description] ...ntion turns to a great escape in the Champions League. The same goes for Xavi’s Barcelona as they take on Benfica. Covid 19 vaccination is very much in the news in Germany, with Bayer...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ntion turns to a great escape in the Champions League. The same goes for Xavi’s Barcelona as they take on Benfica. Covid 19 vaccination is very much in the news in Germany, with Bayer...
    [from content:encoded] ...ntion turns to a great escape in the Champions League. The same goes for Xavi’s Barcelona as they take on Benfica.Covid 19 vaccination is very much in the news in Germany, with Bayern ...
    Thumbs up guys
    November 1, 2021 (duration 1h5m)
    [from description] ...ael Honigstein, Alvaro Romeo and Julien Laurens cast their eye over the continent. Barcelona have begun life after Ronald Koeman and face a trip to Kiev that could make or break their...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ael Honigstein, Alvaro Romeo and Julien Laurens cast their eye over the continent. Barcelona have begun life after Ronald Koeman and face a trip to Kiev that could make or break their...
    [from content:encoded] ...phael Honigstein, Alvaro Romeo and Julien Laurens cast their eye over the continent.Barcelona have begun life after Ronald Koeman and face a trip to Kiev that could make or break their...
    Don’t use the ovens
    October 19, 2021 (duration 1h7m)
    [from description] ...pool, Ajax v Dortmund and Man Utd v Atalanta. Will it be 3 defeats out of 3 for Barcelona in the group stage? Will the fuse box at the Camp Nou go out before they do? Bayern offer a d...
    [from itunes:summary] ...pool, Ajax v Dortmund and Man Utd v Atalanta. Will it be 3 defeats out of 3 for Barcelona in the group stage? Will the fuse box at the Camp Nou go out before they do? Bayern offer a d...
    [from content:encoded] ...pool, Ajax v Dortmund and Man Utd v Atalanta. Will it be 3 defeats out of 3 for Barcelona in the group stage? Will the fuse box at the Camp Nou go out before they do?Bayern offer a dem...
    Fashion week
    October 4, 2021 (duration 1h8m)
    [from description] ...f chances in defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt. Real Madrid lose at Espanyol while Barcelona are beaten yet again at Atletico. Messi’s gone and so have the goals. But will Joan Laporta sa...
    [from itunes:summary] ...f chances in defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt. Real Madrid lose at Espanyol while Barcelona are beaten yet again at Atletico. Messi’s gone and so have the goals. But will Joan Laporta sa...
    [from content:encoded] ... of chances in defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt.Real Madrid lose at Espanyol while Barcelona are beaten yet again at Atletico. Messi’s gone and so have the goals. But will Joan Laporta sa...
    Great effort
    September 27, 2021 (duration 1h9m)
    [from description] ...3b: Shakhtar v Inter & Real Madrid v Sheriff (24m 00s) • PART 4: Barcelona and Bayern back in action (32m 00s) • PART 5: Man Utd v Villarreal & Juventus v Chelsea (43m 00s) • PART 6: T...
    [from itunes:summary] ...3b: Shakhtar v Inter & Real Madrid v Sheriff (24m 00s) • PART 4: Barcelona and Bayern back in action (32m 00s) • PART 5: Man Utd v Villarreal & Juventus v Chelsea (43m 00s) • PART 6: T...
    [from content:encoded] ... Shakhtar v Inter & Real Madrid v Sheriff (24m 00s)• PART 4: Barcelona and Bayern back in action (32m 00s)• PART 5: Man Utd v Villarreal & Juventus v Chelsea (43m 00s)• PART 6:...
    There are no plasters left
    September 14, 2021 (duration 1h4m)
    [from description] ..., James Horncastle, Alvaro Romeo and Julien Laurens on hand to preview Matchday 1. Barcelona host Bayern, with Barca now bigger underdogs than they were when they lost 8-2 in 2020.  ...
    [from itunes:summary] ..., James Horncastle, Alvaro Romeo and Julien Laurens on hand to preview Matchday 1. Barcelona host Bayern, with Barca now bigger underdogs than they were when they lost 8-2 in 2020.  ...
    [from content:encoded], James Horncastle, Alvaro Romeo and Julien Laurens on hand to preview Matchday 1.Barcelona host Bayern, with Barca now bigger underdogs than they were when they lost 8-2 in 2020. Re...
    Not bitter, little bit disappointed
    August 10, 2021 (duration 1h14m)
    [from description] ...ld Messi have made a more romantic move? Feeling the absence of Messi are not just Barcelona but La Liga as a whole. No longer the league of stars. Speaking of financial crisis, Ital...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ld Messi have made a more romantic move? Feeling the absence of Messi are not just Barcelona but La Liga as a whole. No longer the league of stars. Speaking of financial crisis, Ital...
    [from content:encoded] ...ould Messi have made a more romantic move?Feeling the absence of Messi are not just Barcelona but La Liga as a whole. No longer the league of stars.Speaking of financial crisis, Italia...
    Reverse Russian doll
    April 26, 2021 (duration 1h21m)
    [from description] ... as their new manager. Who will replace him at Leipzig? Credit is due to Koeman as Barcelona have the destiny of La Liga in their own hands. And will Andrea Pirlo get a second season...
    [from itunes:summary] ... as their new manager. Who will replace him at Leipzig? Credit is due to Koeman as Barcelona have the destiny of La Liga in their own hands. And will Andrea Pirlo get a second season...
    [from content:encoded] as their new manager. Who will replace him at Leipzig?Credit is due to Koeman as Barcelona have the destiny of La Liga in their own hands.And will Andrea Pirlo get a second season a...
    When they all had the dagger
    April 20, 2021 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ...tenham after 17 months. Who next for Spurs? Nagelsmann? Allegri? Sarri? Plus Barcelona and Lionel Messi look like their old selves in a thrashing of Athletic Bilbao in the Copa Del Re...
    [from itunes:summary] ...tenham after 17 months. Who next for Spurs? Nagelsmann? Allegri? Sarri? Plus Barcelona and Lionel Messi look like their old selves in a thrashing of Athletic Bilbao in the Copa Del Re...
    [from content:encoded] ...ottenham after 17 months. Who next for Spurs? Nagelsmann? Allegri? Sarri?Plus Barcelona and Lionel Messi look like their old selves in a thrashing of Athletic Bilbao in the Copa Del Re...
    Renovate emotional memories
    April 6, 2021 (duration 57m)
    [from description] ...t Eintracht Frankfurt in the race for the top 4. The Haaland camp have been meeting Barcelona and Real Madrid. Can anyone afford him this summer? And will missing out on Champions Leag...
    [from itunes:summary] ...t Eintracht Frankfurt in the race for the top 4. The Haaland camp have been meeting Barcelona and Real Madrid. Can anyone afford him this summer? And will missing out on Champions Leag...
    [from content:encoded] ...t Eintracht Frankfurt in the race for the top 4. The Haaland camp have been meeting Barcelona and Real Madrid. Can anyone afford him this summer? And will missing out on Champions Leag...
    Your body’s passing you a bill
    February 16, 2021 (duration 1h11m)
    [from description] Barcelona take on a Neymar-less PSG with memories of the 2017 Remontada still lingering. Will this b...
    [from itunes:summary] Barcelona take on a Neymar-less PSG with memories of the 2017 Remontada still lingering. Will this b...
    [from content:encoded] Barcelona take on a Neymar-less PSG with memories of the 2017 Remontada still lingering. Will this b...
    Like a flower put back in water
    January 19, 2021 (duration 1h5m)
    [from description] ...e Basque country as Athletic Bilbao win the Spanish Super Cup in a thriller against Barcelona, with Lionel Messi sent off for the first time in his club career. Inter Milan are victor...
