The Morning Ritual

For centuries, rituals have been used to bring order and clarity to daily activity. The Morning Ritual is a meditation podcast intended to do just that. Each episode includes a centering meditation to bring more ease, balance, and joy into your mornings, and ultimately into your lives. Please note, you don’t have to be a morning person or a meditator! This podcast is for all. Rate, review & most importantly, enjoy! Let's connect! Don't be shy, please reach out on: Instagram: @_themorningritual


episode 31: Metta Meditation

In metta meditation, we direct lovingkindness toward ourselves and then expand that compassion outwards to include our loved ones and ultimately all beings everywhere. Start your week off with this refreshing medi and be sure to rate, review, or share...


 November 30, 2020  9m

episode 32: From the Heart with Sonja Rzepski

Sonja takes us through a heart-centered meditation and goes on to explore a key element of love...showing up. Showing up for one another, for our work, and to ourselves. We hope this meditation brings you more peace and connection during these...


 December 4, 2020  19m

episode 33: Trusting your Innate Resilience with Kristin Moshonas

Kristin guides us through a journey back to the body and reminds us of our innate wisdom and our built-in resilience. A much-needed meditation as we say farewell to a challenging year.  She also shares her go-to trick for grounding and centering....


 December 10, 2020  20m