    [from itunes:summary] ...e Basque country as Athletic Bilbao win the Spanish Super Cup in a thriller against Barcelona, with Lionel Messi sent off for the first time in his club career. Inter Milan are victor...
    [from content:encoded] ...e Basque country as Athletic Bilbao win the Spanish Super Cup in a thriller against Barcelona, with Lionel Messi sent off for the first time in his club career.Inter Milan are victorio...
    Mainz set
    January 5, 2021 (duration 57m)
    [from description] ...a Berlin fans are worried about losing their place in infamy. Athletic Bilbao play Barcelona in La Liga this week, with new manager Marcelino at the helm after the shock sacking of Ga...
    [from itunes:summary] ...a Berlin fans are worried about losing their place in infamy. Athletic Bilbao play Barcelona in La Liga this week, with new manager Marcelino at the helm after the shock sacking of Ga...
    [from content:encoded] ...nia Berlin fans are worried about losing their place in infamy.Athletic Bilbao play Barcelona in La Liga this week, with new manager Marcelino at the helm after the shock sacking of Ga...
    L’agence tous risques
    December 8, 2020 (duration 1h1m)
    [from description] ...ans fresh from an exhilarating draw with Bayern Munich. It’s been a bad week for Barcelona. They’re not getting points and they’re not getting paid. So what are the chances of Messi a...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ans fresh from an exhilarating draw with Bayern Munich. It’s been a bad week for Barcelona. They’re not getting points and they’re not getting paid. So what are the chances of Messi a...
    [from content:encoded] ...rmans fresh from an exhilarating draw with Bayern Munich.It’s been a bad week for Barcelona. They’re not getting points and they’re not getting paid. So what are the chances of Messi a...
    Mirror image
    December 1, 2020 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] ...m 00s) • PART 3b: Liverpool v Ajax preview (28m 00s) • PART 4: Barcelona, Maradona, Malta and five subs around Europe (33m 30s) • PART 5a: Man U v PSG preview and a title race in Ligue...
    [from itunes:summary] ...m 00s) • PART 3b: Liverpool v Ajax preview (28m 00s) • PART 4: Barcelona, Maradona, Malta and five subs around Europe (33m 30s) • PART 5a: Man U v PSG preview and a title race in Ligue...
    [from content:encoded] ...20m 00s)• PART 3b: Liverpool v Ajax preview (28m 00s)• PART 4: Barcelona, Maradona, Malta and five subs around Europe (33m 30s)• PART 5a: Man U v PSG preview and a title race in Ligue ...
    Bielefeld denier
    November 3, 2020 (duration 1h8m)
    [from description] ...onel Messi’s rapidly declining numbers and ask if he needs to adapt his game at Barcelona. He could take a page out of Zlatan’s book, who has led the Mighty Ducks of Milan to the top o...
    [from itunes:summary] ...onel Messi’s rapidly declining numbers and ask if he needs to adapt his game at Barcelona. He could take a page out of Zlatan’s book, who has led the Mighty Ducks of Milan to the top o...
    [from content:encoded] ...onel Messi’s rapidly declining numbers and ask if he needs to adapt his game at Barcelona. He could take a page out of Zlatan’s book, who has led the Mighty Ducks of Milan to the top o...
    Endemic stagnation
    October 27, 2020 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] ...G ORDER:    • PART 1: Headlines around Europe (01m 00s) • PART 2a: Barcelona 1-3 Real Madrid (03m 30s)  • PART 2b: Juventus v Barcelona preview (10m 00s) • PART 3a: Bayern get thei...
    [from itunes:summary] ...G ORDER:    • PART 1: Headlines around Europe (01m 00s) • PART 2a: Barcelona 1-3 Real Madrid (03m 30s)  • PART 2b: Juventus v Barcelona preview (10m 00s) • PART 3a: Bayern get thei...
    [from content:encoded] ...G ORDER:    • PART 1: Headlines around Europe (01m 00s) • PART 2a: Barcelona 1-3 Real Madrid (03m 30s)  • PART 2b: Juventus v Barcelona preview (10m 00s) • PART 3a: Bayern get thei...
    Pinball machine
    October 20, 2020 (duration 1h9m)
    [from description] ...the Dutch champions on a gap year? It’s not a bad time to be playing Juventus or Barcelona who are both struggling to impress under their new managers. Plus with Ibra firing Milan to...
    [from itunes:summary] ...the Dutch champions on a gap year? It’s not a bad time to be playing Juventus or Barcelona who are both struggling to impress under their new managers. Plus with Ibra firing Milan to...
    [from content:encoded] ...the Dutch champions on a gap year? It’s not a bad time to be playing Juventus or Barcelona who are both struggling to impress under their new managers. Plus with Ibra firing Milan to...
    Roll the loaded dice
    August 24, 2020 (duration 41m)
    [from description] ...ely? Has Hansi Flick turned them into Germany 2014? And could Koeman do the same at Barcelona? As for the losers PSG, do they have what it takes to remain at Europe’s top table? And w...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ely? Has Hansi Flick turned them into Germany 2014? And could Koeman do the same at Barcelona? As for the losers PSG, do they have what it takes to remain at Europe’s top table? And w...
    [from content:encoded] ...ely? Has Hansi Flick turned them into Germany 2014? And could Koeman do the same at Barcelona? As for the losers PSG, do they have what it takes to remain at Europe’s top table? And w...
    Gary Neville against West Brom
    August 15, 2020 (duration 1h20m)
    [from description] Bayern Munich shock the world with an 8-2 victory over Barcelona to progress to the Champions League semi-finals. It looks like the end of a generation for...
    [from itunes:subtitle] An epic triumph for Bayern and a disaster for Barcelona. Jimbo assembles Julien Laurens, Duncan Alexander, Rafa Honigstein and Alvaro Romeo for th...
    [from itunes:summary] Bayern Munich shock the world with an 8-2 victory over Barcelona to progress to the Champions League semi-finals. It looks like the end of a generation for...
    Shouting in the middle of the ocean
    August 14, 2020 (duration 34m)
    [from description] ...a decade of Spanish malaise in Europe? It could get worse before it gets better as Barcelona prepare for Bayern Munich in Friday’s quarter-final. The German champions have a treble in...
    [from itunes:summary] ...a decade of Spanish malaise in Europe? It could get worse before it gets better as Barcelona prepare for Bayern Munich in Friday’s quarter-final. The German champions have a treble in...
    [from content:encoded] ...a decade of Spanish malaise in Europe? It could get worse before it gets better as Barcelona prepare for Bayern Munich in Friday’s quarter-final. The German champions have a treble in...
    Banking and smoking
    August 9, 2020 (duration 35m)
    [from description] ...e Old Lady? Polite Napoli say goodbye to the Champions League and their front 3 as Barcelona win an eventful 2nd leg 3-1 at the Camp Nou. But the panel didn’t see much to suggest Barc...
    [from itunes:summary] ...e Old Lady? Polite Napoli say goodbye to the Champions League and their front 3 as Barcelona win an eventful 2nd leg 3-1 at the Camp Nou. But the panel didn’t see much to suggest Barc...
    [from content:encoded] ...e Old Lady? Polite Napoli say goodbye to the Champions League and their front 3 as Barcelona win an eventful 2nd leg 3-1 at the Camp Nou. But the panel didn’t see much to suggest Barc...
    Luxury Kevin Davies
    August 8, 2020 (duration 37m)
    [from description] ...) • PART 4: The odds with Lee Price from Paddy Power (28m 00s) • PART 5: Barcelona v Napoli preview (29m 30s) GET IN TOUCH: • follow us on Instagram (
    [from itunes:summary] ...) • PART 4: The odds with Lee Price from Paddy Power (28m 00s) • PART 5: Barcelona v Napoli preview (29m 30s) GET IN TOUCH: • follow us on Instagram (
    [from content:encoded] ...) • PART 4: The odds with Lee Price from Paddy Power (28m 00s) • PART 5: Barcelona v Napoli preview (29m 30s) GET IN TOUCH: • follow us on Instagram (
    They want a name on that bench
    July 7, 2020 (duration 59m)
    [from description] ...m 00s) • PART 2: Bayern do the double in Germany (03m 30s)  • PART 3: Barcelona ease the pressure as Griezmann shines (09m 00s) • PART 4: Juve close in on a 9th Serie A title in a row...
    [from itunes:summary] ...m 00s) • PART 2: Bayern do the double in Germany (03m 30s)  • PART 3: Barcelona ease the pressure as Griezmann shines (09m 00s) • PART 4: Juve close in on a 9th Serie A title in a row...
    [from content:encoded] ...m 00s) • PART 2: Bayern do the double in Germany (03m 30s)  • PART 3: Barcelona ease the pressure as Griezmann shines (09m 00s) • PART 4: Juve close in on a 9th Serie A title in a row...
    Airplanes in the belly
    April 30, 2020 (duration 1h9m)
    [from description] ...eview (20m 00s) • PART 4: 98/99 Champions League – that night in Barcelona (41m 00s) • PART 5: Daniel Storey v Julien Laurens in the Inter Totally Cup – part 2 (61m 30s)     GET IN TOU...
    [from itunes:summary] ...eview (20m 00s) • PART 4: 98/99 Champions League – that night in Barcelona (41m 00s) • PART 5: Daniel Storey v Julien Laurens in the Inter Totally Cup – part 2 (61m 30s)     GET IN TOU...
    [from content:encoded] ...eview (20m 00s) • PART 4: 98/99 Champions League – that night in Barcelona (41m 00s) • PART 5: Daniel Storey v Julien Laurens in the Inter Totally Cup – part 2 (61m 30s)     GET IN TOU...
    Qatar karma
    March 10, 2020 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] ...they will be staying there for a while as all sport is suspended until early April. Barcelona are back on top, while there’s an all Basque Copa Del Rey final to look forward to. Plus B...
    [from itunes:summary] ...they will be staying there for a while as all sport is suspended until early April. Barcelona are back on top, while there’s an all Basque Copa Del Rey final to look forward to. Plus B...
    [from content:encoded] ...they will be staying there for a while as all sport is suspended until early April. Barcelona are back on top, while there’s an all Basque Copa Del Rey final to look forward to. Plus B...
    I’m not the midfielder you’re looking for
    March 3, 2020 (duration 1h10m)
    [from description] Real Madrid win the Clasico, leading many to assume Barcelona – and Lionel Messi – are in decline. Lazio are top of Serie A but is the Italian season in...
    [from itunes:summary] Real Madrid win the Clasico, leading many to assume Barcelona – and Lionel Messi – are in decline. Lazio are top of Serie A but is the Italian season in...
    [from content:encoded] Real Madrid win the Clasico, leading many to assume Barcelona – and Lionel Messi – are in decline. Lazio are top of Serie A but is the Italian season in...
    Driving through the smoke
    February 27, 2020 (duration 1h9m)
    [from description] ...s) • PART 3: Chelsea 0-3 Bayern Munich (13m 00s) • PART 4a: Napoli 1-1 Barcelona with James Horncastle (23m 00s) • PART 4b: Lyon 1-0 Juventus (28m 00s) • PART 5: Carabao Cup final prev...
    [from itunes:summary] ...s) • PART 3: Chelsea 0-3 Bayern Munich (13m 00s) • PART 4a: Napoli 1-1 Barcelona with James Horncastle (23m 00s) • PART 4b: Lyon 1-0 Juventus (28m 00s) • PART 5: Carabao Cup final prev...
    [from content:encoded] ...s) • PART 3: Chelsea 0-3 Bayern Munich (13m 00s) • PART 4a: Napoli 1-1 Barcelona with James Horncastle (23m 00s) • PART 4b: Lyon 1-0 Juventus (28m 00s) • PART 5: Carabao Cup final prev...
    The most important of the least important things
    February 25, 2020 (duration 2h18m)
    [from description] ... Headlines from around Europe (01m 00s) • PART 2: Chelsea v Bayern & Napoli v Barcelona previews (04m 00s) • PART 3: Lyon v Juventus & Real Madrid v Man City previews (19m 00s) • PART ...
    [from itunes:summary] ... Headlines from around Europe (01m 00s) • PART 2: Chelsea v Bayern & Napoli v Barcelona previews (04m 00s) • PART 3: Lyon v Juventus & Real Madrid v Man City previews (19m 00s) • PART ...
    [from content:encoded] ...dlines from around Europe (01m 00s) • PART 2: Chelsea v Bayern & Napoli v Barcelona previews (04m 00s) • PART 3: Lyon v Juventus & Real Madrid v Man City previews (19m 00s) • P...
    When there is no structure, there’s chaos
    January 14, 2020 (duration 1h9m)
    [from description] Valverde is shown the door at Barcelona. Does the club’s courting of Xavi, Koeman and Pochettino show they don’t really know what ...
    [from itunes:summary] Valverde is shown the door at Barcelona. Does the club’s courting of Xavi, Koeman and Pochettino show they don’t really know what ...
    [from content:encoded] Valverde is shown the door at Barcelona. Does the club’s courting of Xavi, Koeman and Pochettino show they don’t really know what ...
    We’ll need a big stick against this wolf
    December 10, 2019 (duration 1h4m)
    [from description] ...1: Headlines from around Europe (01m 00s) • PART 2a: Inter Milan v Barcelona & Dortmund v Slavia Prague previews (05m 00s) • PART 2b: Napoli v Genk, Lyon v Leipzig, Ajax v Valencia and...
    [from itunes:summary] ...1: Headlines from around Europe (01m 00s) • PART 2a: Inter Milan v Barcelona & Dortmund v Slavia Prague previews (05m 00s) • PART 2b: Napoli v Genk, Lyon v Leipzig, Ajax v Valencia and...
    [from content:encoded] ...1: Headlines from around Europe (01m 00s) • PART 2a: Inter Milan v Barcelona & Dortmund v Slavia Prague previews (05m 00s) • PART 2b: Napoli v Genk, Lyon v Leipzig, Ajax v Valencia...
    The emotional piano
    November 26, 2019 (duration 1h1m)
    [from description] ...ning at the Bernabeu? Juventus host Atletico – but does Ronaldo hold Juve back? Barcelona take on Dortmund as Favre feels the heat. Inter Milan look to take advantage. Will they do so ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ning at the Bernabeu? Juventus host Atletico – but does Ronaldo hold Juve back? Barcelona take on Dortmund as Favre feels the heat. Inter Milan look to take advantage. Will they do so ...
    [from content:encoded] ...ning at the Bernabeu? Juventus host Atletico – but does Ronaldo hold Juve back? Barcelona take on Dortmund as Favre feels the heat. Inter Milan look to take advantage. Will they do so ...
    One Berti is already enough
    October 22, 2019 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ...f Ajax and Chelsea. Does Erik ten Hag still not get enough credit as a manager? Barcelona have overtaken Real Madrid at the top of La Liga but El Clasico is not happening this weekend....
    [from itunes:summary] ...f Ajax and Chelsea. Does Erik ten Hag still not get enough credit as a manager? Barcelona have overtaken Real Madrid at the top of La Liga but El Clasico is not happening this weekend....
    [from content:encoded] ...f Ajax and Chelsea. Does Erik ten Hag still not get enough credit as a manager? Barcelona have overtaken Real Madrid at the top of La Liga but El Clasico is not happening this weekend....
    This elephant was not for dying
    October 1, 2019 (duration 1h3m)
    [from description] ...ound Europe and examine a Champions League week headlined by Tottenham v Bayern and Barcelona v Inter. The panel look at the varying fortunes of Alexis, Coutinho, Costa and Sylvinho. P...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ound Europe and examine a Champions League week headlined by Tottenham v Bayern and Barcelona v Inter. The panel look at the varying fortunes of Alexis, Coutinho, Costa and Sylvinho. P...
    [from content:encoded] ...ound Europe and examine a Champions League week headlined by Tottenham v Bayern and Barcelona v Inter. The panel look at the varying fortunes of Alexis, Coutinho, Costa and Sylvinho. P...
    The Apple of football
    September 24, 2019 (duration 1h1m)
    [from description] ...aro Romeo, Julien Laurens and Raphael Honigstein dissect another huge weekend.   Barcelona lose to Tony Adams’s old club, part of their worst start for a quarter of a century. And ther...
    [from itunes:summary] ...aro Romeo, Julien Laurens and Raphael Honigstein dissect another huge weekend.   Barcelona lose to Tony Adams’s old club, part of their worst start for a quarter of a century. And ther...
    [from content:encoded] ...aro Romeo, Julien Laurens and Raphael Honigstein dissect another huge weekend.   Barcelona lose to Tony Adams’s old club, part of their worst start for a quarter of a century. And ther...
    An ideal farmhand
    March 14, 2019 (duration 1h5m)
    [from description] ... 00s)  • PART 1c: Juve 3 - 0 Atletico Madrid (14m 50s) • PART 2a: Barcelona 5 - 1 Lyon and the GOAT debate (18m 40s)  • PART 2b: City 7 - 0 Schalke (21m 30s) • PART 3a: ZZ returns ...
    [from itunes:summary] ... 00s)  • PART 1c: Juve 3 - 0 Atletico Madrid (14m 50s) • PART 2a: Barcelona 5 - 1 Lyon and the GOAT debate (18m 40s)  • PART 2b: City 7 - 0 Schalke (21m 30s) • PART 3a: ZZ returns ...
    [from content:encoded] ... 00s)  • PART 1c: Juve 3 - 0 Atletico Madrid (14m 50s) • PART 2a: Barcelona 5 - 1 Lyon and the GOAT debate (18m 40s)  • PART 2b: City 7 - 0 Schalke (21m 30s) • PART 3a: ZZ returns ...
    Yin and yang
    March 11, 2019 (duration 1h6m)
    [from description] ...igstein on Bayern v Liverpool and City v Schalke (09m 40s) • PART 2a: Barcelona v Lyon preview (16m 30s)  • PART 2b: Juve v Atletico Madrid preview (18m 30s) • PART 3: The battle fo...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...ack on a weekend of dodgy non-VAR goals and pitch invaders. Plus: Liverpool head to Bayern; Ranieri returns to Rome; and Dion Dublin days with Jason Statham RUNNING ORDER: ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...igstein on Bayern v Liverpool and City v Schalke (09m 40s) • PART 2a: Barcelona v Lyon preview (16m 30s)  • PART 2b: Juve v Atletico Madrid preview (18m 30s) • PART 3: The battle fo...
    A canary in the coal mine
    February 18, 2019 (duration 1h2m)
    [from description] ...nigstein (22m 30s)  • PART 2b: Atletico v Juve and Lyon v Barcelona, and another red card for Ramos (33m 50s) • PART 3a: Totally Live in Leeds and Liverpool news (41m 30s) • PART 3b...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...ompany to seek answers from the fifth round of the FA Cup and preview Liverpool v Bayern in the Champions League. Plus, another red card for Ramos; Arse...
    [from itunes:summary] ...nigstein (22m 30s)  • PART 2b: Atletico v Juve and Lyon v Barcelona, and another red card for Ramos (33m 50s) • PART 3a: Totally Live in Leeds and Liverpool news (41m 30s) • PART 3b...
    Lupfen jetzt, Ricken: Der BVB sortiert seine Führung neu - und der HSV wird wieder zum Dino
    April 22, 2024 (duration 15m)
    [from description] ...raschung gibt. Außerdem: Der FC Bayern sucht weitere einer Trainer und der FC Barcelona ärgert sich über die fehlende Torlinien-Technik im Clasico.
    [from content:encoded] ...hung gibt. Außerdem: Der FC Bayern sucht weitere einer Trainer und der FC Barcelona ärgert sich über die fehlende Torlinien-Technik im Clasico.
    [from itunes:summary] ...raschung gibt. Außerdem: Der FC Bayern sucht weitere einer Trainer und der FC Barcelona ärgert sich über die fehlende Torlinien-Technik im Clasico.
    Champions League review: Xavi sees red, Kimmich scores with his head, Dortmund's dream not yet dead!
    April 18, 2024 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] ... games! How big of a real did Araujo's red card play in PSG's eventual victory over Barcelona? What went wrong for an unusually wide open Atletico in their loss to Dortmund? How have R...
    [from itunes:summary] ... games! How big of a real did Araujo's red card play in PSG's eventual victory over Barcelona? What went wrong for an unusually wide open Atletico in their loss to Dortmund? How have R...
    [from content:encoded] ... games! How big of a real did Araujo's red card play in PSG's eventual victory over Barcelona? What went wrong for an unusually wide open Atletico in their loss to Dortmund? How have R...
    The Big Thing: taking a longer look at the impending managerial carousel
    April 5, 2024 (duration 1h11m)
    [from description] What a strange offseason it's about to be! Liverpool, Bayern Munich, and theoretically Barcelona are all expected to be without managers at the end of the season, and multiple other clubs...
    [from itunes:summary] What a strange offseason it's about to be! Liverpool, Bayern Munich, and theoretically Barcelona are all expected to be without managers at the end of the season, and multiple other clubs...
    [from content:encoded] What a strange offseason it's about to be! Liverpool, Bayern Munich, and theoretically Barcelona are all expected to be without managers at the end of the season, and multiple other clubs...
    Champions League Review! Chaos in Bayern’s win over Manchester United, Barcelona look legit, PSG stabilize, and more
    September 21, 2023 (duration 1h1m)
    [from title] Champions League Review! Chaos in Bayern’s win over Manchester United, Barcelona look legit, PSG stabilize, and more
    [from description] ...oup, we chat about Bayern Munich's win over Manchester United (what a weird game!), Barcelona looking strong, a goalkeeper goal, Yunus Musah's performance against Newcastle, and so muc...
    [from itunes:summary] ...oup, we chat about Bayern Munich's win over Manchester United (what a weird game!), Barcelona looking strong, a goalkeeper goal, Yunus Musah's performance against Newcastle, and so muc...
    Weekend Review: Brighton ball while Man United fall, Bayern's defensive vulnerabilities, Milan's Derby destruction, and much more!
    September 18, 2023 (duration 1h16m)
    [from title] Weekend Review: Brighton ball while Man United fall, Bayern's defensive vulnerabilities, Milan's Derby destruction, and much more!
    [from description] ...2-2 draw with Leverkusen, Inter running rampant in the Milan Derby, Real Madrid and Barcelona keep on winning, and Zlatan Ibrahimovic would like to invite you to a party at the moon to...
    [from itunes:title] Weekend Review: Brighton ball while Man United fall, Bayern's defensive vulnerabilities, Milan's Derby destruction, and much more!
    Midweek Review! Frank Lampard is the new Chelsea manager, Real Madrid cruise past Barcelona, Tuchel’s Bayern fall, and more
    April 6, 2023 (duration 55m)
    [from title] Midweek Review! Frank Lampard is the new Chelsea manager, Real Madrid cruise past Barcelona, Tuchel’s Bayern fall, and more
    [from itunes:title] Midweek Review! Frank Lampard is the new Chelsea manager, Real Madrid cruise past Barcelona, Tuchel’s Bayern fall, and more
    Weekend Review! Liverpool's triumph over Everton-housery, Bayern win another title & Man Utd are still not good!
    April 25, 2022 (duration 1h6m)
    [from title] Weekend Review! Liverpool's triumph over Everton-housery, Bayern win another title & Man Utd are still not good!
    [from itunes:title] Weekend Review! Liverpool's triumph over Everton-housery, Bayern win another title & Man Utd are still not good!
    Weekend Review! Senegal take AFCON glory, Milan heat up the title race & Barcelona are (sort of) back!
    February 7, 2022 (duration 1h15m)
    [from description] opened up a comfortable lead in the Bundesliga at the expense of RB Leipzig, and Barcelona are back! Kind of! Sponsors! Today's episode is brought to you by... DIRECTV! DIRECTV STRE...
    [from itunes:summary] opened up a comfortable lead in the Bundesliga at the expense of RB Leipzig, and Barcelona are back! Kind of! Sponsors! Today's episode is brought to you by... DIRECTV! DIRECTV STRE...
    [from content:encoded] opened up a comfortable lead in the Bundesliga at the expense of RB Leipzig, and Barcelona are back! Kind of!Sponsors!Today's episode is brought to you by...DIRECTV! DIRECTV STREAM ...
    Liverpool, Bayern, and Ajax are flying, Barca end up in the Europa League, record USMNT participation, and more from the Champions League group stage
    December 9, 2021 (duration 1h10m)
    [from title] Liverpool, Bayern, and Ajax are flying, Barca end up in the Europa League, record USMNT participation, and more...
    [from description] ...’s on to Groups D through F to heap praise on Bayern, collectively sigh at Barcelona, and question Real Madrid and Inter. Finally, in the third segment, we talk through the American-fi...
    [from itunes:title] Liverpool, Bayern, and Ajax are flying, Barca end up in the Europa League, record USMNT participation, and more...
    Americans Abroad Round-Up! Reyna in a new role for BVB, Scally starts vs. Bayern Munich, Konrad helps create a goal for Marseille, and much more
    August 17, 2021 (duration 1h4m)
    [from title] Americans Abroad Round-Up! Reyna in a new role for BVB, Scally starts vs. Bayern Munich, Konrad helps create a goal for Marseille, and much more
    [from description] in their 1-1 draw with Bayern Munich on Friday 2) Sergiño Dest started for Barcelona in their 4-2 win over Real Sociedad on Sunday  3) Gio Reyna started and scored for Borussia Dort...
    [from itunes:title] Americans Abroad Round-Up! Reyna in a new role for BVB, Scally starts vs. Bayern Munich, Konrad helps create a goal for Marseille, and much more
    Weekend Review! Chelsea win Champions League Final dress rehearsal & La Liga's title race rages on!
    May 10, 2021 (duration 1h8m)
    [from description] turn when Sergio Aguero decided to do his Ademola Lookman penalty tribute. -Barcelona vs. Atletico Madrid: A vital game in the Liga title race ended in a stalemate, in which Leo Me...
    [from itunes:summary] turn when Sergio Aguero decided to do his Ademola Lookman penalty tribute. -Barcelona vs. Atletico Madrid: A vital game in the Liga title race ended in a stalemate, in which Leo Me...
    [from content:encoded] turn when Sergio Aguero decided to do his Ademola Lookman penalty tribute.-Barcelona vs. Atletico Madrid: A vital game in the Liga title race ended in a stalemate, in which Leo Me...
    Americans Abroad Round-Up: Brenden Aaronson shines for Salzburg, Daryl Dike bags a brace, Tyler Adams starts against Bayern, and much more
    April 6, 2021 (duration 59m)
    [from title] ...n Aaronson shines for Salzburg, Daryl Dike bags a brace, Tyler Adams starts against Bayern, and much more
    [from description] ... that we covered on the show: 1) Brenden Aaronson, RB Salzburg 2) Sergiño Dest, FC Barcelona 3) Daryl Dike, Barnsley 4) Tim Weah, Lille 5) Mark McKenzie, Genk 6) Tyler Adams, RB Leipzi...
    [from itunes:title] ...n Aaronson shines for Salzburg, Daryl Dike bags a brace, Tyler Adams starts against Bayern, and much more
    End of Year Awards! Praise for Bielsa, Bayern and Rashford, commiserations to Barcelona!
    December 30, 2020 (duration 1h25m)
    [from title] End of Year Awards! Praise for Bielsa, Bayern and Rashford, commiserations to Barcelona!
    [from itunes:title] End of Year Awards! Praise for Bielsa, Bayern and Rashford, commiserations to Barcelona!
    Weekend Review: Tottenham take North London, Barcelona take a beating and Bayern Munich meet their match!
    December 7, 2020 (duration 1h14m)
    [from title] Weekend Review: Tottenham take North London, Barcelona take a beating and Bayern Munich meet their match!
    [from description] ...owed Leipzig to stay within a sniff of title contention! 57.45 - Cadiz vs. Barcelona: The Catalans slumped to their fourth league defeat of the season against a highly impressive Cadiz...
    [from itunes:title] Weekend Review: Tottenham take North London, Barcelona take a beating and Bayern Munich meet their match!
    Will Messi leave Barcelona? Champions League semi-final previews, Mewis and Lavelle to Man City
    August 18, 2020 (duration 1h20m)
    [from description] First up, we talk Messi's rumored Barcelona exit. Where did this story start? Where might he go? Is he actually going to leave? And wh...
    [from itunes:summary] First up, we talk Messi's rumored Barcelona exit. Where did this story start? Where might he go? Is he actually going to leave? And wh...
    [from content:encoded] First up, we talk Messi's rumored Barcelona exit. Where did this story start? Where might he go? Is he actually going to leave? And wh...
    How Bayern Munich smashed Barcelona, and what happens next for Messi and Co
    August 15, 2020 (duration 1h11m)
    [from title] How Bayern Munich smashed Barcelona, and what happens next for Messi and Co
    [from description] We review Bayern Munich's comprehensive victory over Barcelona in the Champions League quarterfinals. When did it go from being an open game to being a s...
    [from itunes:title] How Bayern Munich smashed Barcelona, and what happens next for Messi and Co
    Discussing the most exciting individual match-ups in the Champions League quarterfinals w/ Sam Tighe
    August 11, 2020 (duration 1h12m)
    [from description] ...ncing to the next round. Plus, is Atalanta maybe the favorite versus PSG, is Bayern-Barcelona as one-sided as it seems, and specific examples of how Diego Simeone might be the most int...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ncing to the next round. Plus, is Atalanta maybe the favorite versus PSG, is Bayern-Barcelona as one-sided as it seems, and specific examples of how Diego Simeone might be the most int...
    [from content:encoded] ...ncing to the next round. Plus, is Atalanta maybe the favorite versus PSG, is Bayern-Barcelona as one-sided as it seems, and specific examples of how Diego Simeone might be the most int...
    Weekend Review w/ Ryan Bailey: most exciting English players, Lewandowski for the Ballon d'Or, and Barcelona's new look
    July 7, 2020 (duration 1h0m)
    [from description] ... code TSS20 for 20% off pus free shipping at 43:12 - Villarreal v Barcelona: a new formation should have Barca fans feelings better 53:08 - Serie A round-up, featuring Mi...
    [from itunes:summary] ... code TSS20 for 20% off pus free shipping at 43:12 - Villarreal v Barcelona: a new formation should have Barca fans feelings better 53:08 - Serie A round-up, featuring Mi...
    [from content:encoded] ...e code TSS20 for 20% off pus free shipping at Manscaped.com43:12 - Villarreal v Barcelona: a new formation should have Barca fans feelings better53:08 - Serie A round-up, featuring Mil...
    Weekend Review w/ Ryan Bailey: Barcelona and Real Madrid are back to their winning ways while Bayern Munich inches closer to the title
    June 15, 2020 (duration 1h5m)
    [from title] Weekend Review w/ Ryan Bailey: Barcelona and Real Madrid are back to their winning ways while Bayern Munich inches closer to the title
    [from description] ...s sponsored by Fubo! Go to Fubo.TV/TSS today and start your free 7 day trial 4:48 - Barcelona v Mallorca 14:50 - Athletic Bilbao v Atletico Madrid 21:07 - Today's show is sponsored by ...
    [from itunes:title] Weekend Review w/ Ryan Bailey: Barcelona and Real Madrid are back to their winning ways while Bayern Munich inches closer to the title
    The 2020 TSS Draw to Settle It All: who will be crowned the greatest club team of all time?
    April 22, 2020 (duration 32m)
    [from description] ... 1978-1980  Liverpool 81-84 Napoli 85-90 Steau Bucharest 86-90  Milan 88-90 Barcelona 1992 Ajax 1995-96 DC United 1996 Juventus 1995-1998 Man Utd 1999-2001 Boca Juniors 2000-...
    [from itunes:summary] ... 1978-1980  Liverpool 81-84 Napoli 85-90 Steau Bucharest 86-90  Milan 88-90 Barcelona 1992 Ajax 1995-96 DC United 1996 Juventus 1995-1998 Man Utd 1999-2001 Boca Juniors 2000-...
    [from content:encoded] ...orest 1978-1980  Liverpool 81-84 Napoli 85-90 Steau Bucharest 86-90  Milan 88-90 Barcelona 1992 Ajax 1995-96 DC United 1996 Juventus 1995-1998 Man Utd 1999-2001 Boca Juniors 2000-2003 ...
    Chelsea v Bayern and Napoli v Barcelona review, with Alexis Guerreros and Bobby Warshaw
    February 26, 2020 (duration 40m)
    [from title] Chelsea v Bayern and Napoli v Barcelona review, with Alexis Guerreros and Bobby Warshaw
    [from description] ...uesday's Champions League action. Chelsea vs Bayern is up first, with the Napoli vs Barcelona review starting at the 26:30 mark. If you somehow haven't heard of Bobby Warshaw, he's the...
    [from itunes:title] Chelsea v Bayern and Napoli v Barcelona review, with Alexis Guerreros and Bobby Warshaw
    UEFA Champions League Round of 16 in-depth previews: Chelsea v Bayern Munich, Napoli v Barcelona, Lyon v Juventus, Real Madrid v Man City
    February 21, 2020 (duration 1h16m)
    [from title] UEFA Champions League Round of 16 in-depth previews: Chelsea v Bayern Munich, Napoli v Barcelona, Lyon v Juventus, Real Madrid v Man City
    [from description] tactics, key players, and important matchups. Chelsea v Bayern Munich Napoli v Barcelona Lyon v Juventus Real Madrid v Man City Today's show is sponsored by Policy Genius! Get ...
    [from itunes:title] UEFA Champions League Round of 16 in-depth previews: Chelsea v Bayern Munich, Napoli v Barcelona, Lyon v Juventus, Real Madrid v Man City
    Zlatan scores but Inter shine in the Milan Derby, plus Adams v Davies in the Bundesliga, Barcelona battle past Betis, and the USWNT emerge victorious in Olympic qualifying
    February 10, 2020 (duration 1h40m)
    [from description] ...als" finally comes back to bite them in the league... again. 51:04 - Real Betis v Barcelona: is Quique Setien turning things around? Our answer is "... it seems like it... maybe?" 1:07...
    [from itunes:summary] ...als" finally comes back to bite them in the league... again. 51:04 - Real Betis v Barcelona: is Quique Setien turning things around? Our answer is "... it seems like it... maybe?" 1:07...
    [from content:encoded] ...oals" finally comes back to bite them in the league... again.51:04 - Real Betis v Barcelona: is Quique Setien turning things around? Our answer is "... it seems like it... maybe?"1:07:...
    Weekend Review: Barcelona drop points but not possession stats, Bayern Munich crush Schalke, and Gattuso screams Napoli past Juventus
    January 27, 2020 (duration 1h2m)
    [from title] Weekend Review: Barcelona drop points but not possession stats, Bayern Munich crush Schalke, and Gattuso screams Nap...
    [from description] ...14 - Bayern Munich v Schalke AKA The Return of the Muller Hello! 23:35 - Valencia v Barcelona: should Barca fans be nervous or is Quique Setien moving things in the right direction? Pl...
    [from itunes:title] Weekend Review: Barcelona drop points but not possession stats, Bayern Munich crush Schalke, and Gattuso screams Nap...
    Chicharito to the LA Galaxy, Gio Reyna's Bundesliga debut, agents threaten to sue FIFA, and other news you might have missed
    January 24, 2020 (duration 1h9m)
    [from description] ...o sue FIFA 47:50 — Antonee Robinson to Milan rumor 53:20 — Barcelona hire Quique Setien 58:25 — Paxton Pomykal leaves USMNT January camp, Ulysses Llanez stays 1:02:02 — Inter sign Ashl...
    [from itunes:summary] ...o sue FIFA 47:50 — Antonee Robinson to Milan rumor 53:20 — Barcelona hire Quique Setien 58:25 — Paxton Pomykal leaves USMNT January camp, Ulysses Llanez stays 1:02:02 — Inter sign Ashl...
    [from content:encoded] ... to sue FIFA47:50 — Antonee Robinson to Milan rumor53:20 — Barcelona hire Quique Setien58:25 — Paxton Pomykal leaves USMNT January camp, Ulysses Llanez stays1:02:02 — Inter sign Ashley...
    10 players we'd sign in the January transfer window, plus: McBride named USMNT GM
    January 13, 2020 (duration 54m)
    [from description] ...where we think they could go. Strikers and rightbacks for Spurs, a striker for Barcelona, defensive mids for Everton, strikers for Newcastle and Villa,  defenders for Arsenal, Bayern M...
    [from itunes:summary] ...where we think they could go. Strikers and rightbacks for Spurs, a striker for Barcelona, defensive mids for Everton, strikers for Newcastle and Villa,  defenders for Arsenal, Bayern M...
    [from content:encoded] ...where we think they could go. Strikers and rightbacks for Spurs, a striker for Barcelona, defensive mids for Everton, strikers for Newcastle and Villa,  defenders for Arsenal, Bayern M...
    Weekend Review w/ Ryan Bailey: Champions League knockout round draw, plus trouble ahead for Chelsea and Arsenal while a different Real than usual trips up Barcelona
    December 16, 2019 (duration 56m)
    [from description] ...tGeek! Use code TSS for $10 off your first ticket purchase 24:02 - Real Sociedad v Barcelona 34:06 - Fiorentina v Inter Milan 37:58 - Today's show is sponsored by Policy Genius! Go ...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...atGeek! Use code TSS for $10 off your first ticket purchase 24:02 - Real Sociedad v Barcelona 34:06 - Fiorentina v Inter Milan 37:58 - Today's show is sponsored by Policy Genius! Go to...
    [from itunes:summary] ...tGeek! Use code TSS for $10 off your first ticket purchase 24:02 - Real Sociedad v Barcelona 34:06 - Fiorentina v Inter Milan 37:58 - Today's show is sponsored by Policy Genius! Go ...
    Weekend Review w/ Ryan Bailey: Manchester United paint the town red, Gladbach have Bayern feeling defeated, and it's a 3 horse race in Serie A
    December 10, 2019 (duration 1h10m)
    [from title] Weekend Review w/ Ryan Bailey: Manchester United paint the town red, Gladbach have Bayern feeling defeated, and it's a 3 horse race in Serie A
    [from description] texting TSS to 500-500 44:36 - Serie A updates, plus Lazio v Juventus 52:40 - Barcelona v Mallorca 58:28 - Russia doping scandal and the potential impact for their soccer future ...
    Weekend Review w/ Ryan Bailey: City stumble again, Liverpool win again, and Messi scores a winner... again
    December 2, 2019 (duration 59m)
    [from description] ...p:// Bayern Munich v Bayer Leverkusen Atletico Madrid v Barcelona The Euro 2020 draw is complete: who is happiest and who is going to be nervous? L...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...ttp:// Bayern Munich v Bayer Leverkusen Atletico Madrid v Barcelona The Euro 2020 draw is complete: who is happiest and who is going to be nervous?
    [from itunes:summary] ...p:// Bayern Munich v Bayer Leverkusen Atletico Madrid v Barcelona The Euro 2020 draw is complete: who is happiest and who is going to be nervous? L...
    Weekend Review w/ Ryan Bailey: Norwich down City, Chelsea thump Wolves, and Messi smiles on the sidelines
    September 16, 2019 (duration 1h1m)
    [from description] to get 50% off a membership 38:49 - Tottenham v Crystal Palace 47:00 - Barcelona v Valencia 52:58 - RB Leipzig v Bayern Munich 57:17 - Philadelphia Union v LAFC Le...
    [from itunes:subtitle] to get 50% off a membership 38:49 - Tottenham v Crystal Palace 47:00 - Barcelona v Valencia 52:58 - RB Leipzig v Bayern Munich 57:17 - Philadelphia Union v LAFC
    [from itunes:summary] to get 50% off a membership 38:49 - Tottenham v Crystal Palace 47:00 - Barcelona v Valencia 52:58 - RB Leipzig v Bayern Munich 57:17 - Philadelphia Union v LAFC Le...
    Weekend Review! Real Madrid on top, Barcelona and Bayern stumble, and Man City get Var-ed
    August 19, 2019 (duration 1h5m)
    [from title] Weekend Review! Real Madrid on top, Barcelona and Bayern stumble, and Man City get Var-ed
    [from description] ...end, including the start of the La Liga season, plus PSG dropping points in France, Bayern dropping points in Germany, Newcastle dropping points all over the place! There's VAR to be y...
    Weekend Review: City destroy Watford (and financial fair play), plus The Sad Saga of Gareth Bale, impending managerial merry-go-round, and Lyon wins another UEFA Women's Champions League
    May 20, 2019 (duration 59m)
    [from description] ...been), Bayern Munich finally claim Bundesliga honors (yet again), and Lyon trounces Barcelona to win the Women's Champions League (yet again). Plus, what might happen to some big name...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...been), Bayern Munich finally claim Bundesliga honors (yet again), and Lyon trounces Barcelona to win the Women's Champions League (yet again). Plus, what might happen to some big name ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...been), Bayern Munich finally claim Bundesliga honors (yet again), and Lyon trounces Barcelona to win the Women's Champions League (yet again). Plus, what might happen to some big name...
    Chelsea battle Barcelona, Bayern bash Besiktas, Wigan shock Man City
    February 21, 2018 (duration 41m)
    [from title] Chelsea battle Barcelona, Bayern bash Besiktas, Wigan shock Man City
    [from description] We review Chelsea vs Barcelona, give a quick nod to Bayern's destruction of Besiktas, and look back at Wigan's win over M...
    Champions League review: Neymar, Mbappe, Ancelotti and more
    September 28, 2017 (duration 52m)
    [from description] ...elotti was getting sacked in the morning. Chelsea's last minute composure paid off, Barcelona continued their own-goal streak, and FC Basel's Dimitri Oberlin had the best defensive hea...
    [from content:encoded] ...elotti was getting sacked in the morning. Chelsea's last minute composure paid off, Barcelona continued their own-goal streak, and FC Basel's Dimitri Oberlin had the best defensive hea...
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...elotti was getting sacked in the morning. Chelsea's last minute composure paid off, Barcelona continued their own-goal streak,...
    Man United v Chelsea Review, Champions League Preview, and Domestic Soccer Updates
    April 17, 2017 (duration 57m)
    [from description] against Leicester? How aggressive will Bayern need to be against Real Madrid? Do Barcelona have a chance to pull off another miracle? How much will Pulisic play for Dortmund against...
    [from content:encoded] against Leicester? How aggressive will Bayern need to be against Real Madrid? Do Barcelona have a chance to pull off another miracle? How much will Pulisic play for Dortmund against...
    [from itunes:summary] against Leicester? How aggressive will Bayern need to be against Real Madrid? Do Barcelona have a chance to pull off another miracle? How much will Pulisic play for Dortmund against...
    UEFA Champions League quarterfinals: specific predictions and previews
    April 11, 2017 (duration 49m)
    [from description] ...rfinal games, making specific predictions for all eight teams. 4:10 — Juventus v Barcelona 13:18 — Borussia Dortmund v Monaco 19:34 — Today's show is sponsored by Ruffneck Scarves and ...
    [from content:encoded] ...rfinal games, making specific predictions for all eight teams. 4:10 — Juventus v Barcelona 13:18 — Borussia Dortmund v Monaco 19:34 — Today's show is sponsored by Ruffneck Scarves and ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...rfinal games, making specific predictions for all eight teams. 4:10 — Juventus v Barcelona 13:18 — Borussia Dortmund v Monaco 19:34 — Today's show is sponsored by Ruffneck Scarves a...
    Listener questions: Greatest teams of all time, promotion/relegation, how to choose your team
    February 24, 2017 (duration 44m)
    [from description] ...:04 — Can European B teams be promoted (e.g. Jong Ajax, Bayern Munich II, Barcelona B)? 32:05 — What club team should I follow? 39:10 — Kelly Acosta update! Join the TSS Scouting Netwo...
    [from content:encoded] ...:04 — Can European B teams be promoted (e.g. Jong Ajax, Bayern Munich II, Barcelona B)? 32:05 — What club team should I follow? 39:10 — Kelly Acosta update! Join the TSS Scouting Netwo...
    [from itunes:summary] ...25:04 — Can European B teams be promoted (e.g. Jong Ajax, Bayern Munich II, Barcelona B)? 32:05 — What club team should I follow? 39:10 — Kelly Acosta update! Join the TSS Scouting ...
    Champions League Review: Bayern v Arsenal and PSG v Barcelona
    February 16, 2017 (duration 52m)
    [from title] Champions League Review: Bayern v Arsenal and PSG v Barcelona
    [from description] "TSS" in the settings for a $20 rebate. 33:34 - Recapping PSG's 4-0 defeat of Barcelona: just what did the Parisians do to get things so right? 45:24 - Updating the TSS Scouting Network.
    Why Premier League Teams Struggle in the Champions League and How Certain Clubs Got Their Colors
    October 22, 2016 (duration 47m)
    [from description] ...ow... 0:00 - Spending the minimum amount of time possible discussing the Pulisic-to-Barcelona rumors. 2:24 - Why do English clubs struggle in the Champions League while Barcelona and t...
    [from content:encoded] ...ow... 0:00 - Spending the minimum amount of time possible discussing the Pulisic-to-Barcelona rumors. 2:24 - Why do English clubs struggle in the Champions League while Barcelona and t...
    [from itunes:summary] ...w... 0:00 - Spending the minimum amount of time possible discussing the Pulisic-to-Barcelona rumors. 2:24 - Why do English clubs struggle in the Champions League while Barcelona and ...
    April 17, 2024 (duration 53m)
    [from description] Barcelona may have lost the tie last night but have they won the war to become the Champions League'...
    [from itunes:summary] Barcelona may have lost the tie last night but have they won the war to become the Champions League'...
    On The Continent: Serie A’s Champions League contenders
    April 27, 2023 (duration 54m)
    [from description] ...entially now a 5 game season and why do things feel slightly underwhelming at Barcelona despite their huge lead at the top of La Liga?Got a question for us? Find us on Twitter, Instagr...
    [from itunes:summary] ...entially now a 5 game season and why do things feel slightly underwhelming at Barcelona despite their huge lead at the top of La Liga?Got a question for us? Find us on Twitter, Instagr...
    On The Continent: A first trophy for Xavi, but is it a new era for Barcelona?
    January 19, 2023 (duration 45m)
    [from description] ...Europe – the secret is all in the midfield and one former Fulham man…Elsewhere, Barcelona’s young guns prove why they can edge Real Madrid’s trophy juggernauts in the title race, even ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...Europe – the secret is all in the midfield and one former Fulham man…Elsewhere, Barcelona’s young guns prove why they can edge Real Madrid’s trophy juggernauts in the title race, even ...
    On The Continent: Inside Number Nine
    October 27, 2022 (duration 46m)
    [from description] ...e more Europa Mopers after the Champions League claimed its biggest victims so far. Barcelona, Juventus and Atlético Madrid are now officially out, so we assess the states of play at t...
    [from itunes:summary] ...e more Europa Mopers after the Champions League claimed its biggest victims so far. Barcelona, Juventus and Atlético Madrid are now officially out, so we assess the states of play at t...
    On The Continent: Crashing on Marseille’s sofa for a night
    August 4, 2022 (duration 55m)
    [from description] ...el Messi has impressed in pre-season, but is that driven by a desire to return to Barcelona? We also check in on Bayern – can the chasing pack capitalise on their reshuffle behind the ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...el Messi has impressed in pre-season, but is that driven by a desire to return to Barcelona? We also check in on Bayern – can the chasing pack capitalise on their reshuffle behind the ...
    Smouldering Champions League embers
    September 15, 2021 (duration 44m)
    [from itunes:summary] ...over a solid victory for Chelsea and an absolute cakewalk for Bayern Munich over in Barcelona. Demba Ba also announces his retirement and we finally come up with a name for our new Ago...
    [from description] ...over a solid victory for Chelsea and an absolute cakewalk for Bayern Munich over in Barcelona. Demba Ba also announces his retirement and we finally come up with a name for our new Ago...
    The unstoppable Bayern machine, Gerard Piqué’s London calling, and the new Lionesses head coach
    August 20, 2020 (duration 48m)
    [from title] The unstoppable Bayern machine, Gerard Piqué’s London calling, and the new Lionesses head coach
    [from acast:episodeurl] theunstoppablebayernmachine-gerardpique-slondoncalling-andthenewlionessesheadcoach
    Manchester United rue missed chances, Pep Guardiola does it again, and Barcelona crumble
    August 17, 2020 (duration 49m)
    [from itunes:subtitle] ...ome outrageous matches this weekend, which saw both Manchester sides eliminated and Barcelona reduced to rubble by a brutal Bayern Munich.  Marcus, Pete and Jim are here to get ...
    [from itunes:summary] ...ome outrageous matches this weekend, which saw both Manchester sides eliminated and Barcelona reduced to rubble by a brutal Bayern Munich.  Marcus, Pete and Jim are here to get ...
    [from description] ...ome outrageous matches this weekend, which saw both Manchester sides eliminated and Barcelona reduced to rubble by a brutal Bayern Munich. Marcus, Pete and Jim are here to get int...
    On The Continent: More Sarriball struggles, Guardiola bests Real, and Galatasaray get one over Fenerbahçe
    February 27, 2020 (duration 50m)
    [from itunes:summary] ...rn Munich coach Hansi Flick, wonder what’s going on between Lionel Messi and Barcelona, and recount some truly mental scenes from Galatasaray’s win at Fenerbahçe - their first in 20 ye...
    [from description] ...rn Munich coach Hansi Flick, wonder what’s going on between Lionel Messi and Barcelona, and recount some truly mental scenes from Galatasaray’s win at Fenerbahçe - their first in 20 ye...
    On The Continent: Catalunyan protests spiral, Ranieri's Italian revival, and Allegri's potential arrival
    October 17, 2019 (duration 53m)
    [from itunes:summary] ...d we begin with the troubles in Catalunya. We discuss the protests that have caused Barcelona to change their travel plans for their upcoming trip to Eibar, as well the possibility of ...
    [from description] ...d we begin with the troubles in Catalunya. We discuss the protests that have caused Barcelona to change their travel plans for their upcoming trip to Eibar, as well the possibility of ...
    On The Continent: The international break, furious Fiorentina fans, and Lionel Messi's loose lips
    September 12, 2019 (duration 53m)
    [from itunes:summary] ...ent Sport interview where he noted he may well move on to pastures new should Barcelona not win more trophies, as well as assessing his club’s start to the season. Elsewhere we take ...
    [from description] ...ent Sport interview where he noted he may well move on to pastures new should Barcelona not win more trophies, as well as assessing his club’s start to the season.Elsewhere we take a l...
    On The Continent: Away We Go!
    August 23, 2017 (duration 51m)
    [from itunes:summary] ...mifications of Neymar's move to PSG and what it means for an increasingly shambolic Barcelona. They also take the time to look at the latest developments in Milan, Bayern Munich's ne...
    [from description] ...mifications of Neymar's move to PSG and what it means for an increasingly shambolic Barcelona. They also take the time to look at the latest developments in Milan, Bayern Munich's ne...
    #7 Goldener Herbst
    April 17, 2024 (duration 48m)
    [from description] ...riere: Dem Gewinn des Triples mit den Bayern. Bis zu jener Nacht in Barcelona...+++Exklusiver NordVPN Deal --> Mit der 30-Tage-Geld-zurück-Garantie von N...
    [from itunes:summary] ...riere: Dem Gewinn des Triples mit den Bayern. Bis zu jener Nacht in Barcelona... +++ Exklusiver NordVPN Deal --> Mit der 30-Tage-Geld-zurück-Garantie v...
    [from content:encoded] ...riere: Dem Gewinn des Triples mit den Bayern. Bis zu jener Nacht in Barcelona...+++Exklusiver NordVPN Deal --> Mit der 30-Tage-Geld-zurück-Garantie von N...
    #14 Vater Teresa am Kühlregal
    June 2, 2021 (duration 1h55m)
    [from description] ...- Wolfsburg 09.04.09: Premiere, Fritz von Thurn von Taxis, Barcelona - Bayern 08.12.09: Sky, Marcel Reif, Juve - Bayern 24.03.10: ARD, Gerd Gottlob, Schalke - Bayern 07.04.10: Sat 1, W...
    [from itunes:summary] ...olfsburg 09.04.09: Premiere, Fritz von Thurn von Taxis, Barcelona - Bayern 08.12.09: Sky, Marcel Reif, Juve - Bayern 24.03.10: ARD, Gerd Gottlob, Schalke - Bayern 07.04.10: Sat...
    [from content:encoded] ...- Wolfsburg 09.04.09: Premiere, Fritz von Thurn von Taxis, Barcelona - Bayern 08.12.09: Sky, Marcel Reif, Juve - Bayern 24.03.10: ARD, Gerd Gottlob, Schalke - Bayern 07.04.10: Sat 1, W...
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